Meeting Your Drug and Alcohol Testing Needs with RTS

Workplace drug and alcohol testing
At Randox Testing Services, workplace drug and alcohol testing is one part of the services we provide. Our aim is to raise awareness around the dangers of substance misuse and help companies make their workplaces safer. However, our service offering also extends to other sectors.
We provide comprehensive testing for those in the medico-legal market and private individuals. The testing requirements for these markets differ significantly, with unique circumstances that need to be taken into consideration.
Medico-legal testing for drugs and alcohol may be required by various professional bodies involved in child custody cases, care proceedings or child protection cases. In cases regarding divorce and children, a dispute may arise during the process of discussions involving the custody of the child. Drug and alcohol testing may be sought if there has been a substance abuse claim against a parent fighting for custody or visitation.
Drug and alcohol testing is important to ensure child protection from the detrimental effects of parental substance misuse and to ensure they have a quality of life they deserve. In addition, it is also important to enable parents the opportunity to get the help and support they need and begin rehabilitation treatment.
In some cases, customers will require a one-off test as part of a job application, court order or for abstinence monitoring as part of an agreed programme with their employer. These various scenarios highlight the importance that drug and alcohol testing can play on a person’s life.
Our Expertise
At Randox Testing Services we provide drug and alcohol testing services to all professionals within the family law sector and private individuals. Our hair drug testing service utilises fully accredited testing methods and is made more cost effective through the patented testing methods we have developed.
We understand the impact a positive result can have on a parent, child, and extended family and ensure results of the highest accuracy. With over 35 years’ experience in the diagnostic industry, we have gained reputation as a trusted provider.
Randox Testing Services
We can supply individuals with a drug and alcohol service without the need to enter into any contracts. This service is available to anyone and can be facilitated by Randox Testing Services from sample collection to laboratory analysis; or with point of care kits to carry out drug and alcohol testing for instant results.
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Medico-legal Testing:
Private Individuals:
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Phone: +44 (0) 161 741 2760