Acusera 24.7 – Interlaboratory Data Management Reporting Software

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Acusera 24.7 – Interlaboratory Data Management Reporting Software

Acusera 24•7 is a live, cloud based interlaboratory data management and peer group reporting software, intended to assist in the management of daily QC activities.

Designed to complement our range of Acusera true third party controls.

Key Benefits of Acusera 24•7


Peer Group Statistics

Updated live in real-time, labs can compare statistics to their peers and identify any unique or widespread issues to help reduce time and money spent on troubleshooting.


Fully Interactive Charts

Ability to compare performance, assess trends and monitor performance with automatically generated Levey-Jennings, Histograms and Performance Summary Charts.


Highly Flexible

Labs can configure their own performance limits, multi-rules, consensus groups and target values for each instrument or lot of QC.


Comprehensive Reports

Comprehensive, easy-to-read and customisable reports have been designed to speed up the review process and include Statistical Metrics, Uncertainty of Measurement, Exception & more.


24/7 Access

Gain access to this cloud-based software at anytime, anywhere. Removing the need installation, software maintenance and frequent back-ups.


Advanced Statistical Analysis

Automatically calculating advanced statistics including %Bias, Total Error and Sigma Metrics helps enhance performance assessment, improve QC strategy, and meet regulatory requirements.


Unique Dashboard Interface

Reduce time spent analysing data as instant identification of any QC failures over the past 7 days and alerts of product expiry are highlighted in the unique dashboard design.


Automated Data Import

Upload QC data directly to Acusera 24•7 via LIMS and middleware. This automated function eliminates the need for manual data entry and helps save money whilst increasing efficiency.


Technical Support

Expert technical support is available for users. Laboratories can access this service for troubleshooting purposes and therefore eliminates the need for on-site assistance.

Features of Acusera 24•7

  • Home Screen
  • Comprehensive Reports
  • Interactive Charts
  • Daily Data Review
  • Preview Mode
  • Results Entry
Computer screen with Acusera 24.7 the interlaboratory data management system

The fast, intelligent user interface on 24•7 enables rapid review of QC data and QC failures, reducing the time spent analysing and identifying errors.

The new and improved home screen allows users to carry out tasks such as: Creation of new tests/panels | Filtering results by analyte/ instrument/ lot number | Entering single or several QC test(s) without having to navigate away to multiple areas within the application.

Computer screen with a statistical analysis report from Acusera 24.7 the interlaboratory data management system

Specifically designed to speed up the review process, our comprehensive range of easy-to read reports include: Data Review | Exception Report | Statistical Analysis Report | Statistical Metrics Report

Customise reports to show data for a specific date range aswell as a particular test or instrument.

Computer screen with a Levey Jennings Chart from Acusera 24.7 the interlaboratory data management system

Instant access to interactive Levey-Jennings, Histogram and Performance Summary Charts as well as the ability to add events and multiple data sets to a single chart allows for swift performance monitoring and superior identification of trends across multiple instruments.

One location for all of your statistical analysis needs.


The enhanced data review screen on 24•7 allows users to review all QC results within a 7-day date range.

Reviewing all QC results and not just violations on a daily basis provides greater control of any potential issues occurring before they become widespread.

Preview mode on 24•7 allows users to recall the assay and instrument configurations used to create each QC test directly from the home screen.

Direct access into: Results Entry | Charts | Data Entry | QC Test Configuration | Assay Configuration for a single test, from any area in the application

Computer screen with a data review from Acusera 24.7 the interlaboratory data management system

New toggle feature allows users to set whether they are entering single or summarised results.

Reducing the number of fields for single result entry and therefore keystroke tabbing, allowing for greater ease-of-use.

What The Users Say:

“We have been using 24.7 as our IQC management solution for some time now after changing over from a different provider. To begin with the change was met with resistance, and I have to admit that I was one of those people. Change always is challenging, and it took time to adapt to a newer and different system.
However, over time, and with Randox’s assistance, 24.7 has become part and parcel of everyday IQC monitoring and management. From the ease of use of configuring new instruments, assays, panels and lot numbers to the plethora of data that can be extracted to aid in optimal IQC management, 24.7 offers the flexibility to adapt to any user organisation.” 
Nuffield Health – United Kingdom


We Are Here To help

To learn more about how 24•7 works and see the software in action, click below or visit our video demonstrations now.

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Laboratory Quality Control – Acusera

Acusera true third party quality controls offer complete test menu consolidation for laboratory Internal Quality Control.

Providing accurate and reliable sample material and delivering results you can trust.


QC - Vial (Orange)

Key Benefits of Acusera

Laboratory Quality Control Acusera Commutability


A commutable sample matrix increases confidence that performance mimics that of patient samples.



With an extensive range of assayed/unassayed, liquid/lyophilised and single/multi-analyte controls, the Acusera portfolio has a solution to suit all laboratory preferences.



The values assigned to both our calibrators and control materials are traceable to a recognised reference material or reference measurement procedure meeting ISO 17511 and ISO 18153 requirements.


Accurate Target Values

Our process utilises thousands of independent labs globally, ensuring availability of highly accurate, robust target values for a wide range of instruments and methods, ultimately eliminating the need to spend time and money assigning in-house.

third party controls

True Third Party Controls

Manufactured independently, the Acusera range delivers unbiased performance assessment with any instrument or method, helping to meet ISO 15189:2022 requirements whilst eliminating the need for multiple instrument dedicated controls.



Specialising in consolidation, the Acusera range of multi-analyte controls is designed to reduce the number of individual controls required to cover your test menu, ultimately reducing costs, preparation time and storage space.



Our superior manufacturing processes ensure stability claims and analyte levels won’t differ significantly from lot-to-lot. You can therefore be sure of receiving the same standard of product time and time again.


Shelf Life Longevity

With a shelf life of up to four years for lyophilised controls and two years for liquid controls, you can benefit from continuity of lot supply whilst reducing the frequency of new lot validation studies, thus saving time and money.


Clinically Relevant Levels

The presence of analytes at key decision levels not only helps to ensure accurate instrument performance but maximises laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need for additional low/high level controls at extra expense.

Acusera Internal Quality Control Range

With over 390 parameters, choice and flexibility is guaranteed.

Browse the controls below

QC - Vial (Orange)

What Are The Benefits of Third Party Controls?

Benefits of Acusera Laboratory Quality for Internal Quality Control
QC - Vial (Orange)

Customer Testimonials

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Importance of Third Party

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Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS)

RIQAS is the world’s largest External Quality Assessment scheme with more than 76,000 laboratory participants spanning over 139 countries.

Key Benefits of RIQAS


Cost Effective

Consolidate EQA analysis, reduce workload and costs with our comprehensive, multi-parameter programmes.


Flexible Programme Options

Flexible programme options are available to suit all laboratory budgets. The option to register up to five instruments per programme (volume permitting) at no extra cost for comparative performance assessment

Highly Accredited


RIQAS is accredited to ISO/IEC 17043:2010 “Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for Proficiency Testing” which is accepted by national and international accreditation bodies. Please see accreditation schedule for additional information.


Expansive Peer Group Database

The availability of large peer groups ensures robust data is available for a wide range of instruments and methods.


Rapid, User-Friendly Reports

Our rapid, user-friendly reports allow at-a-glance performance assessment. Complimentary multi-instrument, inter-laboratory and end-of-cycle reports are also available.


Commutable Samples

A commutable sample matrix increases confidence that performance mimics that of patient samples.


Early Identification of Test System Errors

Frequent reporting allows early identification of test system errors, while our 72 hour report turnaround enables corrective action to be taken with minimum disruption to the lab.


Convenient Data Upload System is a convenient, web-based data entry system which allows participants to return results and view reports online.


High Quality Samples

EQA samples are manufactured to the highest quality standard and span clinically relevant levels.

RIQAS EQA Programmes

Choice & flexibility are guaranteed with our 38 programme portfolio.

Browse the programmes below


User-friendly, one-page per parameter reports allow for at-a-glance performance assessment.

Browse the reports below.

What Does RIQAS Provide?

The benefits of Randox Riqas as an external quality assessment

RIQAS Calendar 2025

What the Participants say:

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RIQAS Past Panels

RIQAS (Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme) is the largest global EQA scheme with over 76,000 participants in more than 139 countries. Our range currently comprises 36 programmes and the majority of clinical testing.

What are RIQAS Past Panels?

Stemming from RIQAS, the world’s largest External Quality Assessment programme, RIQAS Past Panels* facilitate a series of QC and interlaboratory functions, including:


Method Validation

New Instrument Validation

Assay Evaluation

Poor Performance Troubleshooting

Staff Training

Available Panels

Available RIQAS Past Panels* include:

• Ammonia/ Ethanol
• Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)
• Anti-TSH Receptor
Blood Gas
• Cardiac
• Cardiac Plus
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
• Coagulation
• CO-Oximetry
• CYFRA 21-1
• General Clinical Chemistry
• Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c)
• Human Urine
• Immunoassay
• Immunoassay Speciality 1
• Immunoassay Speciality 2
• Immunosuppressant
• Lipid
• Maternal Screening
• Microbiology (Bacterial Identification)
• Neonatal Bilirubin
Serology Chagas
Serology (EBV)
• Serology (HIV/ Hepatitis)
Serology (Syphilis)
Serology (ToRCH)
Serum Indices
Specific Proteins
Sweat Testing
• Therapeutic Drugs
• Urinalysis 
• Urine Toxicology
*Product availability is dependent on RIQAS stock surplus levels.

Benefits of RIQAS Past Panels

Support Data Included

All RIQAS Past Panels are provided with an Excel document containing supporting data for the instrument and method of interest.

Multi Level Samples

RIQAS Past Panel samples span multiple levels, making them ideal for ensuring accurate instrument performance across the measuring range.

For more information on RIQAS Past Panel availability or to take part in this EQA scheme, contact us today and speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales representatives. 

RX series (Concept 3)

clinical chemistry analyser

The RX series range of clinical chemistry analysers includes both semi-automated and fully automated testing for a range of clinical settings. With a world leading test menu comprising of routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, antioxidants and diabetes testing, the RX series offers laboratories the complete clinical chemistry package and results you can trust. The RX series was built with three core values in mind – Reliability, Accuracy and Precision.

Select An Analyser
Why Choose the RX series?

Consolidation of Routine & Specialised Testing on One Single Platform 

With an extensive product portfolio covering over 100 disease markers within routine and nice testing, the RX series removes the need for a separate nephelometry system for specific proteins and allows laboratories to bring all testing in-house; thus ensuring minimal downtime and providing real cost savings through consolidation.

Low Reagents & Sample Volumes

Built with excellence in mind, the RX series range of analsyers require a low sample volume to deliver consistent high quality results which is beneficial when working with paediatric patients and animals. Combined with our high quality reagents, the RX series reduce the possibility of misdiagnoses, offering  accurate, reliable and precise results each time, every time.

Robust Hardware & Intuitive Software 

The RX series boasts many features including user-friendly Windows based software, an in-built inventory management system and multiple levels of password protection ensuring optimum performance, flexibility and excellent functionality.

Unrivalled Customer Support

Our team of trained engineers are on hand to work with you in preserving the continuity of your operations while maximising the potential of your RX series instrument. We know time is critical in any laboratory and our global network means we are uniquely positioned to meet your needs with local service and support whenever you need it.

View Our Test Menus

Fully Automated
Test Menu

Test Menu

Test Menu

QCMD – Molecular External Quality Control

QCMD is a world leading External Quality Assessment (EQA) / Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme, dedicated to improving the quality of molecular diagnostic assays used in the detection of infectious diseases.

With an extensive database of over 15,000 participants in over 120 countries, QCMD is one of the largest providers of molecular EQA in the field of molecular diagnostics.

Features & Benefits
Reports & Feedback

After the close of the results return phase, EQA participants will receive an individual report outlining their performance relative to their method and technology groups. A supplementary report may be commissioned – this includes any additional relevant information regarding the annual EQA distribution, as well as scientific expert commentary and feedback on the overall results within that distribution.

*Randox are authorised by QCMD to provide the QCMD EQA schemes under a strategic global partnership. The EQA design, composition, data analysis & reporting remain the responsibility of QCMD. Please refer to specific geographical regions for further details on availability.

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Get your teeth into a Randox commutable control this Halloween

Get your teeth into a Randox commutable control this Halloween

It is that time of year again – when people dress up, children trick-or-treat and many a scary story is told in households around the world. An age-old tradition celebrated globally by millions of people – it can only be Halloween.

Last year Randox QC brought you the truly scary story about a laboratory who chose not to use a third party control, but eventually “treated their laboratory to a true third party control”. This year, we have another scary story for you about a lab manager in Transylvania, Dr. Acula.

It was a normal, busy day in the lab for Dr. Acula. That was until it was time to change reagent batch, after changing batch of reagent Dr. Acula was shocked to find his QC results had shifted by over 20%.  This left Dr. Acula very frustrated, having to spend precious time troubleshooting and reassigning QC targets. After troubleshooting showed no apparent root cause, Dr. Acula searched the internet for an answer finally stumbling upon an educational guide from Randox Quality Control on commutability and its many benefits to the lab.

Grinning from ear-to-ear with excitement, Dr. Acula began to read the guide in the hope of finding a solution to his problem – and solutions he found. While reading the guide, Dr. Acula came across a quote from ISO 15189:2012.  It read that laboratories “must use quality control materials that react to the examining system in a manner as close as possible to the patient sample”.

Dr. Acula made a decision to look for a commutable control material that met all of his requirements and he didn’t have to search very far. Randox Quality Control were able to supply Dr. Acula and his laboratory with a QC material to meet all his needs – true third party, excellent stability, consistency and consolidation but most importantly of all commutable controls.  The fact all Randox immunoassay and immunology controls are manufactured from 100% human material appealed to Dr. Acula a lot.  After trialing the Randox control material alongside patient samples and comparing results between reagent batches, Dr. Acula was thrilled with the results.

Labs rely heavily on quality control to detect errors in their test system and to ultimately make critical decisions regarding the accuracy and reliability of patient test results, the use of a control that reacts to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample is therefore essential.

At Randox Quality Control we take quality seriously. All our QC products are manufactured to the highest possible standard ensuring controls of unrivalled quality time and time again. Designed to be commutable, the Acusera range will ensure accurate and reliable instrument performance while simultaneously helping laboratories meet ISO 15189:2012 requirements.

Just ask Dr. Acula, who likes our 100% human controls so much he has started to drink them himself!

QC Material Stability – Dig a Little Deeper

QC Material Stability
Stability has a number of different definitions, however, the most relevant to clinical diagnostics, and indeed quality control sera, is the “resistance to chemical change or physical disintegration”. Much like a chain, your quality control system is only as strong as its weakest link, or in this case analyte.

Whilst we appear to be stating the obvious here, this might not be as straightforward as it first appears. The product literature you peruse will help you decide what control best suits your needs, whilst many companies will state their control stability in the literature there are some instances where all may not be as it first appears. It is also important to note that some manufacturers may not make stability claims for some of the analytes listed in their control material. In such instances, you are required to validate these in-house, taking up precious time and resources.

Dig a Little Deeper
Whilst we understand that some analytes do have limitations due to their inherent nature, misleading analyte claims can cost the laboratory both time and money. In a recent survey conducted by Randox, 65.5% of respondents indicated that they felt stability was a ‘Very Important’ QC feature. As such it’s important that you look beyond the sales literature when it comes to control stability. Look out for exceptions in the small print of the control kit inserts. For example, if a control has a stability claim of 7 days at 2-8oC and a routine analyte like Cholesterol has a stability claim of just 2 days at 2-8oC then the true stability of the control is only 2 days. In such instances, there is a lot of potential for waste, as laboratories will be required to prepare a new vial of QC material every 2 days leading to increased costs and time. However, if you dig a little deeper into the controls and always read the small print, you could avoid such issues.

How can Randox Acusera benefit you?
For more than 30 years Randox has been shaping the future of clinical diagnostics with our pioneering high quality, cost effective laboratory solutions. Quality Control is our passion, we believe in producing high-quality material that can help streamline procedures, whilst saving money for laboratories of all sizes and budgets. We pride ourselves in not misleading our customers with false stability claims for our controls. With controls such as our Liquid Cardiac and Specific Proteins Controls, you could benefit from a 30-day open vial stability for all analytes, without exception.

By employing our Randox Acusera quality control materials you could benefit from;

Commutable controls, ensuring a matrix that reacts to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample, enabling an accurate and reliable assessment of instrument performance.
Accurate target values that won’t shift throughout the shelf life of the controls, eliminating the need to spend valuable time and money assigning values in-house.
Consolidation of test menu with controls comprising up to 100 analytes, reducing preparation time and storage space required.
Analytes present at clinically relevant levels ensuring accurate test system performance across the clinical range, maximising laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need to purchase additional high or low-level controls at extra expense.
True third party controls designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance, our Acusera controls have not been manufactured in line with or optimised for use with any particular reagent, method or instrument.
For more information on any of our products, or to request a consultation from one of our QC Consultants, contact us via

Take steps to prevent incorrect patient results by making one simple change

According to the NHS Litigation Authority; in 2015 within the UK alone, £193,680,744.30 was spent on ‘wrong diagnosis’ or ‘failed/delayed diagnosis’ causing huge financial strain and impact on labs.

With approximately 75% of clinical decisions and diagnosis based on laboratory test results. The only way to guarantee a high degree of accuracy is to implement a good Quality Control plan. The importance of this is recognised globally, several bodies exist internationally including ISO (International organisation for standardisation) who have developed a set of guidelines and quality systems to ensure the reliability of laboratory test results.

So what can you do to improve accuracy and reliability?

Choose a third party QC

ISO 151589:2012 Section states that “the use of third party control materials should be considered, either instead of, or in addition to, any control materials supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer”.

First Party Controls are those manufactured by the instrument/reagent manufacturer. These controls are optimised specifically for use with the manufacturers test system and therefore will mask a multitude of weaknesses. First Party Controls tend to result in perceived accuracy and a biased assessment of performance.

Third Party Controls on the other hand are designed to be completely independent  and are not optimised for use with a specific test or system. Leading manufacturers of third party controls will assign target values based on data collected from thousands of independent laboratories, ensuring the availability of statistically robust multi-method, multi-analyser data. Therefore laboratories using Third Party Controls can be assured of unbiased error detection across multiple platforms.

Randox Acusera is a world leading manufacturer of true third party controls providing a cost effective, high quality solution for any laboratory-regardless of size or budget.

Look out for QC samples with clinically relevant concentrations

ISO 15189:2012 states that ‘The laboratory should choose concentrations of control materials wherever possible, especially at or near clinical decision values, which ensure the validity of decisions made’.

It is important to assess the full clinical range of an assay i.e. the range between the lowest and highest results which can be reliably reported. In order to make sure a laboratory instrument is performing accurately across the full clinical range and in particular at the medical decision level, QC materials that cover low, normal and elevated concentrations should be used.

Due to the superior manufacturing process used by Randox, QC target values consistently cover the MDL of tests. By ensuring the controls in use cover clinical decision levels laboratories can be confident of the reliability and accuracy of the patient results they release.

Opt for a commutable control material

A good QC material has many essential properties but above all, controls must perform consistently and reflect the performance of patient samples – if a control meets these requirements then we can say it is commutable. Having a commutable control would aid in the prevention of incorrect patient results because they replicate the performance of a patient sample and react to the test system in a similar manner. Use of a commutable control will also reduce costly shifts in QC target values when reagent batch is changed.

At Randox we take quality seriously, that’s why all QC products are manufactured to the highest possible standard, delivering controls of unrivalled quality. Designed to be commutable, the Acusera range will ensure accurate and reliable instrument performance while simultaneously helping laboratories to meet ISO 15189:2012 requirements. A good QC process will include the use of Third Party Controls, Clinically Relevant Concentrations and controls which can be described as commutable. By employing Quality Control’s that encompass these traits, a laboratory professional can be certain that they have taken the necessary steps to decrease incorrect results and therefore potential misdiagnosis.

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