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Respiratory Infection Testing | Qnostics Molecular Controls

Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are common conditions, affecting both the upper and lower respiratory tract. For the young, the elderly and the immunocompromised, RTIs can be a significant health threat if not managed effectively.

The Qnostics’ Respiratory portfolio cover a range of common viral pathogens including: ADV, INFA, INFB, PINF, RSV A, RSV B and RV. All Qnostics products are manufactured to be whole pathogen with many available as Q Control, Molecular Q Panel, Analytical Q Panel and Evaluation Panel. Check out the full range below.

  • Q Controls
  • Analytical Q Panels
  • Molecular Q Panels
  • Evaluation Panels

Q Controls

Qnostics’ ‘Q’ Controls are positive run controls intended to help laboratories monitor their molecular diagnostic assay on a run-to-run basis within customer derived limits. These third-party independent external controls will ensure that assay drift is detected, monitored and managed allowing the laboratory to continue to provide accurate and reliable results. They also help support a laboratory’s regulatory requirements under the standard ISO 15189.

Respiratory - blue

Adenovirus (ADV) Molecular Q Control

Pathogen – Adenovirus (ADV)
Genotype – Type 1
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Stability – Single use control
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – CE & RUO


ADV Medium Q Control
Product code:
ADVMQC  |  Pack size: 5×1 ml

Respiratory - blue

Influenza A Virus (INFA) Molecular Q Control

Pathogen – Influenza A Virus (INFA)
Genotype – H1N1
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Stability – Single use control
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – CE & RUO


INFA Molecular Q Control
Product code:
INFAMQC  |  Pack size: 5×1 ml

Respiratory - blue

Influenza B Virus (INFB) Molecular Q Control

Pathogen – Influenza B Virus (INFA)
Genotype – Victoria
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Stability – Single use control
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – CE & RUO


INFB Molecular Q Control CE
Product code:
INFBMQC  |  Pack size: 5×1 ml

Respiratory - blue

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) Molecular Q Control

Pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. bovis)
Matrix – Synthetic sputum with background human cells
Stability – Single use. Once thawed use
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


MTB Q Control
Product code: MTBQC  |  Pack size: 5 x 1ml



Respiratory - blue

Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia (PCP) Molecular Q Control

Pathogen – Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia
Matrix – Saline
Panel Members – 5
Stability – Single use control
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


PCP Molecular Q Control
Product code:
PCPMQC |  Pack size:5×0.5 ml


Respiratory - blue

Parainfluenza Virus (PINF) Molecular Q Control

Pathogen – Parainfluenza Virus (PINF)
Genotype – Type 1
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Stability – Single use control
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


PINF Medium Q Control
Product code:
PINFMQC  |  Pack size: 5×1 ml



Respiratory - blue

Respiratory Syncytial Virus A (RSV A) Molecular Q Control

Pathogen – Respiratory Syncytial Virus A (RSV A)
Genotype – Type A
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Stability – Single use control
Shelf life – Up to to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – CE & RUO


RSV A Medium Q Control
Product code:
RSVAMQC  |  Pack size: 5×1 ml


Respiratory - blue

RTX1 Q Control (RTX Plus)

Pathogen – Influenza A (H1N1), Influenza B (Victoria), RSV A, Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
Matrix – Transport Medium
Stability – Single use. Once thawed use immediately.
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RTX1 Q Control (RTX Plus)
Product code: RTX1QC |  Pack size: 5 x 0.7 ml positive control


Respiratory - blue

RTX2 Q Control

Pathogen – Parainfluenza 1, Adenovirus 1, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Coronavirus (OC43)
Matrix – Transport Medium
Stability – Single use. Once thawed use immediately.
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RTX2 Q Control
Product code: RTX2QC |  Pack size: 5 x 0.7 ml positive control


Respiratory - blue

RTX3 Q Control

Pathogen – Parainfluenza 2, Metapneumovirus (A2), Enterovirus (A16), Coronavirus (229E)
Matrix – Transport Medium
Stability – Single use. Once thawed use immediately.
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RTX3 Q Control
Product code: RTX3QC |  Pack size: 5 x 0.7 ml positive control


Respiratory - blue

RTX4 Q Control

Pathogen – Parainfluenza 3, Rhinovirus (16), Legionella pneumophila, Coronavirus (NL63)
Matrix – Transport Medium
Stability – Single use. Once thawed use immediately.
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RTX4 Q Control
Product code: RTX4QC |  Pack size: 5 x 0.7 ml positive control


Respiratory - blue

RTX5 Q Control

Pathogen – Parainfluenza 4, Adenovirus (14), RSV B, Enterovirus (D68)
Matrix – Transport Medium
Stability – Single use. Once thawed use immediately.
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RTX5 Q Control [for paediatric testing]
Product code: RTX5QC  |  Pack size: 5 x 0.7 ml positive control


Respiratory - blue

RTX6 Q Control

Pathogen – Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, Influenza A H3N2, Chlamydophila pneumoniae
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Stability – Single use. Once thawed use immediately.
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RTX6 Q Control
Product code: RTX6QC  |  Pack size: 5 x 0.7 ml 


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SARS-CoV-2 Q Control

Pathogen – Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
Genotype– SARS-CoV-2
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Stability – Single use designed to be used immediately minimising the risk of contamination
Shelf life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – CE & RUO


SARS-CoV-2 Q Control
Product code: SCV2QC|  Pack size:5×0.5 ml


Analytical Q Panels

Analytical ‘Q’ Panels are designed to cover the dynamic range of an assay allowing the laboratory to assess the linearity, LOD and LOQ of their assay. Each panel contains a dilution series covering the analytical range of most assays, in a linear progression, all of which should be treated as a patient sample within an assay run.

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Adenovirus (ADV) Analytical Q Panel

Pathogen Adenovirus (ADV)
Genotype – Type 1
Matrix – Transport Medium
Levels – 8
Stability – Single use Q-Panel designed to be used immediately minimising risk of contamination
Shelf Life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


ADV Analytical Q Panel
Product code:
ADVAQP  |  Pack size: 8×1 ml

Respiratory - blue

Influenza A Virus (INFA) Analytical Q Panel

Pathogen – Influenza A Virus (INFA)
Genotype – H1N1
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Levels – 9
Stability – Single use Q-Panel designed to be used immediately minimising the risk of contamination
Shelf Life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


INFA Analytical Q Panel
Product code:
INFAAQP  |  Pack size: 9×1 ml

Respiratory - blue

Influenza B Virus (INFB) Analytical Q Panel

Pathogen – Influenza B Virus (INFB)
Genotype – Victoria
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Levels – 7
Stability – Single use Q-Panel designed to be used immediately minimising the risk of contamination
Shelf Life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


INFB Analytical Q Panel
Product code:
INFBAQP  |  Pack size: 7×1 ml

Respiratory - blue

Respiratory Syncytial Virus A (RSV A) Analytical Q Panel

Pathogen Respiratory Syncytial Virus A (RSV A)
Genotype – Type A
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Levels – 8
Stability – Single use Q-Panel designed to be used immediately minimising risk of contamination
Shelf Life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RSV A Analytical Q Panel
Product code:
RSVAAQP  |  Pack size: 8×0.5 ml

Respiratory - blue

Respiratory Syncytial Virus B (RSV B) Analytical Q Panel

Pathogen Respiratory Syncytial Virus B (RSV B)
Genotype – Type B
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Levels – 8
Stability – Single use Q-Panel designed to be used immediately minimising risk of contamination
Shelf Life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RSV B Analytical Q Panel
Product code:
RSVBAQP  |  Pack size: 8×0.5 ml

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Rhinovirus (RV) Analytical Q Panel

Pathogen – Rhinovirus (RV)
Genotype – Type A16
Matrix – Viral Transport Medium
Levels – 7
Stability – Single use Q-Panel designed to be used immediately minimising risk of contamination
Shelf Life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RV Analytical Q Panel
Product code:
RVAQP  |  Pack size: 7×0.5 ml

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SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Analytical Q Panel

Pathogen – Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Genotype – SARS-CoV-2
Matrix – Transport Medium
Levels – 9
StabilitySingle use Q-Panel designed to be used immediately minimising risk of contamination
Shelf Life – Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – CE & RUO


SARS-CoV-2 Analytical Q Panel
Product code:
SCV2AQP  |  Pack size: 9×0.5 ml


Molecular Q Panels

Molecular Q Panels consist of four individual levels, including a negative, and are intended to evaluate the assays’ clinical range. Molecular Q Panels can also be used to support laboratory training and in the assessment and development of molecular diagnostic assays from extraction phase through amplification and finally detection.

Respiratory - blue

Adenovirus (ADV) Molecular Q Panel

Pathogen – Adenovirus (ADV)
Genotype – Type 1
Transport Medium
Panel Members – 

Stability –
Single use, designed to be used immediately after thawing, minimising the risk of contamination
Shelf Life –
Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – CE & RUO


ADV Molecular Q Panel
Product code:
ADVMQP |  Pack size: 4×1 ml

Respiratory - blue

SARS-CoV-2 Molecular Q Panel

Pathogen – Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Genotype – SARS-CoV-2
Transport Medium
Panel Members – 
4 (inc. a negative)
Stability –
Stable for 5 days when stored at 2-8°C
Shelf Life –
Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – CE & RUO


SARS-CoV-2 Molecular Q Panel
Product code:
SCV2MQP |  Pack size: 4×0.5 ml


Evaluation Panels

Evaluation panels are designed to assist laboratories with development of their molecular assays, establish the assay parameters of the molecular method and determine its fitness for purpose. The evaluation panels for blood-borne viruses contain a duplicate vial of one concentration which allows laboratories to asses reproducibility of their workflow for these targets.

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Respiratory Multiplex (RTX) Evaluation Panel Control

Sample 1 : Influenza A (H1N1), Influenza B (Victoria), Respiratory Syncytial Virus A, SARS-CoV-2
Sample 2 : Parainfluenza (Type 1), Adenovirus (Type 1), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Coronavirus (Type OC43)
Sample 3 : Parainfluenza (Type 2), Metapneumovirus (Type A2), Enterovirus (Type A16), Coronavirus (Type 229E)
Sample 4 : Parainfluenza (Type 3), Rhinovirus (type 16), Legionella Pneumophila, Coronavirus (Type NL63)
Sample 5 : Parainfluenza (type 4), Enterovirus (Type 68), Adenovirus (Type 14), Respiratory Syncytial Virus B
Sample 6 : Bordetella Pertussis, Bordetella Parapertussis, Influenza A (Type H3N2), Chlamydophila Pneumoniae
Sample 7 : Below limit of detection for the above targets listed
Transport Medium 
Stability –
Single use, designed to be used immediately after thawing, minimising the risk of contamination 
Shelf Life –
Up to 2 years after date of manufacture
Regulatory Status – RUO


RTX Evaluation Panel Control
Product code:
RTXEP|  Pack size: 7 x 0.7 ml


Want to know more?

Contact us or visit our Qnostics page to learn more.


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