Randox announces ‘Race against Dementia’ as partner charity for Randox Grand National Festival 2023
Randox announces ‘Race against Dementia’ as partner charity for Randox Grand National Festival 2023

Thursday 16th February
Randox today announces that Race Against Dementia, a global charity founded by three-times Formula 1 World Champion Sir Jackie Stewart, OBE, as its charity partner for the Randox Grand National Festival 2023.
Today, across the globe, more than 55 million people are living with dementia, with someone new being diagnosed with the disease every three seconds. Unless a cure is found, it is estimated that one in three people born today will die with dementia.
Randox will support Race Against Dementia throughout the three-day Aintree festival, to highlight the impact of the disease and to raise funds for much needed research into its prevention and cure.
On Ladies Day (Friday 14th April), Randox’s sponsored race over the Grand National fences will be titled ‘The Randox Supports Race Against Dementia Topham Chase’, and there will be opportunities to reach out to both the racing public and, through the festival’s media coverage, to the nation.
The 2023 Festival will also enable a welcome return to Aintree for Sir Jackie, who raced at Aintree in the 1960s, at a time when Aintree was part of the Grand Prix circuit.
As a global diagnostics company, with over 40 years of experience and a focus on preventative healthcare, Randox and Race Against Dementia are natural partners.
In the pursuit of a cure for dementia, improved testing and diagnosis will both enhance patient management and greatly accelerate the race for treatment.
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox said:
“Randox is proud to partner with Race Against Dementia as our nominated charity for 2023.
“We understand the importance of taking action early regarding current and future health. As a global market leader within the clinical diagnostics field, it was an obvious choice for Randox to partner with a similarly ambitious organisation. Race Against Dementia is a cause very close to many of our hearts.”
Sir Jackie Stewart OBE, Founder of Race Against Dementia, said:
“Race Against Dementia is delighted to be supported by Randox Laboratories in our race to find a cure for dementia.
“It is a great privilege to partner with an organisation which is an active innovator and is supporting our mission to accelerate the progress of dementia research.
“We are confident that working together with Randox will help to raise funds that will allow us to break new ground in the search for a cure or prevention of dementia.
“On a personal front, I have raced at Aintree before – it is a pleasure to be back, with another ‘race’ in mind.”
Dickon White, Regional Director, The Jockey Club North West, said:
“We are proud to support Race Against Dementia at the Grand National Festival and extend our thanks to Randox for helping to bring this partnership to fruition.
“Being staged over the famous Grand National fences, the Randox Supports Race Against Dementia Topham Chase should prove a very suitable vehicle for helping to publicise the vital work of Race Against Dementia.”
About Randox Laboratories
With over 40 years of diagnostic experience, Randox is globally recognised as being at the forefront of diagnostic capability and understands the importance of comprehensive and reliable research.
Past research and development has identified key proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease risk, stratifying at-risk populations, for early identification and assisting with clinical research.
Randox has recently made significant investment to deliver preventative, personalised testing packages across the nation and has opened over 20 new Randox Health clinics. Randox Health clinics focus on the provision of cost-effective, timely and accurate testing to identify risk to health, improve clinical diagnoses and promote preventative healthcare.
About Race Against Dementia
Race Against Dementia is a global charity, founded by Sir Jackie Stewart, OBE, to fund pioneering research into the prevention and cure of dementia.
RAD supports a number of Early Career Researchers in the UK, US, Australia, Europe and South Africa in order to accelerate dementia research.
RAD’s vision is a breakthrough in the prevention or treatment of dementia with the greatest of urgency.
For more information, please contact Market@randox.com
National Brain Awareness Week 11th – 15th March 2019
This year, National Brain Awareness Week runs from the 11th onto the 15th March 2019; a full week dedicated to brain health to increase public awareness of the progress and research of brain health.
Every single brain is unique and therefore, there are no two brains that are alike. The brain is an incredible and powerful organ which works throughout your life – starting from the womb to the end. It controls your body functioning in response to processing new information, developing new experiences and allowing you to understand and interact with the world. It contains one hundred billion nerve cells or neurons and each of the neurons can contact thousands of other cells via tiny structures called synapses. Our brains form a million new connections for every second of our lives.1
There are many conditions which can affect the brain including brain injuries, cerebrovascular injuries such as strokes or brain tumors, neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia or Parkinson’s disease, or even psychological conditions.
There is increasing evidence that the choices we make in life can have significant impacts on the health of our brain and bodies as we grow older. Doctors and scientific researchers have discovered that it’s possible to improve brain health and reduce the risk of dementia and age-related cognitive decline by making simple yet small lifestyle changes – for example, improving your physical exercise.
Physical experience is not only good for the heart but also has a positive impact on the brain as well. People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease as exercise improves blood flow and memory. Another way to improve your brain health is to get your eight hours of sleep. Poor sleeping patterns can increase your chances of developing the brain conditions highlighted above. Also, eating well and eating foods that improve brain function will go a long way – for example, berries, fish, turmeric, green tea, avocado, walnuts and even dark chocolate.
Caroline Abrahams, Director of Age UK said: ‘The changes that we need to make to keep our brains healthy are already proven to be good for the heart and overall health, so it’s common sense for us all to try to build them into our lives.’ 3
Randox Biosciences offers the Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) Array. The Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) Array is a research use-only product developed for the Evidence Investigator. The ApoE4 Array measures both total ApoE protein levels and ApoE4 protein levels directly from plasma samples and by using a ratio it can classify patients as negative or positive for ApoE4. In turn we can then assess their risk for the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
For further information about the Randox Alzheimer’s Array or our Evidence Investigator, please email info@randoxbiosciences.com
Randox Alzheimer’s Array on the Evidence Investigator
Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. It is defined as an irreversible, progressive brain disorder, in which parts of the brain are damaged over time. As this happens symptoms develop, but also get worse.
Dr. Alois Alzheimer discovered that in Alzheimer’s disease the connections between the cells and brain tissue are lost because proteins build up and form abnormal structures called “plaques” and “tangles”. 1 A healthy brain contains important chemicals which send signals between the cells, however, those who suffer with Alzheimer’s have less “chemical messengers.” Therefore, the signals don’t get passed on. 1
Risk factors
Age is the biggest risk factor. Alzheimer’s disease is more common amongst older adults. In the UK there are over 40,000 people under the age of 65 who suffer with some form of dementia. 2 Studies also state that women over the age of 65 are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than men – although there is no clear evidence as to why.
There are two different types of Alzheimer’s. The early on-set variant of the condition is very uncommon but strikes people younger than 65. Often people with early-onset Alzheimer’s develop symptoms in their 40s or 50s. Whereas, late-onset Alzheimers is more common and affects people age 65 and older. 2
The disease slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. The earliest symptoms are memory lapses where they may struggle to remember recent events or learn new information, or even forget important items for day-to-day life for example, their keys, glasses or mobile phone. Memory loss due to the disease can increasingly interfere with their life as often the ability to carry out simple tasks can become a struggle. As a result, the person suffering can become anxious, irritable and can even be depressed.
In the later stages of Alzheimer’s, the symptoms become more severe. The individual will become less aware of what’s happening around them. They may have difficulties eating, walking and will require additional help and support with their daily activities from their loved ones or from a carer.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, although, there is treatment that can help manage the symptoms.
The Randox Apolipoprotein E4 Array
Randox offers The Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) Array.
The Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) Array is a research use-only product developed for the Evidence Investigator, which is a semi-automated benchtop immunoassay analyser which can process up to 2376 test per hour as well as up to 44 analytes screened per biochip.
The ApoE4 Array measures both total ApoE protein levels and ApoE4 protein levels directly from plasma samples and by using a ratio it can classify patients as negative or positive for ApoE4. In turn we can then assess their risk for the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
For further information about the Randox Alzheimer’s Array or our Evidence Investigator, please email info@randoxbiosciences.com
- https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/types-dementia/alzheimers-disease-symptoms
- https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-alzheimers-disease
Maintaining optimal brain health
Do you want to have optimal brain function later in life? We do. The majority of people focus on keeping their bodies in optimal condition but often forget about the most important organ, the brain. With more of us living until we’re much older, reduced brain function and Alzheimer’s are becoming increasingly more common; it is one of the most feared consequences of aging. We expect our bodies to age due to wear and tear; however there are easy ways to slow it, you will be glad to hear. Here are some top tips to keep your brain health at its peak.
- Get physical exercise
It is becoming an increasingly well-known fact by scientists that regular exercise may be the single most important thing you can do to ensure optimum brain health. The reason for this is that exercise increases the blood supply to your brain so therefore increases your brain capacity. Experts advise 30 minutes of exercise every other day to ensure good mental health. Exercise also helps with cholesterol levels, mental stress and diabetes.
- Eat, eat, eat
Good nutrition is also essential for good brain health. Your brain is no different to any other organ: the better the fuel it receives; the better it works, simple. As with everything it is important to keep your calories in check as it has been proven to reduce mental illness. We aim to reduce the consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol as these can decrease brain function. No matter who you are, vitamins are also very important to ensure not only a healthy brain, but a healthy body. Vitamins of particular importance are folic acid, B6 and B12 which it is well-known can help lower your homocysteine levels. There is an ever-growing body of research which suggests that homocysteine levels have a strong correlation with Alzheimer’s and dementia. If you would like to read more about the link between homocysteine and Alzheimer’s, check out our previous blog post ‘How important is homocysteine research for Alzheimer’s disease?’
- Get enough sleep
Recent studies have suggested that a poor sleeping pattern is linked with cognitive decline in old age. A good night’s rest can actually double the chances of finding creative solutions to problems faced in everyday life! It has been proven that when we don’t sleep, proteins build up on the brain. These proteins build on the synapses, making it hard to think and learn new information; which is not conducive to good brain health.
- De-stress
Relaxation is key in a healthy lifestyle. Stress has a negative impact on the brain. It creates harmful chemicals to flow over areas of the brain that are in control of memory. Too much of these chemicals can lead to dementia and other memory loss related diseases, so maybe it’s not such a bad idea that you take that trip to the Bahamas you were thinking about!
- Improve you cholesterol
Cholesterol is commonly split up into good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). There are loads of ways to improve your cholesterol levels such as exercise, weight control, dieting and avoiding tobacco. It is very important to keep you levels of LDL down as high levels can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia and cardiac problems in old age. At Randox we are constantly coming up with new and exciting ways of monitoring your cholesterol and the launch of our new HDL3 test is coming soon. For more information on HDL3, check it out here!
- Brain exercises
Challenging your mind from time to time is important for good brain health; it keeps your brain active and uses cognitive thought to try and learn or solve a problem. It is thought that a lack of education is a strong influence in cognitive decline. Challenging your brain improves memory, develops critical thinking and stimulates the whole brain ensuring brain health is kept to a maximum. It can often be done in fun ways like brain teasers, puzzles and jigsaws. Check out our recent brain teaser here!
These are only some of the ways in which to keep your brain in peak condition. Aging will take a toll on everyone and it is impossible to avoid; however these 6 techniques can help maintain optimal brain function! We have been keeping up to date with Alzheimer’s in celebration of World Alzheimer’s Month. Remember a healthy brain is the key to success!
For health professionals
Randox Laboratories manufacture a wide range of routine and niche biochemistry reagents suitable for both research and clinical use. These include an automated homocysteine test and our new HDL3 cholesterol assay. Please contact reagents@randox.com for further information.