RX series Veterinary

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RX series Veterinary

RX Series | Veterinary Market

A Comprehensive Clinical Package for Veterinary Laboratories

Benefits of Randox RX series

  • Extensive Dedicated Test Menu

    Extensive test menu allows for revenue generation & business growth via more on-site testing which will also minimise time spent waiting for external results to return. The most extensive test menu on the market enables breadth of diagnosis and provides a competitive market edge resulting in increased profits and business growth.

  • Low Sample Volume

    The RX series is capable of utilising small sample volumes, ranging from 0.5 μl (RX modena) to 5μl (RX misano), thus catering for smaller animals where samples can be hard to obtain.

  • Flexibility & Versatility

    Ability to personalise parameter settings for a wide range of animal species increases lab efficiency. Custom build test menus and create favourites to enable personalised panels, such as diabetes and renal function, or species-specific panels such as equine and companion animals.

The RX Series – The complete solution to your veterinary testing needs!

Randox is an international healthcare diagnostics company with 40 years’ experience as a supplier to the veterinary market.  Our extensive product portfolio includes our state of the art RX series of clinical chemistry analysers specifically designed to accurately diagnose and effectively monitor the general health and well-being of a diverse range of animals, including companion animals, livestock, exotic species and birds. In addition, the wide measuring ranges of our assays ensure suitability across a vast range of species. Our RX range allows for accurate diagnosis of veterinary patients with on-site testing.

RX series Dedicated Veterinary Test Menu

  • Fully Automated
  • Semi-automated

AlbuminCholinesterase (Butyryl)Iron (UIBC) Sodium
Alkaline Phosphatase CK-NAC Lactate Total Protein
ALT (GPT)CO2 Total Lactate DehydrogenaseTriglycerides
AldolaseCopper LDLUrea
Ammonia CreatinineLipaseUric Acid
AmylaseCanine CRPMagnesiumUrinary Protein
AST (GOT) CRPNEFA (Non-esterified fatty acids)Zinc
Bile AcidsFructosaminePhosphorus (Inorganic)
BilirubinGamma - GT Potassium
CalciumGLDH Ranbut (Hydroxybutyrate)
ChlorideGlucoseRansel (Glutathione peroxidase)
Cholesterol GlycerolRansod (Superoxide dismutase)

Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)CalciumD-3-Hydroxybutyrate (Ranbut)Phosphorus (Inorganic)
AlbuminChlorideGamma GTPotassium
AldolaseCholesterol (HDL)GLDHSodium
AmmoniaCholesterol (LDL)GlucoseSuperoxide Dismutase (Ransod)
AmylaseCholesterol (Total)Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel)Total Protein
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)Cholinesterase (Butyryl)IronTriglycerides
Bile Acids (4th Gen)CK-NACLactateUrea
Bile Acids (5th Gen)CO2 TotalLipaseUric Acid
Bilirubin (Direct)CopperMagnesiumUrinary Protein
Bilirubin (Total)CreatinineNon-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA)Zinc

Product availability may vary from country to country. Some product may be for Research use Only. For more information on product application and availability, please contact your local Randox Representative.

RX series Clinical Chemistry Analysers

Superior Performance & Unique Diagnostic Veterinary Reagents

CRP (C-Reactive Protein) is an acute phase protein produced by the liver in response to tissue injury, infection, or other inflammation. In animals, serum levels increase within 4-6 hours of such events, making CRP a much earlier indicator than other acute phase reactants.

Canine CRP is used when inflammation is suspected and allows the extent of inflammation to be determined. Used in conjunction with physical examination of signs and symptoms. It can be used to determine acute inflammatory conditions and to detect a relapse of an immune mediated disease or flare-up of a chronic inflammatory disease.

Bile acids are compounds that are made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Bile acids help with digestion of foods, particularly fat. Bile acids are measured to determine liver function and performance; elevated levels of bile acids in the blood are a result of ineffective reabsorption by the liver after digestion, and as such indicate that the liver cells are not functioning well. Randox Bile Acids test allows for liver function issues to be detected quickly, allowing early treatment and enabling the liver to regenerate before irreversible damage occurs.

D-3 Hydroxybutyrate (Ranbut) is a major ketone body in the blood produced when fatty acids in the liver are metabolised for energy. Elevated levels of ketones are referred to as ketosis, and occur when insufficient energy intake results in negative energy balance; ketosis can be toxic and damaging to the kidneys and liver. Many animals suffer an increased risk of ketosis as a result of high energy demands during lactation, pregnancy and birthing.

A major complication associated with ketosis is pregnancy toxemia in ewes or twin lamb disease, a metabolic disorder caused by insufficient nutrients and severe energy shortage.

Glutathione Peroxidase is an antioxidant enzyme that helps protect the body from free radicals. It contains selenium, an important trace element that is essential for enabling selenium-containing proteins, such as glutathione peroxidase, to function correctly.

The Randox Ransel test is used to measure glutathione peroxidase activity to determine functional selenium deficiency; it is considered more accurate than measuring selenium levels directly as low selenium concentration does not necessarily mean an animal is selenium deficient.

Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) is the assessment of the overall antioxidant function in the body. This is determined with the measurement of the total amount of antioxidants circulating the body. Different forms of antioxidants include those which inhibit the formation of free radicals, those which destroy free radicals, and those which repair the cells damaged as a result of free radical attack; a reduction in either of these components can compromise the body’s total antioxidant capacity.

Assessing an animals total antioxidant status is crucial as a reduction in total antioxidant status inhibits defence.

Want to know more?

Contact us or download the Veterinary Diagnostic Solutions Brochure.

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