Randox actively testing samples for Coronavirus COVID-19

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Randox actively testing samples for Coronavirus COVID-19

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12 February 2020


Introducing the COVID-19 Coronavirus Test from Randox

A ground-breaking test for the potentially fatal COVID-19 strain of coronavirus, is available at global health diagnostics company Randox Laboratories.

The test, developed on Randox’s patented Biochip Technology, is as an enhanced multiplex array which includes tests for COVID-19 and nine other respiratory viruses which can display the same symptoms.

The new enhanced Biochip therefore allows clinicians to quickly and efficiently differentiate between potentially lethal and non-lethal infections.

Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;

“Current technologies for the diagnosis of coronavirus are designed simply to detect the presence or lack of COVID-19, and therefore neglect to differentiate between this strain and other respiratory infections.

“We have therefore developed an extended Viral Respiratory Infection Array that tests simultaneously for COVID-19 and nine other viruses. This will eliminate the need for multiple back-and-forth tests before the root cause of symptoms is found, and empower clinicians to make fast and informed decisions.”

The test is available on the Randox Evidence Investigator with a turnaround time of 5 hours.

Benefits of the new Randox COVID-19 test

  • Quick Turnaround Times (5 hours on Evidence Investigator)
  • Multiplex array differentiates between mild and serious infection
  • Automated and Semi-Automated options available
  • Medium to high throughput (54 samples in 5 hours)

For further information please visit www.randox.com/coronavirus-randox




Coronavirus test available at Randox

News       About Us        Randox Biosciences

26 January 2020


Introducing the COVID-19 Coronavirus Test from Randox

A ground-breaking test for the potentially fatal COVID-19 strain of coronavirus, is in the final stages of development at global health diagnostics company Randox Laboratories.

The soon-to-be-launched test, developed on Randox’s patented Biochip Technology, will be available for immediate COVID-19 testing, but an additional enhanced multiplex array will also include tests for other respiratory viruses which can display the same symptoms.

The new enhanced Biochip will therefore allow clinicians to quickly and efficiently differentiate between potentially lethal and non-lethal infections.

Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;

“Current technologies for the diagnosis of coronavirus are designed simply to detect the presence or lack of COVID-19, and therefore neglect to differentiate between this strain and other respiratory infections.

“Whilst we’re very quickly developing an efficient novel test for this new strain of coronavirus, we are therefore also working on an extended Viral Respiratory Infection Array that will test simultaneously for COVID-19 and a range of other viruses. This will eliminate the need for multiple back-and-forth tests before the root cause of symptoms is found, and empower clinicians to make fast and informed decisions.”

The test will be available for the Point of Care analyser, the Vivalytic, within 3 hours, and within 5 hours on the Randox Evidence Investigator.

Benefits of the new Randox COVID-19 test

  • Quick Turnaround Times (3 hours on Vivalytic and 5 hours on Evidence Investigator)
  • Multiplex array differentiates between mild and serious infection
  • Automated and Semi-Automated options available

Randox also currently has available a Respiratory Tract Infection Array, which can test for 22 viral and bacterial respiratory infections simultaneously. The test therefore determines the exact cause of your symptoms and differentiates between mild and serious infections, such as coronavirus. This is also available from Randox Health as a Cold, Cough and Flu test.

For further information please visit www.randox.com/coronavirus-randox

For enquiries email marketing@randox.com or to book your Randox Health Cough, Cold and Flu test please ring 0800 2545 130.

Randox is committed to saving and improving lives on a global scale, and will bring you updates on developments on our test for COVID-19 as and when they happen.




Metabolic Syndrome Array from Randox Biosciences

News       About Us        Randox Biosciences

20 December 2019


Metabolic Syndrome Array from Randox Biosciences

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

According to the NHS, it occurs when a person has three or more of the following measurements1:

  • Abdominal obesity (Waist circumference of greater than 40 inches in men, and greater than 35 inches in women)
  • Triglyceride level of 150 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL) or greater
  • HDL cholesterol of less than 40 mg/dL in men or less than 50 mg/dL in women
  • Systolic blood pressure (top number) of 130 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or greater, or diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) of 85 mm Hg or greater
  • Fasting glucose of 100 mg/dL or greater

Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition that affects about 23 percent of adults and places them at higher risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and diseases related to atherosclerosis in arterial walls.The underlying causes include obesity, physical inactivity, genetic factors and aging. 3

Randox offers 10 metabolic syndrome biomarkers over 2 panels enabling multiplex testing to be performed on Randox Biochip Technology. One patient sample is required per test enabling multiple results. Biochip Technology powers the Randox Investigator, a semi-automated benchtop immunoassay analyser.

Metabolic Syndrome Array I

  • Ferritin
  • Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
  • Insulin
  • Leptin
  • Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
  • Resistin
  • Tumour Necrosis Factor α (TNFα)

Metabolic Syndrome Array II

  • Adiponectin
  • C-reactive Protein (CRP)
  • Cystatin C

Key Benefits of the Metabolic Syndrome Array

 Biochip Array Technology allows multiplex testing from one patient sample

  • Applicable to fully automated and semi-automated Evidence analysers
  • Biochips are ready to use, thus saving time, labour and resources
  • Rapid turnaround time
  • Validated for both serum and plasma samples – suitable for clinical research studies
  • Small sample volume – 100μl to measure all analytes on each array
  • Excellent analytical performance
  • Multi-analyte controls and calibrators
  • Highly efficient use of valuable patient sample banks
  • No non-specific aggregation, which is associated with multi-analyte bead assays
  • Can be used in the investigation of insulin resistance, pro‑thrombotic state, abnormal body fat distribution, pro‑inflammatory state and atherogenic dyslipidaemia

Randox Biochip Technology is an intelligent chemically activated 9x9mm ceramic biochip which acts as a solid phase reaction vessel. The biochip is spotted with multiple antibodies offering multiplex testing.

The good news is that if you discover that your metabolic health is sub-optimal you can improve it through a combination of diet, exercise and lifestyle adjustments from 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise 5-7 times a week to quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol intake.

Randox can assist your metabolic research by providing innovative diagnostic technology and tests that will continue to revolutionise the healthcare landscape and assist in academic research. This technology includes our Evidence Investigator and our Metabolic Syndrome Array I and Array II which can be used to assist you in the discovery and research of Metabolic diseases.

For more information visit Randox Biosciences or email info@randoxbiosciences.com


1 https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/metabolic-syndrome/


3 https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/health-wellbeing/conditions/cardiovascular/metabolic-syndrome





Medlab Middle East

Join us for Medlab Middle East 2020!


Randox Laboratories will be attending Medlab Middle East form the 3rd February – 6th February 2020. Our innovative diagnostic solutions have been developed with consolidation and economy in mind, providing cost savings whilst using pioneering technology.

Diagnostics is our passion. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective. We look forward to meeting you in the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre at stand Z5.B10.


New Products

  • Serology Controls
  • Stroke Biochip
  • Lipoprotein(a)
  • H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing
  • Acusera Verify
  • Evidence+

Acusera Infectious Disease Serology Controls

Randox Quality Control are pleased to announce the launch of our new Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls. Our portfolio includes Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more.

All samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format. This significantly reduces preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.

There is approximately 1 million people in the USA living with HIV and around 15% of them are unaware they are infected (CDC, March 2019). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 39,000 new HIV infections are reported per year.

The impact of not only HIV but all infectious diseases is getting much greater. Therefore, laboratories now play a much more important role in providing accurate test results. This is a key component in controlling the spread of infections.

Reporting a false positive result has its own obvious implications, however, what about the consequences of reporting a false negative. This can be just as devastating to a person in terms of the treatment they will receive and even personal lifestyle changes for the patient in question.

Randox Stroke Biochip

The Randox Stroke Biochip is a rapid and highly sensitive blood test that will complement and enhance existing CT scanning technology to facilitate accurate classification of stroke patients and improve patient care pathways.

Using Randox revolutionary patented Biochips, the Randox Stroke Biochip provides a unique solution for simultaneous detection of multiple stroke biomarkers from a single sample, facilitating fast and accurate classification of stroke patients in an emergency setting.

Benefits of the Randox Stroke Biochip

> Multiplex biochip for rapid stroke classification in under 30 minutes from a single plasma sample

> Complements and enhances existing CT scanning ensuring fast and accurate diagnosis

> Fast and accurate diagnostic classification between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke

> Simple 2 step process from sample entry to results

> Ensures better outcomes guaranteeing timely therapeutic intervention

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)]

 Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is described as “the most complex and polymorphic of the lipoprotein particles” 1. The biggest challenge that exists surrounding Lp(a) measurement is the heterogeneity of the apo(a) isoforms. Standardisation across calibrators is vital as the repeated KIV-2 units in Lp(a) act as multiple epitopes. A lack of standardisation could result in the underestimation of Lp(a) associated CVD risk 2.

Lp(a) assays that are standardised to the WHO/IFCC reference material, transferring values from mg/dl to nmol/l are more uniformed. The Denka Seiken Lp(a) assay is the most reliable commercially available Lp(a) assay, because 2:

  1. The isoform size variations are reduced as a range of calibrators from separate pools of serum were used which covered a range of Lp(a) concentrations.
  2. The isoform size and concentrations are inversely correlated better matching calibrants with test samples.
  3. Methods based on the Denka Lp(a) assay, calibrated in nmol/l and traceable to the WHO/IFCC reference material produced an acceptable bias compared with the Northwest Lipid Metabolism and Diabetes Research Laboratory (NLMDRKL) gold standard method.


HEART UK advocate the widespread clinical utility of Lp(a) to refine the CVD risk assessment. In doing so, HEART UK developed ten statements on Lp(a) (Table 1) utilising the 2016 ACC/AHA Clinical Guideline Recommendation Classification System, to assess the strength of the recommendation and aid in guiding the phrasing of the recommendation 2.

Key Features of the Randox Lp(a) Assay

  • The Randox Lp(a) assay is one of the only methodologies on the market that detects the non-variable part of the Lp(a) molecule and therefore suffers minimal size related bias providing more accurate and consistent results. The Randox Lp(a) kit is standardised to the WHO/IFCC reference material (IFCC SRM 2B) and is closest in terms of agreement to the ELISA reference method.
  • Five-point calibrator with accuracy-based assigned target values, and control are available, accurately reflecting the heterogeneity of the apo(a) isoforms present in the general population and offering a complete testing package.
  • Measuring units are available in nmol/l which is more uniformed and recommended by HEART UK.
  • Immunoturbidimetric method is highly sensitive and specific for the detection of Lp(a) in serum and plasma.
  • Excellent correlation co-efficient of r=0.995 when compared against other commercially available methods.
  • Excellent within run precision of <2.54%.
  • Liquid ready-to-use format for convenience and ease-of-use.
  • Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox Lp(a) assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers.



  1. Marcovina SM, Albers JJ. Lipoprotein (a) measurements for clinical application . Journal of Lipid Research 2019; 57(): 526-537.
  2. Cegla J, Dermot R, Neely G, France M, Ferns G, et al. HEART UK consensus statement on Lipoprotein(a): A call to action. Atherosclerosis 2019; 291(): 62-70.

H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing

Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is a well-recognised postoperative complication of cardiac surgery and is the second most common cause of AKI in the ICU, occurring in up to 30% of patients. Higher pre-operative values of H-FABP were associated with a higher risk of developing AKI. Following adjustments of certain patient characteristics, the association of pre-operative H-FABP with the development of AKI remained significant. In fact, the researchers observed that a 1 unit increase in log H-FABP was associated with a 3-fold increase in the odds of developing AKI.

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease

Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.

Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment.  Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

The new Evidence+

The fully automated Evidence+ analyzer is set to truly revolutionize laboratories worldwide. Continuing to provide high standards of quality, efficiency and reliability, the fully automated batch immunoanalyzer simultaneously detects multiple drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.

The Evidence+ analyzer enables both efficient and cost-effective testing whilst providing accurate and reliable results to larger high throughput laboratories.

What can we offer?

  • Biosciences
  • Quality Control
  • EQA
  • QCMD
  • Qnostics
  • Reagents
  • Evidence Series
  • RX Series
  • Toxicology

Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. We provide a variety of services and products to numerous industries including clinical laboratories, biopharma and academic research institutes.

Our revolutionary multiplex Biochip Array Technology includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays, and is delivered via the award winning Evidence range of analysers. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format.


Vivalytic the newest offering from Randox Biosciences brings innovation to the Molecular Diagnostic industry providing tests for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required making Vivalytic  a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.

Leading provider of true third-party controls

With over 390 parameters available in our Acusera range, choice and flexibility is guaranteed. Moreover, the availability of truly independent third-party controls coupled with the added advantages of highly accurate target values, excellent stability and unparalleled quality will enhance performance, save valuable time and minimize waste in any laboratory. Our comprehensive range of multi-analyte controls have been uniquely developed with user convenience in mind. By combining more than 100 parameters in a single vial, laboratories can significantly reduce the need for multiple, costly single analyte controls.

Online QC software with real-time peer group statistics

Designed to help you efficiently review QC data from multiple laboratory instruments on one centralized platform, Acusera 24.7 allows quick and easy identification of QC failures and emerging trends.

Unique access to live peer group updates will reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, helping you to instantly discover if an issue is isolated to your lab or a widespread problem. The added benefit of automatically generated statistics including Sigma Scores, Measurement Uncertainty & Total Error as well as fully interactive charts & reports will enable quick and easy performance monitoring.

Book a live demonstration for Acusera 24.7

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease

Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.

Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment.  Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

RIQAS – The World’s Largest International PT scheme

With over 45,000 laboratory participants in more than 133 countries, the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is truly the largest international PT provider in the world. Our comprehensive product offering currently covers over 360 parameters across 33 flexible programmes. Each RIQAS programme contains a unique combination of parameters meaning laboratories can significantly reduce the number of individual programmes required whilst increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Further benefits to a laboratory include accreditation to ISO 17043:2010, frequent reporting, reduced parameter options and access to comprehensive yet user-friendly reports.

QCMD is a world leading External Quality Assessment (EQA) / Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme, dedicated to improving the quality of molecular diagnostic assays used in the detection of infectious diseases.

With an extensive database of over 2000 participants in over 100 countries, QCMD is one of the largest providers of molecular EQA in the field of molecular diagnostics.

Molecular Infectious Disease Controls

Qnostics is a leading manufacturer of Third Party Quality Control solutions for Molecular Infectious Disease testing. Supplying microbiology/virology laboratories, molecular diagnostic assay manufacturers, EQA providers, pharmaceutical and CRO organisations for over a decade.

Designed to meet the demand of today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory and laboratories carrying out Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), the Qnostics Molecular Infectious Disease range comprises hundreds of characterised viral, bacterial and fungal targets covering a wide range of Transplant Associated Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Central Nervous System Diseases.

Randox Reagents are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality, offering reliable and rapid results. Our product portfolio consists of 117 clinical chemistry assays, covering a range of testing panels, including: antioxidants, diabetes, cardiology and lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and veterinary testing.

Randox are continuously striving to improve diagnostic solutions worldwide.  As a result, Randox have produced 29 niche and superior performance assays, including: 5th Generation Bile Acids, Adiponectin, Aldolase, Copper, Cystatin C, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate, G6PDH, H-FABP, Lipoprotein (a), NEFA, HDL Cholesterol, sdLDL Cholesterol, Total Antioxidant Status and Zinc.

Evidence series immunoassay analysers guarantee cost-effective, highly accurate and flexible testing solutions. Having been developed to work with patented Biochip Array Technology, this precision multiplex testing platform allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.

This multiplex system delivers an unrivalled increase in patient information, offering a more in-depth diagnostic profile with each patient sample. This further analysis places the focus on the diagnosis, and on improving patient outcomes.

Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialised tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analysers delivers excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.

RX misano

The RX misano semi-automated analyser has been developed with the user in mind by incorporating a responsive touch-screen display. The sleek ergonomic design boasts intuitive user-friendly software allowing for test menu personalisation and ease of use. The RX misano is capable of high standard, precise results at a competitive price per test.

RX monaco

The RX monaco is a fully automated solution for low to mid volume clinical chemistry testing offering the ultimate in convenience, performance and confidence. At optimal configuration, the RX monaco performs 170 tests per hour providing cost effective, high quality testing.

RX daytona +

The RX daytona+ is a fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyser capable of performing high quality testing, with a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour, for accurate results you can trust. The most versatile analyser in its class, the RX daytona+ combines robust hardware and intuitive software with the world leading RX series test menu for unrivalled performance with direct HbA1c testing capabilities.

RX imola

The RX imola is a cost-effective system that delivers consistent high-quality results. Capable of handling the workload of a medium to high throughout laboratory and a combined throughput of 560 tests per hour, the RX imola provides rapid, comprehensive testing on a small footprint analyser with direct HbA1c testing capabilities. The RX imola is a fully automated system with random access and STAT sampling functionality, boosting productivity and saving time when it matters most

RX modena

Capable of performing up to 1,200 tests per hour, with direct HbA1c testing capabilities, the RX modena consolidates all your assay requirements onto one intuitive platform. The RX modena boasts icon based, interactive touch-screen technology adding a modern flair to your laboratory.

Find out more about Direct HbA1c
Book a demonstration of one of our analysers

Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive Drugs of Abuse (DoA) test menu across multiple forensic matrices. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to ever changing market influences and develop assays for current and novel drug trends. Excellent assay precision and performance eliminates false reporting, therefore reducing unnecessary confirmatory tests and time lost in the laboratory as a result. Our Biochip Arrays offer CVs typically less than 10%, producing an accurate drug profile to ensure confidence in results.

Want to know more?

Contact us or book a meeting with us

Medica 2019

Join us for MEDICA 2019!



Randox Laboratories will be attending MEDICA 2019 from the 18th – 22nd November 2019. Our innovative diagnostic solutions have been developed with consolidation and economy in mind, providing cost savings whilst using pioneering technology.

Diagnostics is our passion. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective. We look forward to meeting you in the Messe Düsseldorf, Germany.

New Products

  • Serology Controls
  • Adiponectin
  • Stroke Biochip
  • Evidence+
  • Acusera Verify
  • H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing

Acusera Infectious Disease Serology Controls

Randox Quality Control are pleased to announce the launch of our new Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls. Our portfolio includes Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more.

All samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format. This significantly reduces preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.

There is approximately 1 million people in the USA living with HIV and around 15% of them are unaware they are infected (CDC, March 2019). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 39,000 new HIV infections are reported per year.

The impact of not only HIV but all infectious diseases is getting much greater. Therefore, laboratories now play a much more important role in providing accurate test results. This is a key component in controlling the spread of infections.

Reporting a false positive result has its own obvious implications, however, what about the consequences of reporting a false negative. This can be just as devastating to a person in terms of the treatment they will receive and even personal lifestyle changes for the patient in question.


Adiponectin (adipocyte complement-related protein of 30kDa (Acrp30)) is an adipokine (protein hormone) produced and secreted by the adipose tissue, an endocrine organ. Adiponectin acts as a messenger in the communication of adipose tissue and metabolic organs. In doing so, Adiponectin suppresses the production of glucose in the liver through inhibiting the genes involved in glucose production and enhances fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle 2. Consequently, Adiponectin is a strong protector against several pathological events in various cells through inhibiting inflammation, suppressing cell death and enhancing cell survival. Adiponectin has been identified as having pleiotropic functions widely associated with anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Randox Stroke Biochip

The Randox Stroke Biochip is a rapid and highly sensitive blood test that will complement and enhance existing CT scanning technology to facilitate accurate classification of stroke patients and improve patient care pathways.

Using Randox revolutionary patented Biochips, the Randox Stroke Biochip provides a unique solution for simultaneous detection of multiple stroke biomarkers from a single sample, facilitating fast and accurate classification of stroke patients in an emergency setting.

Benefits of the Randox Stroke Biochip

> Multiplex biochip for rapid stroke classification in under 30 minutes from a single plasma sample

> Complements and enhances existing CT scanning ensuring fast and accurate diagnosis

> Fast and accurate diagnostic classification between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke

> Simple 2 step process from sample entry to results

> Ensures better outcomes guaranteeing timely therapeutic intervention

The new Evidence+

The fully automated Evidence+ analyzer is set to truly revolutionize laboratories worldwide. Continuing to provide high standards of quality, efficiency and reliability, the fully automated batch immunoanalyzer simultaneously detects multiple drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.

The Evidence+ analyzer enables both efficient and cost-effective testing whilst providing accurate and reliable results to larger high throughput laboratories.

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease

Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.

Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment.  Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing

Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is a well-recognised postoperative complication of cardiac surgery and is the second most common cause of AKI in the ICU, occurring in up to 30% of patients. Higher pre-operative values of H-FABP were associated with a higher risk of developing AKI. Following adjustments of certain patient characteristics, the association of pre-operative H-FABP with the development of AKI remained significant. In fact, the researchers observed that a 1 unit increase in log H-FABP was associated with a 3-fold increase in the odds of developing AKI.

What can we offer?

  • Biosciences
  • Acusera
  • Qnostics
  • Reagents
  • RX Series
  • Toxicology
  • Evidence Series

Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. We provide a variety of services and products to numerous industries including clinical laboratories, biopharma and academic research institutes.

Our revolutionary multiplex Biochip Array Technology includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays, and is delivered via the award winning Evidence range of analysers. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format.


Vivalytic the newest offering from Randox Biosciences brings innovation to the Molecular Diagnostic industry providing tests for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required making Vivalytic  a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.

Leading provider of true third-party controls

With over 390 parameters available in our Acusera range, choice and flexibility is guaranteed. Moreover, the availability of truly independent third-party controls coupled with the added advantages of highly accurate target values, excellent stability and unparalleled quality will enhance performance, save valuable time and minimize waste in any laboratory. Our comprehensive range of multi-analyte controls have been uniquely developed with user convenience in mind. By combining more than 100 parameters in a single vial, laboratories can significantly reduce the need for multiple, costly single analyte controls.

Online QC software with real-time peer group statistics

Designed to help you efficiently review QC data from multiple laboratory instruments on one centralized platform, Acusera 24.7 allows quick and easy identification of QC failures and emerging trends.

Unique access to live peer group updates will reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, helping you to instantly discover if an issue is isolated to your lab or a widespread problem. The added benefit of automatically generated statistics including Sigma Scores, Measurement Uncertainty & Total Error as well as fully interactive charts & reports will enable quick and easy performance monitoring.

Book a live demonstration for Acusera 24.7

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease

Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.

Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment.  Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

RIQAS – The World’s Largest International PT scheme

With over 45,000 laboratory participants in more than 133 countries, the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is truly the largest international PT provider in the world. Our comprehensive product offering currently covers over 360 parameters across 33 flexible programmes. Each RIQAS programme contains a unique combination of parameters meaning laboratories can significantly reduce the number of individual programmes required whilst increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Further benefits to a laboratory include accreditation to ISO 17043:2010, frequent reporting, reduced parameter options and access to comprehensive yet user-friendly reports.

Molecular Infectious Disease Controls

Qnostics is a leading manufacturer of Third Party Quality Control solutions for Molecular Infectious Disease testing. Supplying microbiology/virology laboratories, molecular diagnostic assay manufacturers, EQA providers, pharmaceutical and CRO organisations for over a decade.

Designed to meet the demand of today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory and laboratories carrying out Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), the Qnostics Molecular Infectious Disease range comprises hundreds of characterised viral, bacterial and fungal targets covering a wide range of Transplant Associated Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Central Nervous System Diseases.

Randox Reagents are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality, offering reliable and rapid results. Our product portfolio consists of 111 clinical chemistry assays, covering a range of testing panels, including: antioxidants, diabetes, drugs of abuse testing, cardiology and lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and veterinary testing.

Randox are continuously striving to improve diagnostic solutions worldwide.  As a result, Randox have produced 29 niche and superior performance assays, including: 5th Generation Bile Acids, Adiponectin, Aldolase, Copper, Cystatin C, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate, G6PDH, H-FABP, Lipoprotein (a), NEFA, HDL Cholesterol, sdLDL Cholesterol, Total Antioxidant Status and Zinc.

Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialised tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analysers delivers excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.

RX misano

The RX misano semi-automated analyser has been developed with the user in mind by incorporating a responsive touch-screen display. The sleek ergonomic design boasts intuitive user-friendly software allowing for test menu personalisation and ease of use. The RX misano is capable of high standard, precise results at a competitive price per test.

RX monaco

The RX monaco is a fully automated solution for low to mid volume clinical chemistry testing offering the ultimate in convenience, performance and confidence. At optimal configuration, the RX monaco performs 170 tests per hour providing cost effective, high quality testing.

RX daytona +

The RX daytona+ is a fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyser capable of performing high quality testing, with a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour, for accurate results you can trust. The most versatile analyser in its class, the RX daytona+ combines robust hardware and intuitive software with the world leading RX series test menu for unrivalled performance with direct HbA1c testing capabilities.

RX imola

The RX imola is a cost-effective system that delivers consistent high-quality results. Capable of handling the workload of a medium to high throughout laboratory and a combined throughput of 560 tests per hour, the RX imola provides rapid, comprehensive testing on a small footprint analyser with direct HbA1c testing capabilities. The RX imola is a fully automated system with random access and STAT sampling functionality, boosting productivity and saving time when it matters most

RX modena

Capable of performing up to 1,200 tests per hour, with direct HbA1c testing capabilities, the RX modena consolidates all your assay requirements onto one intuitive platform. The RX modena boasts icon based, interactive touch-screen technology adding a modern flair to your laboratory.

Find out more about Direct HbA1c
Book a demonstration of one of our analysers

Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive Drugs of Abuse (DoA) test menu across multiple forensic matrices. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to ever changing market influences and develop assays for current and novel drug trends. Excellent assay precision and performance eliminates false reporting, therefore reducing unnecessary confirmatory tests and time lost in the laboratory as a result. Our Biochip Arrays offer CVs typically less than 10%, producing an accurate drug profile to ensure confidence in results.

Evidence series immunoassay analysers guarantee cost-effective, highly accurate and flexible testing solutions. Having been developed to work with patented Biochip Array Technology, this precision multiplex testing platform allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.

This multiplex system delivers an unrivalled increase in patient information, offering a more in-depth diagnostic profile with each patient sample. This further analysis places the focus on the diagnosis, and on improving patient outcomes.

Want to know more?

Contact us or book a meeting with us

Vivalytic Powered by Randox Biochip Technology: Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Testing

News       About Us        Randox Biosciences

15 November 2019


Vivalytic Powered by Randox Biochip Technology: Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Testing  

Vivalytic will revolutionise the way laboratories and healthcare professionals access molecular diagnostics.  A result of a collaboration between Bosch – providing innovative strength – and Randox Laboratories – dedicated to improving global healthcare – Vivalytic is the new innovative testing platform.  It’s the perfect fit for any laboratory, with numerous benefits to enhance testing capabilities.

The Vivalytic is a fully-automated, cartridge-based platform capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing.  Vivalytic cartridges are compact, utilising micro-fluidics to enable simple and accurate diagnostic testing.  Hi-Plex tests utilise Randox patented Biochip Technology, enabling end-point qualitative PCR and providing multiple test results from each sample.  Lo-Plex tests are based on a variety of detection methods including real-time qualitative PCR and melting curve analysis.  Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary platform.  Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required.

Vivalytic is the perfect fit for a healthcare professional in a point of care setting to a laboratory, which can implement the Vivalytic Up – modular and expandable testing system for higher throughput.

Benefits include:

  • Fully Automated Platform
  • Protected System
  • Direct and Clear Results
  • Hygienic and Space Saving

Vivalytic Test Menu

Vivalytic offers the most comprehensive multiplex screening test for infectious diseases including respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections; simultaneously detecting both viral and bacterial infections (please see figure 1.).

Respiratory Tract Infection Array Sexually Transmitted Infection Array Hospital Acquired Infections
Bacterial Viral
Bordetella Pertussis Influenza A Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) Methicillin-resistant

Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Chlamydophila pneumoniae Influenza B Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) Methicillin-sensitive

Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA)

Haemophilus influenzae Human adenovirus A/B/C/D/E Neisseria gonorrhoea (NG) Methicillin-resistant

coagulase-negative Staphylococci (MRCoNS)

Legionella pneumophila Human bocavirus 1/2/3 Mycoplasma genitalium (MG)
Moraxella catarrhalis Human coronavirus 229E/NL63 Trichomonas vaginalis (TV)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae Human coronavirus OC43/HKU1 Haemophilus ducreyi (HD)
Streptococcus pneumoniae Human enterovirus A/B/C Mycoplasma hominis (MH)
Bordetella parapertussis Human Metapneumovirus Treponema pallidum (TP)
Human parainfluenza virus 1 Herpes simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1)
Human parainfluenza virus 2 Herpes simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2)
Human parainfluenza virus 3
Human parainfluenza virus 4
Human respiratory syncytial virus A & B
Human rhinovirus A/B/C

Figure 1.

Lower and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

The economic burden of respiratory illness in the UK costs a staggering £11 billion every year on lung disease alone1.  Lower respiratory tract infections (LRIs) are a substantial public health problem and a leading cause of illness and death in people of all ages2. It is estimated that LRI causes nearly 4 million deaths annually3.  Upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) account for an estimated 10 million outpatient appointments a year. Most of these appointments end with physicians needless writing of antibiotic prescriptions4.

Randox Biosciences offers a Respiratory Multiplex Array which rapidly detects and identifies the cause of 22 bacterial and viral pathogens helping to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance.  Given that only bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, rapid diagnostic tests are urgently needed to distinguish between bacterial and viral infections.  This test will aid clinicians in their selection of the most appropriate antibiotic treatment for patients.  GPs would have additional efficiency savings for the NHS, by eliminating the need for lengthy microbiology lab tests and unnecessarily writing prescriptions.

The test is performed utilising our Biochip Technology which enables the simultaneous detection of multiple results from one patient sample. Biochip Technology powers Vivalytic which is the all-one solution for molecular diagnostics.

The main benefits of the Respiratory Multiplex Array are:

  • Turnaround time of 2 hours
  • Validated for sputum, lavage and nasopharyngeal samples
  • Panel includes viral and bacterial species to consolidate testing

Randox Biosciences are committed to the ongoing development of diagnostic tests, through our research into numerous disease areas, to improve health worldwide.

MEDICA World Forum for Medicine International Trade Fair

Randox Biosciences team will be attending Medica from the 18th – 21st of November 2019 at Messe Dusseldorf, Germany.  Stop by and say hello to some of our team members at our stand, and to learn more about our latest game-changing partnership with Bosch – the innovative Vivalytic platform!

Medica is at the forefront of new approaches in laboratory medicine, addressing the complexity of an evolving healthcare landscape.  This event attracts more than 5,100 exhibitors from 70 countries, engaging diverse professionals enabling them to discover new and innovative solutions to improving patient outcomes through effective lab testing, diagnosis and treatment.

To learn more about the Vivalytic offering, visit https://www.randoxbiosciences.com/clinical-laboratory/infectious-diseases/molecular-arrays/ or email us at info@randoxbiosciences.com


  1. British Lung Foundation. (2019). Estimating the economic burden of respiratory illness in the UK. [online] Available at https://www.blf.org.uk/policy/economic-burden [Accessed 06 Nov. 2019].
  2. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. (2015). Estimates of the global, regional, and national morbidity, mortality, and aetiologies of lower respiratory tract infections in 195 countries: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. [online] Available at https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(17)30396-1/fulltext [Accessed 29 Oct. 2019].
  3. Forum of International Respiratory Societies. The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease – Second Edition. Sheffield, European Respiratory Society, 2017.
  4. Thomas, M. and Bomar, P.   The National Centre for Biotechnology. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. United States of America.






Join us for the 15th APFCB Congress 2019!


Randox Laboratories will be attending the 15th APFCB from the 17th – 20th November 2019. Our innovative diagnostic solutions have been developed with consolidation and economy in mind, providing cost savings whilst using pioneering technology.

Diagnostics is our passion. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective. We look forward to meeting you in the new Jaipur Exhibition & Convention Centre stand P1.

New Products

  • Serology Controls
  • Adiponectin
  • Stroke Biochip
  • Evidence+
  • Acusera Verify
  • H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing

Acusera Infectious Disease Serology Controls

Randox Quality Control are pleased to announce the launch of our new Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls. Our portfolio includes Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more.

All samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format. This significantly reduces preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.

There is approximately 1 million people in the USA living with HIV and around 15% of them are unaware they are infected (CDC, March 2019). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 39,000 new HIV infections are reported per year.

The impact of not only HIV but all infectious diseases is getting much greater. Therefore, laboratories now play a much more important role in providing accurate test results. This is a key component in controlling the spread of infections.

Reporting a false positive result has its own obvious implications, however, what about the consequences of reporting a false negative. This can be just as devastating to a person in terms of the treatment they will receive and even personal lifestyle changes for the patient in question.


Adiponectin (adipocyte complement-related protein of 30kDa (Acrp30)) is an adipokine (protein hormone) produced and secreted by the adipose tissue, an endocrine organ. Adiponectin acts as a messenger in the communication of adipose tissue and metabolic organs. In doing so, Adiponectin suppresses the production of glucose in the liver through inhibiting the genes involved in glucose production and enhances fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle 2. Consequently, Adiponectin is a strong protector against several pathological events in various cells through inhibiting inflammation, suppressing cell death and enhancing cell survival. Adiponectin has been identified as having pleiotropic functions widely associated with anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Randox Stroke Biochip

The Randox Stroke Biochip is a rapid and highly sensitive blood test that will complement and enhance existing CT scanning technology to facilitate accurate classification of stroke patients and improve patient care pathways.

Using Randox revolutionary patented Biochips, the Randox Stroke Biochip provides a unique solution for simultaneous detection of multiple stroke biomarkers from a single sample, facilitating fast and accurate classification of stroke patients in an emergency setting.

Benefits of the Randox Stroke Biochip

> Multiplex biochip for rapid stroke classification in under 30 minutes from a single plasma sample

> Complements and enhances existing CT scanning ensuring fast and accurate diagnosis

> Fast and accurate diagnostic classification between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke

> Simple 2 step process from sample entry to results

> Ensures better outcomes guaranteeing timely therapeutic intervention

The new Evidence+

The fully automated Evidence+ analyzer is set to truly revolutionize laboratories worldwide. Continuing to provide high standards of quality, efficiency and reliability, the fully automated batch immunoanalyzer simultaneously detects multiple drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.

The Evidence+ analyzer enables both efficient and cost-effective testing whilst providing accurate and reliable results to larger high throughput laboratories.

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease

Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.

Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment.  Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing

Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is a well-recognised postoperative complication of cardiac surgery and is the second most common cause of AKI in the ICU, occurring in up to 30% of patients. Higher pre-operative values of H-FABP were associated with a higher risk of developing AKI. Following adjustments of certain patient characteristics, the association of pre-operative H-FABP with the development of AKI remained significant. In fact, the researchers observed that a 1 unit increase in log H-FABP was associated with a 3-fold increase in the odds of developing AKI.

What can we offer?

  • Biosciences
  • Acusera
  • Qnostics
  • Reagents
  • RX Series
  • Toxicology
  • Evidence Series

Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. We provide a variety of services and products to numerous industries including clinical laboratories, biopharma and academic research institutes.

Our revolutionary multiplex Biochip Array Technology includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays, and is delivered via the award winning Evidence range of analysers. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format.


Vivalytic the newest offering from Randox Biosciences brings innovation to the Molecular Diagnostic industry providing tests for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required making Vivalytic  a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.

Leading provider of true third-party controls

With over 390 parameters available in our Acusera range, choice and flexibility is guaranteed. Moreover, the availability of truly independent third-party controls coupled with the added advantages of highly accurate target values, excellent stability and unparalleled quality will enhance performance, save valuable time and minimize waste in any laboratory. Our comprehensive range of multi-analyte controls have been uniquely developed with user convenience in mind. By combining more than 100 parameters in a single vial, laboratories can significantly reduce the need for multiple, costly single analyte controls.

Online QC software with real-time peer group statistics

Designed to help you efficiently review QC data from multiple laboratory instruments on one centralized platform, Acusera 24.7 allows quick and easy identification of QC failures and emerging trends.

Unique access to live peer group updates will reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, helping you to instantly discover if an issue is isolated to your lab or a widespread problem. The added benefit of automatically generated statistics including Sigma Scores, Measurement Uncertainty & Total Error as well as fully interactive charts & reports will enable quick and easy performance monitoring.

Book a live demonstration for Acusera 24.7

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease

Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.

Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment.  Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

RIQAS – The World’s Largest International PT scheme

With over 45,000 laboratory participants in more than 133 countries, the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is truly the largest international PT provider in the world. Our comprehensive product offering currently covers over 360 parameters across 33 flexible programmes. Each RIQAS programme contains a unique combination of parameters meaning laboratories can significantly reduce the number of individual programmes required whilst increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Further benefits to a laboratory include accreditation to ISO 17043:2010, frequent reporting, reduced parameter options and access to comprehensive yet user-friendly reports.

Molecular Infectious Disease Controls

Qnostics is a leading manufacturer of Third Party Quality Control solutions for Molecular Infectious Disease testing. Supplying microbiology/virology laboratories, molecular diagnostic assay manufacturers, EQA providers, pharmaceutical and CRO organisations for over a decade.

Designed to meet the demand of today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory and laboratories carrying out Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), the Qnostics Molecular Infectious Disease range comprises hundreds of characterised viral, bacterial and fungal targets covering a wide range of Transplant Associated Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Central Nervous System Diseases.

Randox Reagents are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality, offering reliable and rapid results. Our product portfolio consists of 111 clinical chemistry assays, covering a range of testing panels, including: antioxidants, diabetes, drugs of abuse testing, cardiology and lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and veterinary testing.

Randox are continuously striving to improve diagnostic solutions worldwide.  As a result, Randox have produced 29 niche and superior performance assays, including: 5th Generation Bile Acids, Adiponectin, Aldolase, Copper, Cystatin C, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate, G6PDH, H-FABP, Lipoprotein (a), NEFA, HDL Cholesterol, sdLDL Cholesterol, Total Antioxidant Status and Zinc.

Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialised tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analysers delivers excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.

RX misano

The RX misano semi-automated analyser has been developed with the user in mind by incorporating a responsive touch-screen display. The sleek ergonomic design boasts intuitive user-friendly software allowing for test menu personalisation and ease of use. The RX misano is capable of high standard, precise results at a competitive price per test.

RX monaco

The RX monaco is a fully automated solution for low to mid volume clinical chemistry testing offering the ultimate in convenience, performance and confidence. At optimal configuration, the RX monaco performs 170 tests per hour providing cost effective, high quality testing.

RX daytona +

The RX daytona+ is a fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyser capable of performing high quality testing, with a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour, for accurate results you can trust. The most versatile analyser in its class, the RX daytona+ combines robust hardware and intuitive software with the world leading RX series test menu for unrivalled performance with direct HbA1c testing capabilities.

RX imola

The RX imola is a cost-effective system that delivers consistent high-quality results. Capable of handling the workload of a medium to high throughout laboratory and a combined throughput of 560 tests per hour, the RX imola provides rapid, comprehensive testing on a small footprint analyser with direct HbA1c testing capabilities. The RX imola is a fully automated system with random access and STAT sampling functionality, boosting productivity and saving time when it matters most

RX modena

Capable of performing up to 1,200 tests per hour, with direct HbA1c testing capabilities, the RX modena consolidates all your assay requirements onto one intuitive platform. The RX modena boasts icon based, interactive touch-screen technology adding a modern flair to your laboratory.

Find out more about Direct HbA1c
Book a demonstration of one of our analysers

Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive Drugs of Abuse (DoA) test menu across multiple forensic matrices. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to ever changing market influences and develop assays for current and novel drug trends. Excellent assay precision and performance eliminates false reporting, therefore reducing unnecessary confirmatory tests and time lost in the laboratory as a result. Our Biochip Arrays offer CVs typically less than 10%, producing an accurate drug profile to ensure confidence in results.

Evidence series immunoassay analysers guarantee cost-effective, highly accurate and flexible testing solutions. Having been developed to work with patented Biochip Array Technology, this precision multiplex testing platform allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.

This multiplex system delivers an unrivalled increase in patient information, offering a more in-depth diagnostic profile with each patient sample. This further analysis places the focus on the diagnosis, and on improving patient outcomes.

Want to know more?

Contact us or book a meeting with us

World Heart Day from Randox Biosciences

News       About Us        Randox Biosciences

29 September 2019


World Heart Day 2019


The World Heart Federation (WHF) is the acting global voice in leading the universal fight against cardiovascular disease (CVD).  Part of the WHF mission is to ensure heart health equity for everyone. They believe everybody is entitled to cardiovascular health and well-being through health promotion, access to prevention, control and management of CVD 1.

World Heart Day falls on the 29th September where people make a promise to promote and implement healthier lifestyles to maintain a happy and healthy heart, reducing the potential risks of heart disease and stroke.  CVD takes the lead being the number one cause of death world-wide 2 relating to all heart and circulatory diseases consisting of coronary heart disease, angina, heart attack, congenital heart disease, hypertension, stroke and vascular dementia 3.

According to the World Health Organisation2:

  • An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVD in 2016, representing 31% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, 85% were due to heart attack and stroke.
  • Out of the 17 million premature deaths (under the age of 70) due to noncommunicable diseases in 2015, 82% were in low- and middle-income countries, and 37% were caused by CVD.
  • Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioural risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and alcohol abuse.

Cytokines have a central role within the immune system; they are a category of signalling molecules that mediate and regulate immunity, inflammation and hematopoiesis 4.  Cytokine and inflammatory mechanisms have major implications for the vascular system and can lead to CVD.

Cytokines exist in broad families that are structurally related but exhibit diverse function.  The major classes of cytokines include: pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, cytokines of neutrophil and eosinophil recruitment and activation, cytokines derived from T-helper (Th) and T-regulatory (Tregs) cells, and cytokines of T-cell recruitment and growth factors.

Randox offers a comprehensive menu of 26 cytokine, cytokine receptors and growth factors over four multi-analyte arrays.  Each cytokine assay is performed on biochip array technology with spatially discrete test regions containing antibodies specific to each of the analytes.  The combination of highly specific antibodies and advanced chemistries enables up to 12 cytokines and growth factors to be detected simultaneously in a single sample.

Cytokine Array I                                                            Cytokine Array III

  • Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) –    Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating
  • Interferon-y –    Interleukin-5
  • Interleukin-1a –    Interleukin-15
  • Interleukin-1b –    Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1a
  • Interleukin-2
  • Interleukin-4
  • Interleukin-6
  • Interleukin-8
  • Interleukin-10
  • Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1
  • Tumour Necrosis Factor-a
  • Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

Cytokine Array IV                                                                         Cytokine Array V

  • Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 –    Interleukin-3
  • Soluble IL-2 Receptor a –    Interleukin-7
  • Soluble IL-6 Receptor –    Interleukin-13
  • Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor I –   Interleukin-12 p70
  • Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor II –   Interleukin-23

Key Benefits of Randox Cytokine Arrays:

  • Multiplex testing from a single sample.
  • Suitable for human serum and plasma samples.
  • Small sample volume required.
  • Excellent analytical performance.
  • Fast throughput.
  • Applicable to fully automated and semi-automated Evidence analysers.

Randox manufacture the majority of assay raw materials in-house and can therefore take a more tailored approach, by adapting assays to the needs of your research project to best fit your individual requirements.

  1. https://www.world-heart-federation.org/
  2. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/cardiovascular-diseases-(cvds)
  3. https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/conditions/cardiovascular-disease
  4. https://www.sinobiological.com/cytokine-rerview-receptor-source-targets-main-function-disease-association-a-1310.html
  5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/cytokines
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Randox Biosciences Products and Services





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Metabolic Syndrome Arrays from Randox Biosciences

News       About Us        Randox Biosciences

17 September 2019


Metabolic Syndrome Arrays from Randox Biosciences


Metabolic syndrome is described as a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. As result of three health conditions going on, it puts the individual at greater risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke and many other risks. 1 As well as developing additional health conditions it can cause damage to the blood vessels, the blood pressure damages the blood vessels, the obesity causes a lot of strain on the blood vessels and the heart.2 Therefore, can result in serious long-term risks.

This serious health condition is very common, and studies state that it affects about 23% of adults. 3One in four adults in the UK are currently living with metabolic syndrome and often becomes more common with age2.

Usually it affects those who are overweight or considered obese, have an unbalanced diet containing high levels of sugar and fat and have high cholesterol and extremely high blood pressure2 therefore, the condition can be prevented by reducing the risks.

1 According to the NHS, metabolic syndrome occurs when a person has three or more of the following measurements:

-Abdominal obesity (Waist circumference of greater than 40 inches in men, and greater than 35 inches in women)

-Triglyceride level of 150 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL) or greater

– HDL cholesterol of less than 40 mg/dL in men or less than 50 mg/dL in women

– Systolic blood pressure (top number) of 130 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or greater, or diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) of 85 mm Hg or greater

There are many ways to prevent metabolic syndrome from developing, making lifestyle changes for example, ensuring their weight is healthy by increasing physical exercise, eating a well-balanced healthy diet containing whole grains, fruit, vegetables and fish and finally, visiting the GP to monitor and manage blood glucose, blood cholesterol and blood pressure, quit smoking and managing your stress.

Randox offers the Evidence Evolution including two Metabolic Syndrome Arrays which allows multiplex testing from a single sample allowing rapid turnaround time and are suitable for both serum and plasma samples.



metabolic syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome Array I

  • Ferritin
  • Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
  • Insulin
  • Leptin
  • Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
  • Resistin

Metabolic Syndrome Array II

  • Adiponectin
  • C-reactive Protein (CRP)
  • Cystatin C

Want to know more about Randox?

Contact us or visit our homepage to view more.

DIKI: Drug Induced Kidney Injury Array from Randox Biosciences

Randox Biosciences introduces the innovative Randox Drug Induced Kidney Injury Array (DIKI). The new panels allow superior monitoring of nephrotoxicity for enhanced safety in drug development. It has been developed to identify four early stage markers of DIKI by screening for the biomarkers KIM-I, NGAL, Cystatin C, and Clusterin which have been identified as more sensitive than transitional testing methods to enhance accurate diagnosis of DIKI.

Our Biochip Array Technology enables multiplex immunoassay testing. The DIKI panel of 4 markers is combined on a single biochip, enabling simultaneous results from each patient sample, delivering:

  • Excellent inter-assay precision and required sensitivity
  • Superior specificity
  • Lower sample volume
  • Fast turnaround time
  • Safer drug development


With the number of hospitalised patients who develop a drug-induced renal problem due to the numbers of potent drugs have been added to the therapeutic arsenal in recent year1 – the DIKI can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health and wellbeing. Blakely stated that “drug-induced nephrotoxic contributes to 8 to 60% of all cases of AKI seen on the intensive care unit (ICU)”.2 Randox offers a 4-plex Drug Induced Kidney Injury test which detects early stage toxicity across the nephron, assisted through composite measurement. Earlier and more reliable detection of drug-induced kidney injury would improve clinical care and help to streamline drug-development. (Dieterle et al., 2010)3.

The poor sensitivity of serum creatinine for detecting and monitoring DIKI is well documented in academic journals. As a result, for early phase trials European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are encouraging the use of more novel urinary biomarkers alongside conventional safety monitoring. The new panel will be able to identify the levels of toxicity present in the kidneys which is classified as one of the most common side effects of drug development trials.


The new Randox Drug Induced Kidney Injury (DIKI) panel can help you conduct clinical trials safer and faster. For more information contact info@randoxbiosciences.com.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2043284
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-84628-937-8_3
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20458316









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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
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    Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności .
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    Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details, safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.
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  • Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.