Vivalytic | All In One Molecular Solution
Making a Point to Care
Molecular Diagnostics at the Point of Care
Consolidate the Full Molecular Workflow
Supporting Team GB through the Paris Olympics
The Vivalytic has supported Team GB by providing comprehensive testing for a wide range of respiratory infections from a single sample. This allows for targeted management of athletes’ health, ensuring precise treatment and quick recovery.
Regular and rapid testing with the Vivalytic helped maintain athletes in peak physical and mental condition by ensuring infection was detected and treated at the earliest opportunity. Check out the video to the right to learn more about how Vivalytic helped prepare and support Team GB.
“It’s important we know the pathogen driving the disease process to be able to target management appropriately“
Vivalytic Workflow
Intuitive engineering of Vivalytic ensures the analyser is user friendly. The process of patient sample to result comprises a very simple 4 step workflow.
To begin the test, the user scans or enters sample information. The cartridge code is then scanned into the embedded Vivalytic software. The user then adds sample into the dedicated cartridge slot, closes the lid and inserts the cartridge into the Vivalytic.
The touchscreen display will countdown the time remaining to test completion. Results will be displayed on the screen. Multiple Vivalytics can be wirelessly connected allowing the user to control multiple tests at one time all reporting to a master Vivalytic platform.
Want to know more?
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