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Randox Gastrointestinal Biochip Arrays

Non-Invasive Diagnosis & Stratification of Gastrointestinal Patients

Non-Invasive Diagnosis & Stratification of Gastrointestinal Patients

CE Marked

  • Comprehensive Method
    An easy and comprehensive method for assessing gastric health and individuals at risk of gastric cancer
  • Simultaneous Detection
    Simultaneously detects three stomach targets in conjunction with H. pylori for efficient screening of at risk patients
  • Endoscopy
    Non-invasive method eliminates the need for unnecessary endoscopies and associated burden on healthcare systems
  • Early Intervention
    Enables early intervention and treatment plan implementation for gastric disorders
  • Biochip
    The multiplexing power of Biochip technology provides a rapid, cost effective solution compared to traditional methods
  • Emergency Room
    Screening will improve efficiency of triage in emergency rooms as in many instances abdominal pain is mistaken for chest pain

Dyspepsia affects up to 40% of the general population and defines a group of symptoms associated with upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract diseases.  If left untreated, patients may develop atrophic gastritis which is the highest independent risk factor for distal non-cardia Gastric Cancer.  Early identification and treatment could therefore help to prevent unnecessary and invasive endoscopies and ultimately reduce the risk of gastric cancer.

Randox offer two arrays for the accurate diagnosis and stratification of gastrointestinal patients.

The Randox Helicobacter Pylori Assay quantitatively measures levels of H. pylori IgG.

The Randox GastroPanel Array simultaneously and quantitatively measures three key gastric analytes: pepsinogen I, pepsinogen II and gastrin 17.


Biomarkers Tested

  • H. Pylori IgG
  • Pepsinogen I
  • Pepsinogen II
  • Gastrin 17

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium known to be a major cause of Dyspepsia. If left untreated H. pylori infections can lead to atrophic gastritis which in turn is a risk factor for Gastric Cancer.  H. pylori infections are very common, with as many as half of the world’s population infected.

A precursor of pepsin, pepsinogen I is produced by the gastric mucosa and released into the gastric lumen and peripheral circulation. The atrophy of the corpus mucosa leads to a low synthesis of pepsinogen I.

A precursor of pepsin, pepsinogen I is produced by the gastric mucosa and released into the gastric lumen and peripheral circulation. It has been previously reported that pepsinogen II is a good marker in the differentiation of gastritis.

Gastrin 17 (G17) is one of two major forms of the gastrointestinal peptide hormone gastrin. It has a half-life of 6mins in the circulation. G17 stimulates gastric acid secretion in the stomach in response to the presence of food and/or humoral factors such as gastrin releasing peptide. G17 2plays a role in the growth and maintenance of the gastric epithelium, and has been implicated in the formation and growth of gastric cancer.

The Evidence Investigator

Meet the Evidence Investigator

The Randox H. Pylori Assay and the GastroPanel Array has been developed for the Evidence Investigator, a semi-automated benchtop immunoassay analyser.

The simultaneous detection of three key stomach biomarkers in conjunction with H. pylori testing will replace individual testing and will permit the efficient screening of at-risk patients. This will ultimately reduce the burden on healthcare systems while at the same time permit the early intervention for gastric disorders.

Evidence Investigator

Ordering Information

Ordering Information CAT Code
Helicobacter pylori assay (HP)EV4185
Helicobacter pylori controlsEV4186
Gastropanel arrayEV4111
Gastropanel multi-analyte controlsEV4112


Want to know more?

Contact us or visit our Evidence Investigator webpage.

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