RIQAS Point of Care EQA

Home - External Quality Assessment

RIQAS Point of Care EQA

Designed to improve the quality of Point of Care Testing (POCT) in locations such as pharmacies, GP surgeries, hospital out patient departments, sports clinics, supermarkets, diagnostic/treatment and walk-in centres.

RIQAS Point of Care EQA provides independent evidence of the accuracy and reliability of test results.

Why RIQAS Point of Care?

Programme Offering




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Lipids (Total Cholesterol & HDL Cholesterol)*

  • Risk Factor for heart Disease
  • Monitoring lipid lowering therapy

Whole Blood

HbA1c (Glycated Hemoglobin)*

  • Diagnosing diabetes mellitus
  • Monitoring treatment
  • Encouraging self-management

Whole Blood

CRP (C Reactive Protein)*

  • Early detection of infectious disease
  • Identifying need for antibiotic treatment

Whole Blood

Glucose / Ketones

  • Diagnose and monitor diabetes
  • Monitor the presence of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) and hyperglycemia (high blood glucose)
  • To determine whether excessive ketones are present in the blood, to detect diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)


International Normalised Ratio (INR)

  • Used to measure the effect of anticoagulant drugs such as warfarin
  • Help diagnose a bleeding disorder; to help estimate the severity of liver disease

Whole Blood

  • Key Cycle Dates

    Distribution Month Sample Distributed Result Submission Deadline
    January 2024 8th January 17th January
    February 2024 5th February 14th February
    March 2024 4th March 13th March
    April 2024 2nd April 10th April
    May 2024 6th  May 15th May
    June 2024 3rd June 12th June
    July 2024 1st  July 10th July
    August 2024 5th August 14th August
    September 2024 2nd September 11th September
    October 2024 7th October 16th October
    November 2024 4th November 13th November
    December 2024 2nd December 11th December
  • What Participants Say

    What participants say

    Our unrivalled commitment to quality and service ensures high levels of customer satisfaction, this is evident from the responses to our latest customer satisfaction survey:

    “All in all a quick and efficient service”

    “Good online system”

    “Very helpful team”

    “Excellent training”

    “They are an experienced team”

    “Very satisfied with the service that we receive”

    “Very good value for money”

    “The website is great”

  • The Importance of Quality Assurance

    Importance of quality assurance

    Quality assurance is an essential aspect of any clinical/diagnostic testing service and is aimed at ensuring the accuracy and reliability of patients’ results. The right result allows the right clinical advice to be offered in a timely manner. Quality assurance operates at two levels:Internal Quality Control

    Internal Quality Control includes operator training/ competency assessment, analyser/ test system maintenance, and adherence to policies/ processes. Whilst some point of care analysers include inbuilt quality checks, cross-check analysis against samples with known levels provides immediate assurance and evidence that a patient’s result is safe to report.External Quality Assessment

    External Quality Assessment involves analysis of samples with unknown levels that have been distributed by an external organisation. Participants are informed how their results compare with other participants, hence providing independent evidence of performance. Increasingly, participation in an external quality assessment scheme is becoming a mandatory requirement where health and healthcare services are being provided.

    EQA provides assurance to both staff and customers that testing provides accurate and reliable results.

Want to know more?

Contact us or download the RIQAS Point of Care catalogue to learn more.

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A Comprehensive Guide to External Quality Assessment Programmes

The importance of External Quality Assessment (EQA) programmes in the realm of medical laboratories is beyond dispute. These programmes serve as external control mechanisms, underpinning the accuracy and reliability of diagnostic tests carried out by laboratories across the globe. By participating in EQA programmes, laboratories gain the ability to monitor their proficiency, identify areas for improvement, enhance their analytical performance, and above all, ensure top-tier patient care.

Today, we find ourselves faced with a multitude of EQA programmes, each touting its own, unique features and benefits. Therefore, the question that naturally follows is – how do you choose the right EQA programme for your laboratory?

Understand Your Laboratory’s Requirements

The first step towards selecting an EQA programme is to clearly understand the requirements of your laboratory. These requirements could encompass the range of tests performed, the desired frequency of assessment, and the specific areas where your lab wishes to improve

Examine the EQA Programmes

The next step is to critically examine each EQA programme. Look at the range of tests they cover, the frequency of their assessments, the type of samples they use, and their approach towards feedback and improvement.


One of the most critical aspects of an EQA programme is the results reporting mechanism. This mechanism should provide comprehensive and constructive feedback, highlighting areas of improvement, and offering guidance on how to enhance performance. It is also essential to consider the frequency of reporting. More frequent reporting allows laboratories to identify problems and implement corrective actions swiftly, aiding in the continuous improvement of a laboratory and the confident delivery of accurate patient results.


The accreditation of the EQA programme should also be evaluated. Superior programmes are accredited to ISO17043:2010. Participation in an accredited EQA programme is mandatory under ISO15189:2022 accreditation. Choosing a scheme accredited to ISO17043 ensures that the programme has been rigorously evaluated and meets the necessary criteria of a high-quality EQA programme.


The cost of the EQA programme should be compared to the benefits your laboratory will reap from participating in the scheme. Although cost should not be the sole determining factor, it’s a crucial element to consider. Factors such as consolidation and number of registrations are key areas where many providers differ.

Customer Support

Finally, it’s vital to consider the customer support provided by the EQA programme. Adequate support will ensure that any issues or queries are addressed in a timely and efficient manner

Our latest educational guide Choosing the Right EQA Programme has been constructed to help you with this decision. Providing more detail on the points discussed above and more, this guide displays how the world-renowned RIQAS EQA programmes can help you maximise the accuracy of your laboratory results and achieve ISO15189:2022 accreditation.

In conclusion, selecting the right EQA programme requires a careful and thorough evaluation of several factors. By taking the time to understand your laboratory’s needs, scrutinising each EQA programme, and considering factors such as reporting, accreditation, cost, and customer support, you can make a well-informed decision that will significantly enhance the proficiency of your laboratory and the quality of patient care.

Remember, the primary objective of an EQA programme is to help your laboratory improve. Therefore, the right EQA programme for your laboratory is the one that best assists you in achieving this objective.

Neonatal Bilirubin External Quality Assessment

The RIQAS Neonatal Bilirubin EQA programme has been designed to assess the performance of total and direct bilirubin assays with levels tailored to neonatal bilirubin testing.

  • Accredited to ISO17043 standard via RIQAS flexible scope
  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • Monthly reporting
  • Human based serum
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.net
  • Rapid turnaround of reports allows for any necessary corrective actions to be taken with minimal disruption to laboratory output
  • Cycle Starts – July 2025
Cat NoKit SizeFrequencyParameters
RQ91912 x (6x3ml)Monthly
(1 x 12 month cycle)


  • Direct Bilirubin
  • Total Bilirubin

Please note, product availability may vary country to country.

Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS)

RIQAS is the world’s largest External Quality Assessment scheme with more than 76,000 laboratory participants spanning over 139 countries.

Key Benefits of RIQAS


Cost Effective

Consolidate EQA analysis, reduce workload and costs with our comprehensive, multi-parameter programmes.


Flexible Programme Options

Flexible programme options are available to suit all laboratory budgets. The option to register up to five instruments per programme (volume permitting) at no extra cost for comparative performance assessment

Highly Accredited


RIQAS is accredited to ISO/IEC 17043:2010 “Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for Proficiency Testing” which is accepted by national and international accreditation bodies. Please see accreditation schedule for additional information.


Expansive Peer Group Database

The availability of large peer groups ensures robust data is available for a wide range of instruments and methods.


Rapid, User-Friendly Reports

Our rapid, user-friendly reports allow at-a-glance performance assessment. Complimentary multi-instrument, inter-laboratory and end-of-cycle reports are also available.


Commutable Samples

A commutable sample matrix increases confidence that performance mimics that of patient samples.


Early Identification of Test System Errors

Frequent reporting allows early identification of test system errors, while our 72 hour report turnaround enables corrective action to be taken with minimum disruption to the lab.


Convenient Data Upload System

RIQAS.net is a convenient, web-based data entry system which allows participants to return results and view reports online.


High Quality Samples

EQA samples are manufactured to the highest quality standard and span clinically relevant levels.

RIQAS EQA Programmes

Choice & flexibility are guaranteed with our 38 programme portfolio.

Browse the programmes below


User-friendly, one-page per parameter reports allow for at-a-glance performance assessment.

Browse the reports below.

What Does RIQAS Provide?

The benefits of Randox Riqas as an external quality assessment

RIQAS Calendar 2025

What the Participants say:

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RIQAS Brochure

RIQAS Parameters


RIQAS Calendar

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RIQAS Point of Care EQA

RIQAS Point of Care EQA Logo

Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme – Point of Care EQA

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Designed to improve the quality of Point of Care Testing (POCT) in locations such as pharmacies, GP surgeries, hospital out patient departments, sports clinics, supermarkets, diagnostic/treatment and walk-in centres, RIQAS Point of Care EQA provides independent evidence of the accuracy and reliability of test results. Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is the world’s largest EQA scheme with over 55,000 participants in more than 134 countries.

Why RIQAS Point of Care?

About RIQAS Point of Care

  • How it Works

    RIQAS Point of Care - How it works
  • Tests and Analysers

    Test Role Matrix
    Lipids (Total Cholesterol & HDL Cholesterol) • Risk factors for heart disease
    • Monitoring lipid lowering therapy
    Whole Blood
    HbA1c (Glycated Haemoglobin) • Diagnosing diabetes mellitus
    • Monitoring treatment
    • Encouraging self-management
    Whole Blood
    C-Reactive Protein (CRP) • Early detection of infectious disease
    • Identifying need for antibiotic treatment
    Whole Blood
    Glucose/Ketones • Diagnose and monitor diabetes
    • Monitor for the presence of hypoglycaemia
    (low blood glucose) and hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose)
    • To determine whether excessive ketones are present in the blood, to detect diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
    International Normalised Ratio (INR) • Used to measure the effect of anticoagulant
    drugs such as warfarin
    • Help diagnose a bleeding disorder; to help
    estimate the severity of liver disease
    Note – The RIQAS Point of Care range is constantly expanding to include new tests and analysers. Please contact us if your desired analyser or test is not currently displayed.
  • Ordering Information

    Panel Catalogue Number
    Lipids RQ9181/A
    Lipids + 1 panel RQ9181/B
    Lipids + 2 panels RQ9181/C
    Additional Sample RQ9181/D
    Glucose and Ketones RQ9188
    INR RQ9189
    Pipette Tips RQ9182
    Bulbous pipette RQ9183
  • What Participants Say

    Our unrivalled commitment to quality and service ensures high levels of customer satisfaction, this is evident from the responses to our latest customer satisfaction survey:

    “All in all a quick and efficient service”
    “Good online system”
    “Very helpful team”
    “Excellent training”
    “They are an experienced team”
    “Very satisfied with the service that we receive”
    “Very good value for money”
    “The website is great”
  • Key Cycle Dates

    Distribution Month Sample Distributed Result Submission Deadline
    January 2024 8th January 17th January
    February 2024 5th February 14th February
    March 2024 4th March 13th March
    April 2024 2nd April 10th April
    May 2024 6th May 15th May
    June 2024 3rd June 12th June
    July 2024 1st  July 10th July
    August 2024 5th August 14th August
    September 2024 2nd September 11th September
    October 2024 7th October 16th October
    November 2024 4th November 13th November
    December 2024 2nd December 11th December








  • Importance of Quality Assurance

    Quality assurance is an essential aspect of any clinical/diagnostic testing service and is aimed at ensuring the accuracy and reliability of patients’ results. The right result allows the right clinical advice to be offered in a timely manner. Quality assurance operates at two levels:Internal Quality Control
    Internal Quality Control includes operator training/ competency assessment, analyser/ test system maintenance, and adherence to policies/ processes. Whilst some point of care analysers include inbuilt quality checks, cross-check analysis against samples with known levels provides immediate assurance and evidence that a patient’s result is safe to report.External Quality Assessment
    External Quality Assessment involves analysis of samples with unknown levels that have been distributed by an external organisation. Participants are informed how their results compare with other participants, hence providing independent evidence of performance. Increasingly, participation in an external quality assessment scheme is becoming a mandatory requirement where health and healthcare services are being provided.
    EQA provides assurance to both staff and customers that testing provides accurate and reliable results.

    Want to know more?Visit our Importance of EQA page to learn more.

Want to know more?

Contact us or download the RIQAS Point of Care catalogue to learn more.

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RIQAS Past Panels

RIQAS (Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme) is the largest global EQA scheme with over 76,000 participants in more than 139 countries. Our range currently comprises 36 programmes and the majority of clinical testing.

What are RIQAS Past Panels?

Stemming from RIQAS, the world’s largest External Quality Assessment programme, RIQAS Past Panels* facilitate a series of QC and interlaboratory functions, including:


Method Validation

New Instrument Validation

Assay Evaluation

Poor Performance Troubleshooting

Staff Training

Available Panels

Available RIQAS Past Panels* include:

• Ammonia/ Ethanol
• Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)
• Anti-TSH Receptor
Blood Gas
• Cardiac
• Cardiac Plus
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
• Coagulation
• CO-Oximetry
• CYFRA 21-1
• General Clinical Chemistry
• Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c)
• Human Urine
• Immunoassay
• Immunoassay Speciality 1
• Immunoassay Speciality 2
• Immunosuppressant
• Lipid
• Maternal Screening
• Microbiology (Bacterial Identification)
• Neonatal Bilirubin
Serology Chagas
Serology (EBV)
• Serology (HIV/ Hepatitis)
Serology (Syphilis)
Serology (ToRCH)
Serum Indices
Specific Proteins
Sweat Testing
• Therapeutic Drugs
• Urinalysis 
• Urine Toxicology
*Product availability is dependent on RIQAS stock surplus levels.

Benefits of RIQAS Past Panels

Support Data Included

All RIQAS Past Panels are provided with an Excel document containing supporting data for the instrument and method of interest.

Multi Level Samples

RIQAS Past Panel samples span multiple levels, making them ideal for ensuring accurate instrument performance across the measuring range.

For more information on RIQAS Past Panel availability or to take part in this EQA scheme, contact us today and speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales representatives. 

RIQAS Point of Care – FAQs

RIQAS-POC-FAQ-Web-Banner Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to participate in an External Quality Assessment Scheme like RIQAS Point of Care?

Participation in an External Quality Assessment (EQA) scheme can help provide assurance and confidence that patient test results are accurate and reliable, therefore ensuring that the right clinical advice can be safely offered. Increasingly, commissioners of services like NHS Health Checks require assurance of satisfactory performance in an EQA scheme. In the UK, independent evidence of performance through participation in an EQA scheme is a requirement of the National Quality Assurance Advisory panel.

Read more about the importance and benefits of EQA

Is the RIQAS Point of Care scheme the right choice for us?

The RIQAS POC scheme is geared to assuring the quality of Point Of Care Testing in locations like pharmacies, General Practitioner surgeries, diagnostic/treatment and walk-in centres, sports clinics, and hospital out patients. Typically, the scheme is commissioned by a prime contractor (the client) on behalf of a chain of participants. The POC scheme complements the RIQAS scheme for laboratory-based analysers operated by specialist laboratory scientists.

Please contact us to determine which scheme is most suitable for your needs.

How many operators can be registered at each location?

As many as you wish. New operators can be added at any time, email addresses can be modified and the system is able to recognise operators who may be working at more than one location. In encouraging ownership responsibility for updates lies with the operators at each location.

What happens if we want to transfer an analyser to another location or replace an old analyser with a new one?

In order to participate in the next sample, distribution changes must be made before the 20th of each month. Participation contracts are renewable annually and new analysers can be added to the scheme at any time during the contract.


Samples are typically distributed on the first Monday of the month, results should be submitted online via the RIQAS Point of Care software before 5pm the following Monday.  Please see the Distribution Timetable for further information.


Samples should be kept refrigerated at between 2-8oC.  Do not freeze.

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RIQAS Point of Care


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RIQAS Serology Report

The Serology report is available within ten days of the final submission date. The results for each parameter are displayed on a single page report. There are two types of Serology report – one for qualitative reporting and one for quantitative reporting. Each of these report ensure quick and easy performance assessment.


The Qualitative report comprises three subsections including a text section, Histogram and method summary. The text section conveniently displays your laboratory’s result to the correct result for your method. The Histogram visually displays your laboratory’s result in relation to all of the results submitted for your method group and the all method group. Finally, the method summary provides a breakdown of the results for all methods registered with RIQAS.

(Click to enlarge)

The Quantitative report comprises four subsections including a text section, Histogram, Levey-Jennings chart and method summary. The text section conveniently displays your laboratory’s result to the mean for comparison, the histogram visually displays your laboratory’s result to the mean for comparison, the Levey-Jennings chart displays the SD for the last 20 samples ensuring instant identification of performance over time and finally the method summary provides a breakdown of the results submitted for all methods registered with RIQAS.

(Click to enlarge)

RIQAS Urinalysis Report

RIQAS Urinalysis reports have been designed specifically for participants of the RIQAS Urinalysis programme (RQ9138). Report features include;

  • Scoring system
  • Ability to rate performance and visualise historical performance data
  • Visual representation of performance
  • Peer group comparison levels

To find out more on the range of features available with the report, see the table below.


The Urinalysis Report scoring system, scores participants based on a spread of results over each category and how far a participant is away from the consensus, which is referred to as the Target Category.

The score calculated is based on how close to the target category a participant’s result falls. A score of 0 refers to a result which falls within the target category and therefore, the comment “acceptable” will be given. A laboratory’s performance is described as being acceptable or unacceptable based on this calculated score.

A laboratory must achieve a score of between -6 and +6 for their performance to be deemed acceptable. Scores can fall between the values of -10 and +8.

  1. If a participant’s result matches the target category then they will receive the score of 0 and the comment “acceptable” given.
  2. Where a participant returns a negative result and the target category is positive (category 9), the participant score will be -10. The comment “unacceptable” will be given.
  3. Where a participant returns a positive result (category 9) and the target category is negative, the participant score will be +8 and the comment “unacceptable” given.

(Click to enlarge)

Current Sample

The score achieved for the current reported sample together with the associated comment of acceptable, unacceptable or borderline will be listed in the comments box located towards the top of the results page for each registered parameter. The percentage (%) of results from the selected peer group which fall within the target category are also stated.

Potential Historical Information

The number of correct scores (i.e. scores of 0) that have been submitted in the last “n” samples, up to a maximum of 6 previous samples. The number of acceptable assessments that have been submitted in the last “n” samples, up to a maximum of 6 previous samples.

(Click to enlarge)

Charting of Current & Historical Information

Results of scoring for each sample are displayed on a Levey-Jennings style chart with “0” score in the middle and scoring categories positioned on either side for 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. The chart is shaded into bands depending on the scores.

Acceptable scores (0-6) have no shading, Borderline scores (6-8) have light red shading and unacceptable scores (8-10) are shaded a darker red.

Scores for each of the last 12 samples are plotted against the appropriate sample number and the chart also indicates whether the participant’s reported result category is higher or lower than the target category.

The target categories are stated along the top of the chart and if there are no target categories due to a lack of numbers then an “X” is plotted to show that a result has been submitted but could not be scored.

(Click to enlarge)

Reporting – Summary Page

The summary page at the end of the report lists all of the parameters that a participant has registered for.

For each parameter the following information is stated:

  1. Target Category, which is dependent on the unit registered
  2. The result which has returned by the participant
  3. The score achieved for the current sample
  4. The comment of Acceptable / Unacceptable / Borderline
  5. Where the comment is “Unacceptable” it is highlighted in bold italics and underlined
  6. The number of “Acceptable” assessments that have been achieved over the previous 6 samples

(Click to enlarge)

RIQAS Urine Toxicology Report

A dedicated report is provided for the Urine Toxicology programme. The report is divided into two subsections; the screening (qualitative) and the quantitative section, allowing for visual performance assessment at-a-glance.


Your laboratory’s result is displayed along with the correct response. A visual chart is also provided displaying performance of the last 20 samples. A breakdown of the screening results submitted by other laboratories in your method group and all method groups for the current sample is also provided at a variety of cut-offs. A further breakdown is provided for various methods at your specific cut-off.

(Click to enlarge)

The Quantitative section of the Urine Toxicology report is further broken down into a text section comparing your laboratory’s performance to the mean for comparison, a Histogram chart indicating your laboratory’s performance in relation to the method group and the all method group and a multi-method section highlighting the performance of other methods.

(Click to enlarge)

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  • Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details, safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje Polityki Prywatności.