Banned substance furazolidone (AOZ) detected in shrimp at French border

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Banned substance furazolidone (AOZ) detected in shrimp at French border


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14 April 2021: Banned substance furazolidone (AOZ) detected in shrimp at French border

As per an alert through RASFF – the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed for the EU, shrimp imported from India has been rejected at the French border in March 2021 for containing a banned substance, known as furazolidone (AOZ). The shrimp product has since been destroyed and did not make it into the market for distribution.

Nitrofuran antibiotics, the parent compound of AOZ, were banned for use in animal food production in the EU in 1995 and 2009 in the US for its reported carcinogenic and mutagenic characteristics. However due to the drugs low cost and effectiveness in controlling disease it is still in use despite the ban.

Randox Food Diagnostics

Randox Food Diagnostics have developed a highly accurate and reliable immunoassay array which detects Nitrofuran residues including AOZ, AMOZ, AHD and SEM.

Available on the Evidence Investigator, our Antimicrobial Array III utilises our patented Biochip Array Technology which provides screening of up to 54 meat and seafood samples. The Evidence Investigator provides results for multiple drug residues and toxins in just 2.5 hours, saving the user both time and money compared to other screening and confirmatory methods.

Randox Food Diagnostics also provide a vast variety of ELISA kits to test for antibiotics in meat and seafood tissue, offering excellent cross-reactivity and unrivalled limits of detection. With results providing great correlation with confirmatory methods, we ensure that better science means safer food.

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Dog Food Recalled Due to Potentially Unsafe Levels of Aflatoxin


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Dog Food Recalled Due to Potentially Unsafe Levels of Aflatoxin

The importance of screening food for toxins has been highlighted this month with the recent news that Midwestern Pet Foods Inc. have extended their product recall after reports that the pet food has potentially caused the deaths of 70 dogs due to containing possibly unsafe levels of aflatoxin.

The Food and Drug Administration said in a statement that it has been “aware of more than 70 dogs that have died and more than 80 that are sick after eating Sportmix pet food.”

Aflatoxins are mycotoxins produced by two species of Aspergillus, a fungus which is especially found in areas with hot and humid climates. Aflatoxins have a wide occurrence in feed and cereals, such as wheat, barley, rice and corn, which are used as ingredients in pet food. At high levels, aflatoxin can cause illness and death in animals.

Midwestern Pet Foods first announced a voluntary recall on Dec. 30, extending it last week. “There have been reports of illnesses and deaths in dogs associated with certain lots of products. No human illnesses have been reported,” the company said in a recall announcement. “Out of an abundance of caution, we have expanded this recall to cover all corn products containing pet foods with expiration dates prior to 07/09/22.”

Aflatoxin poisoning can display in animals with symptoms such as sluggishness, loss of appetite, vomiting, jaundice and diarrhoea.

The expanded recall includes “additional corn-containing lot codes of Sportmix, Pro Pac Originals, Splash, Sportstrail, and Nunn Better dry dog and cat foods” that were produced in its Oklahoma manufacturing plant. A full list of recalled products can be found here.

Randox Food Diagnostics

Randox provide solutions to the agricultural industry by having developed a range of screening platforms for toxins and drug residues within feed and cereals. Multiple mycotoxins can affect crops and drug residues can pass through to feed causing adverse health effects in both humans and animals.

Myco 9 facilitates the detection of up to 9 common mycotoxins from a single sample of cereal or cereal based feed, including aflatoxin B1/B2, aflatoxin G1/G2, deoxynivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol, fumonisins, ochratoxin A, paxilline, T2 toxin & zearalenone.

For more information on the antibiotic screening arrays available contact us at:


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India Must Stop Misusing Antibiotics in Dairy Sector, According to CSE Report


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India Must Stop Misusing Antibiotics in Dairy Sector, According to CSE Report

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has raised concerns over whether the milk we consume is safe. Hosting a virtual meeting in July, the CSE discussed the use of antibiotics with the world’s largest producer of milk, India. Over 188 million tonnes of milk was produced by India over the period of 2018-2019 and lead with 22% of global milk production.

A recent assessment by the CSE has found indication of antibiotic abuse in milk producing cattle.

“We have found that antibiotics are extensively misused in the dairy sector; antibiotic residues remain largely untested in milk, an integral part of Indian diets, particularly of children,” said CSE Director General Sunita Narain. “While we continue to struggle against COVID-19, we are staring at another pandemic like situation – that of antibiotic resistance fueled by the way we are producing our food, which has become chemical-intensive.”

Antibiotics such as penicillin, aminoglycosides and fluroquinolones are being ‘indiscriminately’ used by dairy farmers according to the CSE. These antibiotics are among the most important in human health. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned as we face growing concerns over an antibiotic resistance, such antibiotics should be preserved.

Despite laws stating that antibiotics should only be prescribed and administered by a registered veterinarian, the CSE said that some farmers are illegally attaining and injecting animals themselves without the supervision of veterinarians.

“Farmers often sell milk while the animal is under treatment, which increases the chances of antibiotic residues in the milk,” explained Amit Khurana, the CSE’s Food Safety and Toxins Programme Director. “While milk sold directly to consumers is not tested, contrary to what one would expect, processed milk sold in packets is also largely unchecked for antibiotic residues.

“This explains why, despite pooling and processing, packed milk samples from several states had antibiotic residues in the FSSAI’s [Food Safety and Standards Authority of India] milk quality survey of 2018.”

However, CSE noted the virtual meeting has encouraged positive signs of action in the diary industry in India.

“The issues highlighted by the CSE assessment have been well recognised by the experts and stakeholders. These experts have also recommended several measures for minimising antibiotic misuse in the Indian dairy sector.”

In order to minimise the threat of antibiotic resistance, the CSE have recommended “preventative measures” such as;

  • Routine observation of drugs residues in milk
  • Modifying the existing standards for antibiotic residues in milk
  • Limiting misuse of essential antibiotics such as penicillin

Such measures, Khurana noted, are showing some success. “Information shared by various organisations, agencies and experts suggest that ethno-veterinary medicines, better management of sub-clinical mastitis, and good farm management are contributing towards reducing antibiotic misuse.”

“India is now talking about antibiotic resistance in the one-health perspective,” noted Narain. “There is a shared concern, and all voices are now together in expressing that concern.” As such he believes further (and necessary) action will be taken.

“We must ramp up surveillance and testing, put a complete stop to the use of critically important antibiotics and penalise their use,” he added, “and work with farmers and the agriculture-dairy sectors to innovate on solutions.”

Randox Food Diagnostics

Randox Food Diagnostics recognise the pressure the dairy industry is under to mass produce high quality products whilst complying with regulations and have developed the solution. A comprehensive range of easy to use, accurate milk analysis methods for the qualitative and quantitative detection of contaminants in milk.

With 6 Biochip arrays available including the revolutionary InfiniPlex for Milk, Randox Food provide the highest quality testing platforms for the screening of antimicrobials and are the only commercial supplier of a multiplexing anthelmintics array in milk.

Biochip Array Technology saves time and money whilst enabling users to get a deeper insight into milk quality and ensure a safe supply chain.

Contact us at, or visit to find out more about our milk testing solutions.



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Evidence Investigator: One Analyser for Multiple Food Testing Industries


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28 September 2020

The Randox Evidence Investigator: One Analyser for Multiple Food Diagnostic Industries

The Randox Evidence Investigator has been validated for Randox Food Diagnostics across various food matrices including tissue, feed and cereals, honey, aquaculture, and milk, making it the perfect testing equipment solution for any food testing laboratory.

How can the Randox Evidence Investigator benefit me?

  • The Randox Evidence Investigator is a multi-analyte quantitative drug residue screening analyser. Using Randox’s patented Biochip Technology, the analyser ensures screening food for drug residues is accurate and efficient, offering a range of laboratories comparable results to LC-MS/MS.
  • Using multiplex technology, the Evidence Investigator can provide simultaneous detection for a wide range of analytes from a single sample, saving you time and resource, and getting the reliable results you need.
  • The analyser uses unique image processing software to translate the Relative Light Units (RLU) generated from the chemiluminescent reactions into an analyte concentration.
  • No manipulation of results is required, which reduces the scope for any operator error. The Randox Evidence Investigator provides excellent sensitivity with a quantitative concentration result (ppb) for each analyte tested.
  • The analyser boasts an extensive test menu with tests for the most widely used drug residues and the most commonly detected mycotoxins in the feed production industry.
  • When purchasing the Randox Evidence Investigator, you will receive the complete package required for sample analysis which includes the analyser, PC and imaging software, a thermoshaker and a barcode scanner.

Visit the Randox Food Diagnostics website for more information on this technology.

For all enquiries relating to food testing on any of our Randox analysers, please contact us via email at:


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Preparing Your Vineyard for Harvest: A Randox Food Diagnostics Blog


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28 August 2020

Preparing your vineyard for harvest: Excellence in every glass

Each year from August through October and maybe a little later, the Northern Hemisphere comes alive with the excitement and rush of harvest as wine makers celebrate with festivals, dinners and get together as the yearlong grape growing season comes to an end and harvest begins.

Producing the highest quality wine grapes is dependent upon many factors – mainly the right amount of sun and rain. The growing process can be stressful for winemakers as they anxiously keep a close eye on weather conditions, in hope that it’s clear of frosts, heatwaves and hail. These can all have detrimental impacts on the vineyard.

However, this year it hasn’t been weather conditions that have been a worry for winemakers. Instead, many vineyards have been significantly impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and events that once brought life to local communities and vineyards are now taking place online. Channels for selling wine such as hotels, restaurants and airports have dried up with current restrictions, and online and supermarket sales have never been more important.

Like many industries the food and beverage sector has continued to operate through one of the most challenging times. Using a combination of expert knowledge and technology has ensured that the expectation put upon winemakers to create excellent wine is regularly achieved even in the toughest conditions.

Did you know that a wide range of elements are measured to ensure perfection in every bottle, including levels of acidity and sugar ripeness relevant to the desired style of wine? Technology has been giving winemakers a helping hand in ensuring the quality of each harvest for many years including Randox Food‘s RX misano – a compact, fast and efficient benchtop spectrophotometer capable of gaining results in 8-15 minutes.

For more information please visit Randox Food Diagnostics or email:

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Ergot Alkaloids ELISA now available from Randox Food Diagnostics


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28 July 2020

Ergot Alkaloid ELISA now available from Randox Food Diagnostics

Available now, the Randox Food Diagnostics Ergot Alkaloid ELISA (Catalogue Number EA3491) is:

Compliant with the lowest proposed maximum levels being considered by the European Commission for the total of 12 main ergot alkaloids applicable from July 2020, including the stricter drafted limits from July 2022, for cereal-based feed, wheat and rye milling products.

Accurately detects the sum of 12 main ergot alkaloids to test the most affected type of cereal – rye flour. Randox’s ELISA results show an excellent 95% correlation with the assigned concentration within FAPAS Proficiency Test scheme.

Unrivalled in the detection of low contamination levels. The Z-score of FAPAS PT of -0.6 for baby multigrain food was obtained using Randox Ergot Alkaloids ELISA.

Validated based on Commission Regulation (EC) No 519/2014 as a semi-quantitative screening method for cereal-based feed, wheat and rye milling products. The same regulation was followed for fit-for-purpose approach assessment for confirmatory method, which approves Randox Ergot Alkaloids ELISA as being a method for official control. It is successfully assessed by fit-for-purpose approach according to Commission Regulation (EC) No 401/2006 as approved method of analysis.

Evaluated by third-party laboratory (Wageningen Food Safety research / WFSR, 2019) and proved to be able to distinguish between negative and positive samples. Randox’s ELISA displayed no false-negatives and no false-positives in this study. Across all commercially available ELISA tests, Randox Food Diagnostics Ergot Alkaloids ELISA was the only test which showed good performance with all 3 sample types, including 11 matrices and a total of 24 samples.

      Reference reports are available upon request.

      For more information visit or email us directly at



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      World-first milk test for cattle herd health developed by Randox scientists


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      04 March 2020

      World-first milk test for cattle herd health developed by Randox scientists

      Randox scientists have today revealed a revolutionary new method for Bovine disease testing which will radicalise cattle screening against some of the world’s most prevalent bovine viruses, bacteria and parasites.

      Named the Bovine Pathogen Array, the test is designed to facilitate prompt diagnosis and the identification of co-infection, which aids in the reduction of the spread of disease, limits the need for medical intervention and milk withdrawal periods, and also ensures maximum efficiency at the producer level.

      The veterinary multiplex IVD immunoassay from global diagnostics company Randox, headquartered in Northern Ireland, is the first of its kind on the market – detecting antibodies against six pathogens simultaneously from a single milk sample, rather than the standard more time-consuming method of singleplex ELISA testing currently required for each individual disease.

      David Ferguson, Managing Director, Randox Food Diagnostics, commented;

      “Our Bovine Pathogen Array is the first of its kind in the world and has the potential to revolutionise how cattle are diagnosed and how quickly pathogens are spread amongst a herd. Simultaneous detection of the rifest, and most problematic, bovine viruses, bacteria and parasites has not been attempted before, and currently, six to seven separate ELISA tests must be conducted in order to obtain the same results as those delivered by the Bovine Pathogen Array. 

      “Bringing this product to market has been a priority at Randox Food Diagnostics and we are sure that arming industry professionals with quicker and more accurate diagnostic tools will lead to increased yields, increased profit margins for producers and, ultimately, better bovine health.” 

      The new Bovine Pathogen test, which is conducted on a unique piece of testing technology called the Biochip, generates results in approximately 2.5 hours, allowing faster diagnosis and identification of infected cattle. Milk samples are collected from the herd, added to a Biochip, and then placed in the corresponding analyser (called the Evidence Investigator) which runs tests for multiple diseases – Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD), Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), Paratuberculosis (Johne’s Disease), Leptospirosis, Neospora Caninum and Fasciola Hepatica (Liver Fluke) – all at once.

      Highly contagious and, in many cases, untreatable, there has been much concern regarding outbreaks of these dangerous pathogens in the past number of years. With a global economic impact, high mortality rates, increased premature culling, decreased reproductive performance and reduced milk yield as direct losses, vital research has been long awaited in order to tackle these dangerous conditions faster and more effectively.

      David continued;

      “The Randox Bovine Pathogen Array contains a range of well-established antigens complemented by additional select novel analytes for BVD and Neospora Caninum. It can also differentiate between IBR vaccinated and naturally infected animals (DIVA capacity) when used in conjunction with selected vaccines. This comprehensive test menu will significantly contribute to advances in disease research and add to scientific knowledge already available with regards to coinfection, surveillance, vaccine performance and risk factors associated with disease outbreaks.

      “We are proud to be able to provide reassurance for dairy producers, enabling them to get to the root of the issue before contamination occurs across the herd.”

      The new Bovine Pathogen Array was recognised as most innovative assay at the recent IDF World Dairy Summit, receiving 1st prize in the poster competition. It is now available from Randox Food Diagnostics.

      Please email for further information.

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      The use of antibiotics in the dairy industry


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      27 February 2020

      The use of antibiotics in the dairy industry


      The use of antibiotics in the dairy industry

      In this month’s Randox Food Diagnostics blog, we look at the dairy industry and their use of antibiotics.

      Antibiotics are used in the dairy industry routinely for pure preventative purposes. Due to poor conditions and hygiene, it is common that cattle will become infected which results in loss of milk yield and beef. Antibiotics are used to alleviate and prevent further suffering from potential zoonotic diseases.

      Antibiotics are administered to cattle through a blanket use practice, within a herd to ensure all are treated. Once administered to the animal they must be given a ‘dry’ period when the dairy cattle are allowed to rest between lactations. This lasts roughly around 60 days in which a herd cannot be milked to ensure the antibiotics are out of the cattle’s milk. This however is at a cost to the farmer and cattle cannot be rushed back into milking too soon after administration.

      To support the global dairy industry, and to help dairy processors monitor their use of antibiotics, Randox Food have developed the most comprehensive testing methods for milk.

      The InfiniPlex for Milk Array is the world’s first screening technology that allows users to test for 130+ contaminants in milk in under 22 minutes. In addition to testing for antibiotics, InfiniPlex can detect anti-parasitic, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic drug residues from a single sample using patented Biochip Array Technology.

      Available on both the Evidence Investigator, a semi-automated system, capable of analysing up to 48 samples in under 2 hours and the Evidence MultiSTAT, a fully automated system that delivers results from a single neat sample of milk in under 22 minutes.

      If you are a centralised laboratory, internal surveillance programme, low throughput laboratory or a dairy processor we have the perfect solution for your testing needs.

      For more information on the antibiotic screening arrays available, contact to find out how Randox Food can simplify your screening practices today.

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      Why is testing for Tartaric Acid important in winemaking?


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      31 January 2020

      Tartaric Acid testing in winemaking


      Why is testing for Tartaric Acid important in winemaking?

      Tartaric Acid is a unique acid that is not commonly found in fruit, however it is a primary acid component in grapes. It is one key acid that is monitored during the fermentation process as it plays a vital role in the stability of the wine and its pH levels.

      Tartaric acid combines with Potassium to create Potassium Titrate which then precipitate and causes the acidity to drop and the pH levels to rise. It is found in significant concentrations in grapes, but this can vary based on factors including the variety of grape and the vineyard soil content.

      Tartaric acid plays a key role in the stability of wines and influences the taste, colour and odour of the final product. A high tartaric content in a final bottled wine is indicative of the wine being unstable, due to this, it is important for winemakers to monitor the levels of this acid present in wine.

      Generally, it has been recognised that between 0.5-10 g/l is the average acceptable level and the Randox Food Diagnostics kit for measuring tartaric acid allows winemakers to measure between to this range.

      Randox Food Diagnostics offer multiple tests for wine analysis including Tartaric Acid on both the RX misano and the RX monaco.

      Method No. of Tests Catalogue No. Sensitivity Linearity
      Manual 50 TK4060 N/A N/A
      RX misano 100 TK4060 0.51 g/l 10.00 g/l
      RX Monaco N/A TK4060 On request On request

      For more information on wine and other food testing please contact us at:



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      Randox in Top 10 2019 European Food and Beverage Technology Providers


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      20 December 2019

      Randox in Top 10 Food and Beverage Technology Providers in Europe 2019

      Randox in Top 10 Food and Beverage Technology Providers in Europe 2019

      Randox Food Diagnostics have been selected as one of the Top 10 Food and Beverage Technology solution providers in Europe for 2019.

      The news was announced in an article in the Food and Beverage Technology Review magazine, which highlighted companies at the forefront of technological developments in the food and beverage industry.

      The magazine’s editorial board assessed and shortlisted some of the most prominent organisations in the industry that solve challenges by implementing the current technological trends in the space, and nominated Randox in the top 10 in an article entitled; “Randox: Bringing Diagnostics to the Food Industry.”

      The article highlights the history of Randox, which was established by our Managing Director Dr Peter FitzGerald in 1982. We traditionally focused on placing our diagnostics technologies in the likes of hospitals, laboratories and veterinary clinics, however in recent years have utilised our expertise in diagnostic technology to diversify into another key area of healthcare – food safety.

      Our Randox Food Diagnostics division offers the latest and most comprehensive diagnostic technologies to food producers across a range of industries including meat, seafood, dairy, honey and cereals, to ensure food safety and satisfy customer demand.

      Our patented Randox Biochip Array Technology can provide screening of up to 54 food samples providing results for drug residues and toxins within 3 hours, saving both time and money for clients. The Randox Biochip facilitates simultaneous detection of multiple drug residues or pathogens including antibiotic, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, growth promoter, and mycotoxin diagnostics.

      “With faster, simpler and more efficient testing, Randox Biochip increases efficiency within producer processes and, within the market place, increases consumer confidence, a reason why leading food producers, as well as hospitals, laboratories, toxicology centres, and health clinics, utilise Randox products,” says Dr Peter FitzGerald.

      Most recently we unveiled the Randox Infiniplex; a biochip for milk testing which allows milk testing laboratories to carry out multiple tests simultaneously on a single milk sample.

      “Our Infiniplex array greatly differs from other milk residue tests as it uses multiplexing technology that reduces our customers’ testing time to four hours and requires a small sample volume (25μl),” says Kerrie McAuley, VP of Marketing, Randox Food Diagnostics.

      Randox Food is also working on pesticides arrays for milk and honey, and additionally a Bovine Pathogen Array to branch out into animal health and wellbeing screening in milk for viruses such as bovine diarrhoea.

      To find out more about what we offer at Randox Food Diagnostics click here or email

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