Enhancing Laboratory Quality Control with Multi-Rule QC: A Comprehensive Guide

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Enhancing Laboratory Quality Control with Multi-Rule QC: A Comprehensive Guide


We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest educational guide, “Understanding Multi-rule QC,” which delves into the world of laboratory quality control. Designed for laboratory professionals, this comprehensive guide aims to empower you with knowledge and strategies to ensure accurate results and uphold patient safety.

Understanding the Significance of Multi-Rule QC

Laboratory quality control is paramount in maintaining the integrity of test results. The guide begins by exploring the various causes of deviations in laboratory testing processes. From instrument malfunctions to environmental factors, we shed light on potential sources of error that can impact result accuracy.

Next, we dive into the core of the guide: Multi-rule QC. This powerful framework encompasses a series of rules that serve as a robust screening tool for identifying outliers, shifts, and trends in data. Through an in-depth exploration of rules such as 1:2s, 1:3s, 2:2s, R4s, 3:1s, 4:1s, 10x, and 7T, we unveil their underlying principles and their significance in maintaining quality control within laboratory settings.

Applying the Multi-Rule QC Approach

The guide equips laboratory professionals with practical insights on applying the Multi-rule QC approach. By examining consecutive data points, analysing trends, and detecting systematic shifts, you gain the ability to proactively address issues before they compromise result accuracy. We highlight the importance of avoiding overreliance on individual rules for result rejection, emphasizing the need to consider additional factors such as clinical relevance and method performance.

Troubleshooting Out-of-Control Events

No laboratory is immune to out-of-control events. That’s why our guide goes beyond rule implementation and delves into effective troubleshooting strategies. We provide guidance on identifying root causes, implementing corrective actions, and re-establishing control in your laboratory environment. By embracing a culture of continuous improvement, you can minimize the impact of deviations and optimize laboratory performance.

Acusera 24.7 

Acusera 24.7 is a cloud-based inter-laboratory data management and peer-group reporting software designed to assist in the management of daily QC activities and aid continuous improvement in the laboratory. It includes multi-rule capabilities that can be utilized to monitor your QC data and index it as accepted, rejected, or trigger an alert, depending on the pre-defined multi-rules against which you want to check your data. These features enable the identification of nonconformities and reduce the need for laborious manual statistical analysis while enhancing the accuracy and precision of the laboratory.


In an era where accuracy and patient safety are paramount, the “Multi-rule QC” guide serves as an invaluable resource for laboratory professionals. By mastering the principles and applications of Multi-rule QC, you can enhance the quality control processes within your laboratory, mitigating risks and delivering reliable test results.

To explore the full potential of Multi-rule QC and embark on a journey of laboratory excellence, we invite you to download the guide today. Stay ahead of the curve and ensure the highest standards of quality and patient care in your laboratory!

You can download the Understanding Multi-rule QC Educational Guide below: 

If you’d like to find out more about what we can do to help your laboratory or view our range of Internal Quality Controls, don’t hesitate to contact us at marketing@randox.com or feel free to browse the range on our website https://www.randox.com/laboratory-quality-control-acusera/.


Internal Quality Control and ISO 15189

As a major contributor to the IVD industry, like many of you, the trials and tribulations of quality control are an everyday consideration. It is for this reason we strive to make the process of IQC as straightforward as possible. We recognise how busy life in the laboratory can get and believe it is our duty to simplify your QC process as much as possible.

The Acusera range has been designed with this in mind. Our true third-party control range boasts unrivalled levels of consolidation, supplied at clinically relevant concentrations in a suitable, commutable matrix. When used in combination with Acusera 24.7, our interlaboratory management software, the Acusera range will help to reduce analytical errors and maximise precision in your laboratory.

With the recent updates to ISO 15189:2022, we understand that there will be added pressure on many laboratories who are trying to maintain their accreditation. To assist you with your gap analysis and transition to these updated standards, we have produced this accreditation guide, detailing all of the key points relating to this new version of the highly sought after accreditation.

If you’d like to find out more about what we can do to help your laboratory or view our range of Internal Quality Controls, don’t hesitate to contact us at marketing@randox.com or feel free to browse the range on our website https://www.randox.com/laboratory-quality-control-acusera/.

Laboratory Quality Control – Acusera

Acusera true third party quality controls offer complete test menu consolidation for laboratory Internal Quality Control.

Providing accurate and reliable sample material and delivering results you can trust.


QC - Vial (Orange)

Key Benefits of Acusera

Laboratory Quality Control Acusera Commutability


A commutable sample matrix increases confidence that performance mimics that of patient samples.



With an extensive range of assayed/unassayed, liquid/lyophilised and single/multi-analyte controls, the Acusera portfolio has a solution to suit all laboratory preferences.



The values assigned to both our calibrators and control materials are traceable to a recognised reference material or reference measurement procedure meeting ISO 17511 and ISO 18153 requirements.


Accurate Target Values

Our process utilises thousands of independent labs globally, ensuring availability of highly accurate, robust target values for a wide range of instruments and methods, ultimately eliminating the need to spend time and money assigning in-house.

third party controls

True Third Party Controls

Manufactured independently, the Acusera range delivers unbiased performance assessment with any instrument or method, helping to meet ISO 15189:2022 requirements whilst eliminating the need for multiple instrument dedicated controls.



Specialising in consolidation, the Acusera range of multi-analyte controls is designed to reduce the number of individual controls required to cover your test menu, ultimately reducing costs, preparation time and storage space.



Our superior manufacturing processes ensure stability claims and analyte levels won’t differ significantly from lot-to-lot. You can therefore be sure of receiving the same standard of product time and time again.


Shelf Life Longevity

With a shelf life of up to four years for lyophilised controls and two years for liquid controls, you can benefit from continuity of lot supply whilst reducing the frequency of new lot validation studies, thus saving time and money.


Clinically Relevant Levels

The presence of analytes at key decision levels not only helps to ensure accurate instrument performance but maximises laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need for additional low/high level controls at extra expense.

Acusera Internal Quality Control Range

With over 390 parameters, choice and flexibility is guaranteed.

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QC - Vial (Orange)

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RX series (Concept 3)

clinical chemistry analyser

The RX series range of clinical chemistry analysers includes both semi-automated and fully automated testing for a range of clinical settings. With a world leading test menu comprising of routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, antioxidants and diabetes testing, the RX series offers laboratories the complete clinical chemistry package and results you can trust. The RX series was built with three core values in mind – Reliability, Accuracy and Precision.

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Why Choose the RX series?

Consolidation of Routine & Specialised Testing on One Single Platform 

With an extensive product portfolio covering over 100 disease markers within routine and nice testing, the RX series removes the need for a separate nephelometry system for specific proteins and allows laboratories to bring all testing in-house; thus ensuring minimal downtime and providing real cost savings through consolidation.

Low Reagents & Sample Volumes

Built with excellence in mind, the RX series range of analsyers require a low sample volume to deliver consistent high quality results which is beneficial when working with paediatric patients and animals. Combined with our high quality reagents, the RX series reduce the possibility of misdiagnoses, offering  accurate, reliable and precise results each time, every time.

Robust Hardware & Intuitive Software 

The RX series boasts many features including user-friendly Windows based software, an in-built inventory management system and multiple levels of password protection ensuring optimum performance, flexibility and excellent functionality.

Unrivalled Customer Support

Our team of trained engineers are on hand to work with you in preserving the continuity of your operations while maximising the potential of your RX series instrument. We know time is critical in any laboratory and our global network means we are uniquely positioned to meet your needs with local service and support whenever you need it.

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QCMD – Molecular External Quality Control

QCMD is a world leading External Quality Assessment (EQA) / Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme, dedicated to improving the quality of molecular diagnostic assays used in the detection of infectious diseases.

With an extensive database of over 15,000 participants in over 120 countries, QCMD is one of the largest providers of molecular EQA in the field of molecular diagnostics.

Features & Benefits
Reports & Feedback

After the close of the results return phase, EQA participants will receive an individual report outlining their performance relative to their method and technology groups. A supplementary report may be commissioned – this includes any additional relevant information regarding the annual EQA distribution, as well as scientific expert commentary and feedback on the overall results within that distribution.

*Randox are authorised by QCMD to provide the QCMD EQA schemes under a strategic global partnership. The EQA design, composition, data analysis & reporting remain the responsibility of QCMD. Please refer to specific geographical regions for further details on availability.

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