CRP Quality Control

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CRP Quality Control

Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

The Randox Acusera CRP quality control is designed to monitor the performance of traditional CRP assays. The liquid ready-to-use format makes it convenient and easy to use. Once opened the control is stable for 30 days at +2-8°C significantly minimising waste and helping to reduce costs.

Features & Benefits

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human serum
  • Assayed target values provided
  • Stable for 30 days at 2°C – 8°C
DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
Liquid CRP Control Level 210 x 1ml1CP2480
Liquid CRP Control Level 310 x 1ml1CP2481


  • CRP

CSF Quality Control

Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

The Randox Acusera cerebrospinal fluid quality control is designed for use in the routine monitoring of both accuracy and precision on a wide range of instruments. Assayed method specific target values and ranges are provided for 11 parameters including percentage total protein quoted for electrophoresis regions at Albumin, Alpha-1-Globulin, Alpha-2-Globulin, Beta Globulin and Gamma Globulin.

Features & Benefits

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • Human based material
  • Assayed target values provided for 11 parameters
  • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
  • Reconstituted stability of 14 days at 2°C – 8°C
DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
CSF Control Level 210 x 3ml11CF1500
CSF Control Level 310 x 3ml11CF1501


  • Albumin (electrophoresis)*
  • Alpha – 1- globulin (electrophoresis)*
  • Alpha – 2- globulin (electrophoresis)*
  • Beta- globulin (electrophoresis)*
  • Chloride
  • Gamma – globulin (electrophoresis)*
  • Glucose
  • Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
  • Lactate
  • Protein (Total)
  • Sodium

    *No claims are made regarding values or stability

    Specific Protein Quality Control

    Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

    The Randox Acusera Specific Protein quality control covers 26 serum proteins including immunoglobulins, complement proteins and inflammatory proteins. Designed for use in the routine monitoring of both accuracy and precision, assayed target values and ranges are provided for both immunoturbidimetric and nephelometric based methods. The liquid ready-to-use format is not only convenient and easy to use but eliminates the possibility of reconstitution errors.

    Features & Benefits

    • Liquid ready-to-use
    • 100% human serum
    • Assayed target values provided for 26 analytes
    • Contains Total & Free Lambda Light Chains and Total Kappa Light chains
    • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
    • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2°C – 8°C
    DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
    Specific Protein Control Level 13 x 1 ml26PS2682
    Specific Protein Control Level 23 x 1 ml26PS2683
    Specific Protein Control Level 33 x 1 ml26PS2684
    Specific Protein Control Level 16 x 3 ml26PS10221
    Specific Protein Control Level 26 x 3 ml26PS10222
    Specific Protein Control Level 36 x 3 ml26PS10223


    • AFP
    • Albumin
    • a-1-Antitrypsin
    • a-1-Acid Glycoprotein
    • a-2-Macroglobulin
    • ASO
    • Anti-thrombin III
    • b-2-Microglobulin
    • Ceruloplasmin
    • Complement C3
    • Complement C4
    • CRP
    • Haptoglobin
    • IgA
    • IgE
    • IgG
    • IgM
    • Kappa Light Chain
    • Lambda Light Chain
    • Lambda Light Chain (Free)*
    • Prealbumin (Transthyretin)
    • Serum Ferritin
    • RF
    • RBP
    • Total Protein
    • Transferrin

    *Not for use in USA

    Maternal Quality Control

    Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

    The Randox Acusera Maternal quality control is the only commercially available control to cover all six analytes used during first and second trimester screening of Down syndrome and Spina Bifida. Assayed instrument specific target values and ranges are provided for AFP, β hCG, Inhibin A, PAPP-A, Total hCG and Unconjugated Estriol. The inclusion of Inhibin A and PAPP-A eliminates the need to purchase additional controls at extra expense.

    Features & Benefits

    • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
    • 100% human serum
    • Assayed target values provided for 6 parameters
    • Suitable for double, triple and quad screens
    • Unconjugated Estriol present at clinically significant levels
    • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
    • Reconstituted stability of 7 days at 2°C – 8°C
    DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
    Maternal Control Level 13 x 1 ml6MSS5024
    Maternal Control Level 23 x 1 ml6MSS5025
    Maternal Control Level 33 x 1 ml6MSS5026


    • AFP
    • PAPP-A
    • Free Beta hCG
    • Total hCG
    • Inhibin A
    • Unconjugated Oestriol

    Tumour Marker Quality Control

    Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

    The Randox Acusera Tumour Marker quality control covers 15 cancer antigens and tumour markers making it ideal for even the most demanding laboratories. The inclusion of assayed, instrument specific target values enables effective monitoring of both accuracy and precision.

    Features & Benefits

    • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
    • 100% human serum
    • Assayed instrument specific target values provided for 15 parameters
    • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
    • Reconstituted stability of up to 14 days at 2°C – 8°C
    DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
    Tumour Marker Control Level 23 x 2 ml15TU5002
    Tumour Marker Control Level 33 x 2 ml15TU5003


    • AFP
    • Beta-2- Microglobulin
    • CA 15-3
    • CA 19-9
    • CA 72-4
    • CA 125
    • Calcitonin
    • CEA
    • Cyfra 21-1
    • Ferritin
    • hCG
    • Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE)
    • PSA (Free)
    • PSA (Total)
    • Thyroglobulin

    Immunoassay Speciality II Quality Control

    Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

    The Randox Acusera Immunoassay Speciality II quality control is designed to complement our Immunoassay Premium and Premium Plus controls. Assayed, instrument specific target values and ranges are provided for 4 complex immunoassay parameters.

    Features & Benefits

    • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
    • 100% human serum
    • Assayed target values provided for 4 parameters
    • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
    • Reconstituted stability of up to 5 days at 2°C – 8°C and 4 weeks at -20°C
    DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
    Immunoassay Speciality II Level 15 x 1ml4IAS3117
    Immunoassay Speciality II Level 25 x 1ml4IAS3118
    Immunoassay Speciality II Level 35 x 1ml4IAS3119


    • Calcitonin
    • Renin
    • Gastrin
    • Procalcitonin

    Immunoassay Speciality I Quality Control

    Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

    The Randox Acusera Immunoassay Speciality I quality control is a specialised control designed to complement our Immunoassay Premium and Premium Plus controls. Assayed, instrument specific target values and ranges are provided for 10 complex immunoassay parameters including Procalcitonin, Anti-TG, Anti-TPO and Vitamin D.

    Features & Benefits

    • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
    • 100% human serum
    • Assayed target values provided for 10 parameters
    • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
    • Reconstituted stability of up to 5 days at 2°C – 8°C and 4 weeks at -20°C
    DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
    Immunoassay Speciality I Level 15 x 2ml10IAS3113
    Immunoassay Speciality I Level 25 x 2ml10IAS3114
    Immunoassay Speciality I Level 35 x 2ml10IAS3115


    • 1-25-(OH)2-Vitamin D
    • 25-OH-Vitamin D
    • C-Peptide
    • Insulin
    • Insulin Like Growth Factor I
    • Osteocalcin*
    • Procalcitonin
    • Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
    • Anti-Thyroglobulin (Anti-TG)
    • Anti-Thyroperoxidase (Anti-TPO)

    Immunoassay Premium Quality Control

    Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

    The Randox Acusera Immunoassay Premium quality control covers a comprehensive range of 52 analytes including therapeutic drugs and hormones. Assayed instrument specific values are provided for up to 46 analytes making this control ideal for monitoring both accuracy and precision. Three levels of control are available with analytes present at clinically significant levels.

    Features & Benefits

    • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
    • 100% human serum
    • Assayed target values provided for up to 46 analytes
    • Stable to expiry date at 2ºC to 8ºC
    • Reconstituted stability of 7 days at 2°C – 8°C or 4 weeks at -20°C
    • Ultra low TSH levels in the level 1 control
    • Ferritin and Vitamin B12 levels suitable for Anaemia monitoring
    DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
    Immunoassay Premium Level 112 x 5ml52IA2638
    Immunoassay Premium Level 212 x 5ml52IA2639
    Immunoassay Premium Level 312 x 5ml52IA2640
    Immunoassay Premium Tri-level4 x 3 x 5ml52IA2633


    • ACTH
    • Acetaminophen
    • AFP
    • Aldosterone
    • Amikacin
    • Androstenedione
    • B2 Microglobulin
    • CEA
    • Carbamazepine
    • C-Peptide
    • hCG
    • Cortisol
    • DHEA-Sulphate
    • Digoxin
    • Estriol
    • Ethosuximide
    • Ferritin
    • Folate
    • Free T3
    • Free T4
    • FSH
    • Gentamicin
    • Growth Hormone
    • IgE
    • Insulin
    • Leutinising Hormone
    • Oestradiol
    • Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)*
    • Phenobarbital
    • Phenytoin
    • Progesterone
    • Primidone
    • Prolactin
    • PSA (Free)
    • PSA (Total)
      • 17-OH-Progesterone
      • Salicylate
      • SHBG
      • Testosterone
      • Testosterone (free)*
      • Theophylline
      • Thyroglobulin
      • Total T3
      • Total T4
      • Tobramycin
      • TSH
      • T Uptake
      • Valproic Acid
      • Vancomycin
      • Vitamin B12
      • 1-25-(OH)2 Vitamin D*
      • 25-OH-Vitamin D

      *no claims are made for the expected value or stability

      Immunoassay Premium Plus Quality Control

      Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

      The Randox Acusera Immunoassay Premium Plus quality control covers an impressive 54 analytes with assayed instrument specific target values and ranges provided for up to 51 analytes. The unique combination of routine tumour markers, therapeutic drugs and Vitamin D allows laboratories to dramatically reduce the number of controls required while ultimately keeping costs to a minimum. Three levels of control are available with analytes present at clinically significant levels.

      Features & Benefits

      • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
      • 100% human serum
      • Assayed, instrument specific target values provided for up to 51 analytes
      • Ferritin and Vitamin B12 levels suitable for anaemia monitoring
      • Ultra low TSH levels in the level 1 control
      • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
      • Reconstituted stability of up to 7 days at 2°C – 8°C or 4 weeks at -20°C
      • Contains routinely run tumour markers: AFP/CA15-3/CA19-9/CA-125/CEA/PSA/Free-PSA
      DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
      Immunoassay Premium Plus Level 112 x 5ml54IA3109
      Immunoassay Premium Plus Level 212 x 5ml54IA3110
      Immunoassay Premium Plus Level 312 x 5ml54IA3111
      Immunoassay Premium Plus Tri-Level3 x 4 x 5ml54IA3112


      • ACTH
      • Aldosterone
      • Amikacin
      • Androstenedione
      • B2 Microglobulin
      • CA 15-3
      • CA 19-9
      • CA 125
      • CEA
      • Carbamazepine
      • C peptide
      • hCG
      • Cortisol
      • DHEA Sulphate
      • Digoxin
      • Estriol*
      • Ethosuximide
      • Ferritin



      • Folate
      • Free T3
      • Free T4
      • FSH
      • Gentamicin
      • Growth Hormone
      • IgE
      • Insulin
      • Leutinising Hormone
      • Oestradiol
      • Paracetamol
      • Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)*
      • Phenobarbitone
      • Phenytoin
      • Progesterone
      • Primidone
      • Prolactin
      • PSA (Free)


      • PSA (Total)
      • 17-OH-Progesterone
      • Salicylate
        • SHBG
        • Testosterone
        • Testosterone (free)*
        • Theophylline
        • Thyroglobulin
        • Total T3
        • Total T4
        • Tobramycin
        • TSH
        • T Uptake
        • Valproic Acid
        • Vancomycin
        • Vitamin B12
        • 1-25-(OH)2 Vitamin D*
        • 25-OH-Vitamin D

        *no claims are made for the expected value or stability

        G6PDH Quality Control

        Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

        The Randox Acusera G6PDH control is designed specifically to monitor the accuracy and precision of G6PDH assays. Two levels of control are available covering both normal and deficient concentration ranges.

        Features & Benefits

        • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
        • Stabilised red-cell haemolysate
        • Assayed target values provided
        • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
        • Reconstituted stability of 5 days at 2°C – 8°C
        DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
        G6PDH Control Deficient6 x 0.5 ml1PD2617
        G6PDH Control Normal6 x 0.5 ml1PD2618


        • G6PDH

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