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The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation

The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation is dedicated to providing free cardiac screenings and education for young adults in Merseyside and the Wirral. Tim Cogley, an apparently fit and healthy 34-year-old from Heswall, England, suffered a fatal heart attack in April 2017. Despite showing no symptoms, Tim had a 75% cholesterol blockage of the left descending coronary artery. The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation was set up by family and friends in Tim’s memory to offer free heart screening to those aged 18 to 40 within the Merseyside area, an age range where little heart screening currently is offered.

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Townland Boxing Club

The Townland Boxing Club in Glenavy was founded in 2008 by a group of dedicated people interested in the sport of boxing and improving youth facilities in the area. The amateur boxing club, which is a completely voluntary organisation, was opened with a purpose to give young people in the area a place to meet, form friendships, learn the discipline, respect and skill required to become an amateur boxer, and of course look after their health and wellbeing.

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Did you know 1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health problem each year? Anxiety and depression are the most common mental disorders and overall prevalence of mental health conditions in Northern Ireland is up to 25% higher than in England.

Thank you to all Randox staff for their enthusiastic fundraising efforts which raised over £14,000 for our AWARE NI and Mind Your Mood. Staff got involved with abseils, skydives, Dragon Boat races and many other events to raise this fantastic sum.

Aware NI

AWARE NI is the main depression charity for Northern Ireland with an established network of 24 support groups in rural and urban areas across the country. They also deliver mental health and wellbeing programmes into communities, schools, colleges, universities and workplaces.

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Ulster University’s Mind Your Mood

Mind Your Mood is an initiative designed and managed by Ulster University students which aims to break down the stigma of mental health and encourage students to access support. 75% of mental health issues develop before the age of 25 while 62% of students worry about their mental health.

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Race Against Dementia

Race Against Dementia is a global charity, founded by three-time Formula 1 World Champion Sir Jackie Stewart, OBE. Its aim is to fund pioneering research into the prevention and cure of dementia, which affects more than 55 million people across the globe today.

Randox are proud to support Race Against Dementia and announce it will be the charity partner for the Randox Grand National Festival 2023. On Ladies Day (Friday 14th April), Randox’s sponsored race will be titled ‘The Randox Supports Race Against Dementia Topham Chase’ with the aim of publicising the vital work of Race Against Dementia.

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