Randox Clinical Laboratory Services

Randox Clinical Laboratory Services (RCLS) specialises in offering esoteric biomarker testing utilising the expertise and knowledge Randox has built over 40 years producing high quality IVD diagnostics. RCLS strives to provide a clinical laboratory service to meet the time sensitive, bespoke requirements of research and clinical trial projects globally.

By utilising Randox Clinical Laboratory Services you can save your laboratory time and money. Our multiplex panels offer a cost effective, labour saving and time reducing solution for your sample testing. As a result, we provide your laboratory with the best solution for your sample testing.

Clinical Laboratory

Clinical laboratories traditionally perform diagnostic testing from a variety of patient samples (whole blood, serum, plasma, saliva, sputum, CSF, swab collections) to determine their health status.

In addition to Diagnostics, Randox Laboratories also perform Biomarker analysis from selected patient cohorts in support of pharma research, aiming at discovering a biological signal related to an NDE’s activity (targeted Biomarker approach) or a novel druggable target (proteomic analysis).  Randox Biosciences offer multiple technical solutions to address the above, mostly based on the Randox proprietary Biochip Array Technology.

  • Labs located across the UK, Ireland and USA
  • ISO17025 and ISO15189 accredited
  • LA Laboratory will open in Q2 2022 to run CLIA waved tests, with plans to be fully CAP certified by 2024
  • GCP certified for testing in clinical trials
  • Can be used for post approval sample analysis
Randox Science Park
Sample Data Management
Sample and Data Management
  • LIMS system (Labware) utilised and connected throughout the lab
  • Customer and project specific folders on an internal secure server
  • Ability to transfer data securely through secure email/drop box


Randox Biosciences provide the building blocks of diagnostic development which includes antibodies, corresponding conjugates and proteins. Our immunoassay product offering provides diagnostic solutions covering a variety of disease areas including thyroid, reproduction, cardiovascular and renal.

Biochip Technology from Randox is an innovative assay technology which utilises multiplex testing methodology in a rapid, accurate and easy-to-use format, catering both molecular and immunoassay testing. The technology works by combining a panel of related assays in a single biochip with a single set of reagents, controls and calibrators. Only one single undivided sample is used. The results are read by a CCD-camera and custom image-processing software.

Custom Assay Development

Serving the diagnostic, pharmaceutical, contract research and biotech industries, Randox Biosciences dedicated custom unit develops and manufactures custom assay solutions. This also includes full customised quality control sera and calibrators. A selection of over 320 pre-qualified biomarkers is available for a custom panel design. However, any specific biomarker of interest will be considered for integration into an existing or desired panel, for technical feasibility (concentration range compatibility, potential interferences/cross-reactivities). The number of the required novel biomarkers will help make the feasibility study as a pertinent and complete as possible.

Companion Diagnostics (CDx) are part of the services that Randox Biosciences supply to pharmaceutical companies. With a long-recognized expertise in the development of esoteric assays, and more than 500 IVD products available globally, Randox is a partner of choice to support your CDx needs.

Full Assay Menu

  • Clinical
  • Molecular
Acute Kidney Injury
ClusterinCystatin CKidney Injury Molecule-ILipocalin
Adhesion Molecules
E-SelectinIntercellular Adhesion Molecule-IL-selectinP-selectin
Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-I
Alzheimers Risk
ApoE4Pan ApoE
D-DimerNeuron Specific EnolaseNeutrophil Gelatinase-Associated LipocalinSoluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor I
Chronic Kidney Disease
C3a Des ArgC-Reactive ProteinCystatin CD-Dimer
Epidermal Growth FactorFatty Acid-Binding Protein IInterlukin-8Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α
Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated LipocalinSoluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor ISoluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor II
SARS-CoV-2 AntigenReceptor Binding DomainNucleocapsid
Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating FactorInterleukin-1αInterleukin-1ϐInterleukin - 2
Interleukin - 3Interleukin - 4Interleukin - 5Interleukin - 6
Interleukin - 7Interleukin - 8Interleukin - 10Interleukin - 12p70
Interleukin - 13Interleukin - 15Interleukin - 23Interferon Gamma
Human EGFMonocyte Chemotactic ProteinMacrophage Inflammatory Protein-1αMatrix Metalloproteinase-9
Soluble IL-2 Receptor αSoluble IL-6 ReceptorSoluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor ISoluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor II
Tumour Necrosis Factor AlphaVascular Endothelial Growth Factor
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
Amphiregulin (AREG)Herapin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor (HBEGF)Transforming Growth Factor - Alpha (TGF-α)
Gastrin 17Helicobacter PyloriPepsinogen IPepsinogen II
Interleukin - 17AInterleukin - 17FInterleukin - 22Interleukin - 17
FerritinInterleukin - 6InsulinAdiponectin
C-Reactive ProteinCystatin CLeptinParathyroid Hormone
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-IPTHResistinTumour Necrosis Factor α
Pancreatic Cancer
Cancer Antigen 19-9 - CA19-9Carcinoembryonic AntigenAlpha-I-Acid Glycoprotein
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor - BDNFD-DimerGlial Fibrillary Acidic Protein - GFAPGlutathione S - Transferase Pi - GSTPi
Heart-Type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - FABP3Interleukin-6 - IL-6Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase - NDKANeuron Specific Enolase - NSE
Parkinson Protein 7 - PARK-7Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor I - sTNFRI
Anti-Thyroglobulin (TgAb)Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (TPOAb)Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG)Total Thyroxine (TT4)
Total Tri-Iodothyronine (TT3)
Tissue Damage
Adipose Fatty Acid Binding Protein - FABP4Brain Fatty Acid Binding Protein - FABP7Epidermal Fatty Acid Binding Protein - FABP5Heart-Type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - FABP3
Ileal Fatty Acid Binding Protein - FABP6Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein-I - FABPITestis Fatty Acid Binding Protein - FABP9
AdenovirusMetapneumovirusRespiratory syncytial virus ARespiratory syncytial virus B
Rhinovirus A/B/CInfluenza virus AInfluenza virus B
Achromobacter xylosoxidansBordetella pertussisBurkholderia cepacia complex (21spp)Burkholderia cenocepacia
Chlamydia pneumoniaeHaemophilus influenzaMoraxella catarrhalisMycoplasma pneumoniae
Non-tuberculous mycobacterium (15 spp)Mycobacterium avium complex (4 spp)Pandoraea species (5 spp)Prevotella species (16 spp)
Pseudomonas aeruginosaStaphylococcus aureusStenotrophomonas maltophiliaStreptococcus pneumoniae (21 spp)
Streptococcus species (19 spp)Veillonella species (3 spp)
Aspergillus fumigatusCandida albicansExophialia dermatitidisScedosporium species (7 spp)
Antibiotic Resistance Markers
mecA (incl MRSA)
LDLR 38 mutationsAPOB 1 mutationPCSK9 1 mutation
KRAS Gene Targets
BRAF Gene Targets
PIK3CA Gene Targets
Influenza AInfluenza BAdenovirus A/B/C/D/EBocavirus 1/2/3
Coronavirus 229E/NL63Coronavirus OC43/HKUIEnterovirus A/B/CMetapneumovirus
Parainfluenza virus 1Parainfluenza virus 2Parainfluenza virus 3Parainfluenza virus 4
Respiratory syncytial virus A/BRhinovirus A/B/C
Legionella pneumophilaBordetella pertussisChlamydophila pneumoniaeHaemophilus influenzae
Moraxella catarrhalisMycoplasma pneumoniaeStreptococcus pneumoniae
Chlamydia trachomatis (CT)Neisseria gonorrhoea (NG)Trichomonas vanginalis (TV)Mycoplasma genitalium (MG)
Treponema pallidum (Syphilis) (TP)Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)Haemophilus ducreyi (HD)
Mycoplasma hominis (MH)Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU)
Acinetobacter baumanniiCitrobacter freundiiCitrobacter koseriKlebsiella aerogenes
Enterobacter cloacaeEnterococcus faecalisEnterococcus faeciumEscherichia coli
Klebsiella oxytocaKlebsiella pneumoniaeMorganella morganiiProteus spp.
Pseudomonas aeruginosaProvidencia rettgeriProvidencia stuartiiSerratia marcescens
Staphylococcus aureusStaphylococcus epidermidisStaphylococcus saprophyticusStreptococcus agalactiae (GBS)
Candida albicans
Antibiotic Resistance Markers
mecA (incl MRSA)Trimethoprim Resistance 1Trimethoprim Resistance 2Trimethoprim Resistance 3
S mecA (incl MRSA)Trimethoprim Resistance 4Trimethoprim Resistance 5Van A (Vancomycin Resistance A)
Van B (Vancomycin Resistance B)

Related Services

Clinical Laboratory
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