Renal Function and Health

Renal Function and Health

Renal Health

Your kidneys are vital for survival, they filter waste substances out of your blood and balance the levels of salts and water in our bodies. Your kidneys filter around 180 litres of blood every day, control the production of red blood cells and release hormones that regulate blood pressure – it’s little wonder, then, the importance placed on looking after such a vital organ.

Did you know?

Around 1 in 8 people in the UK will develop Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Kidney Disease can affect people of all ages and races, 10% of the population worldwide is affected by Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD.) Since Kidney Disease can sneak up without symptoms it has been labelled a silent killer, a person can lose up to 90% of their kidney function before experiencing any signs or symptoms.

As kidney disease gets worse, wastes can build up in your blood and make you feel sick. You may develop additional problems such as high blood pressure, anemia, weak bones, poor nutritional health and nerve damage. Kidney disease also increases your risk of developing heart or blood vessel disease. These problems often develop slowly and will often lead to kidney failure.

The two main causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure, which are responsible for up to two-thirds of cases, other causes include inherited kidney diseases and malformations at birth.


How is Chronic Kidney Disease detected?

Early detection and treatment is crucial to keep kidney disease from developing into kidney failure, some simple tests can be carried out to detect early kidney disease. These are;

  1. A urine test to check if there is any protein present
  2. A blood test to measure levels of creatinine

The best treatment is early detection when CKD can be slowed or stopped, however once kidneys fail, treatment with dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed. 8 of 10 people on the transplant list are waiting for a kidney, the average wait for a new kidney is 3 years, and every day one kidney patient will die waiting for a transplant.


Reduce your risk of developing CKD

Your kidneys are vital to your overall health, so it’s important to look after them. There are 5 simple steps that can help you keep them in good shape;

  1. Stay hydrated
  2. Maintain a balanced diet and keep your weight in check
  3. Monitor your blood pressure
  4. Quit Smoking
  5. Limit your alcohol intake

Related Products 

Randox has developed the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers for superior semi-automated and fully automated testing. The RX series extensive dedicated test menu goes beyond routine testing and has many unique and high-performance tests available. Our range of tests covers several parameters to assess renal health.

Renal Function

Albumin Creatinine Enzymatic IgG Phosphorus (Inorganic)
Ammonia Creatinine (Jaffe) LDH Urinary Protein
Beta-2 Microglobulin Cystatin C Magnesium Urea
Calcium Glucose Potassium Uric Acid
Chloride HbA1c/Hb Sodium

Our world-famous test menu of high quality reagents ensures excellence in patient care, guaranteeing unrivalled precision and accuracy reducing costly test re-runs or misdiagnosis and offering complete confidence in results.

The RX series clinical chemistry analysers provide laboratories with a robust and smart solution ensuring you maintain a consistent workflow and can provide accurate results first time, every time. Offering excellent customer support services, our trained engineers are on hand to work with you in preserving the continuity of your operations while maximising the potential of your RX series instrument.

For more information visit:



Kidney disorders can develop and advance overtime without any signs and the symptoms are not recognised as being associated with renal impairment. Kidney health and regular renal screening is important to enable renal impairment to be detected in its earliest stages to prevent renal failure.  Randox offers a comprehensive range of high performance reagents for the detection and characterisation of renal function problems.

All reagents are available for use on a wide range of third party biochemistry analysers. Contact us to request an application for your specific analyser.

Cystatin C

Cystatin C is a useful marker where creatinine measurements are unsuitable e.g. patients who are obese, malnourished, have liver cirrhosis or reduced muscle mass.  Cystatin C also does not have a ‘blind area’ unlike creatinine – up to 50% of renal function can be lost before sufficient creatinine levels are detectable.  Cystatin C is extremely sensitive to small changes in Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) and so is capable of detecting early stages of renal impairment.

For more information on Cystatin C, visit:

Enzymatic Creatinine

Creatinine clearance in the kidneys gives a measurement of the GFR which is the standard marker for renal function.  The enzymatic method offers superior specificity when compared to the traditional Jaffe method.  Other benefits of the enzymatic method over the Jaffe method includes: limited interferences from bilirubin, haemoglobin, Intralipid® and Triglycerides making the assay more suitable for neonatal samples, eliminates the need for urea determination, highly specific and does not overestimate serum creatinine.

For more information on Enzymatic Creatinine, visit:


The detection of albumin in urine can be an indicator of kidney injury, as damage to the glomerular basement membrane results in albumin seeping out of the kidneys into urine. Sustained elevations of urinary albumin concentrations are called Microalbuminuria. The Randox Microalbumin test is an excellent marker of kidney disease and can identify individuals with diabetic nephropathy approximately 5-10 years earlier than proteinuria tests reducing the incidence of end stage renal disease.   The American Diabetes Association and Diabetes UK recommend that all diabetics are screened for microalbuminuria on a yearly basis.

For more information on Microalbumin, visit:

Renal Testing Panel

  • Cystatin C
  • Creatinine Enzymatic
  • Creatinine Jaffe
  • Microalbumin
  • Total Urinary Protein
  • Urea
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Albumin
  • Ammonia
  • β₂ Microglobulin
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Glucose
  • HbA1c
  • IgG
  • LDH
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus (Inorganic)
  • Uric Acid

When diagnosing and monitoring Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), it is vital that laboratories have a robust Quality Control (QC) system in place to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results produced. The Acusera Chemistry and Urine Controls have been designed to cover a wide range of kidney function tests at clinical decision levels eliminating the need for additional low level controls at extra expense.

Our range of Chemistry Controls contain up to 100 analytes and cover a wide range of kidney function tests. Available in a choice of liquid or lyophilised formats, options are available to suit all laboratory sizes and budgets.

Our portfolio of Urine Controls cover the full range of clinical testing, manufactured from 100% human serum a matrix similar to that of the patient is guaranteed. They are available in both liquid ready-to-use and lyophilised formats, making them ideal for use at the point-of-care and in the laboratory.

Common kidney function parameters we cover include;

  • Albumin
  • Urea/BUN
  • Bicarbonate
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Creatinine
  • Creatinine Clearance
  • Cystatin C
  • Glucose
  • Phosphate
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Urine Albumin
  • Albumin/Creatinine Ratio
  • Beta-2 Microglobulin
  • Urinalysis
  • Urine Protein

For more information, contact us at

We also have corresponding RIQAS Chemistry and Urine Programmes which cover the common kidney function tests, including;

RIQAS General Clinical Chemistry Programme

The RIQAS General Clinical Chemistry EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of up to 52 parameters. Three flexible yet cost effective programme options are available.

  • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043
  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • Human based serum
  • Bi-weekly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Register up to five instruments at no extra cost
  • Reference method values are provided for selected parameters/lots

For more information, visit our RIQAS General Clinical Chemistry Programme page.

RIQAS Human Urine Programme

The RIQAS Human Urine EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of up to 25 routine chemistry assays in urine.

  • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043
  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • 100% human urine
  • Bi-weekly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Register up to five instruments at no extra cost

For more information, visit our RIQAS Human Urine Programme page


Our Randox Health clinics offer comprehensive health testing as part of our Signature, Everyman and Everywoman packages to identify and assess risk of developing Kidney Disease. Our clinics utilise the same cutting-edge tests and quality control that we have available to clinical laboratories globally, as well as our patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT).

For more information visit:

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Randox Liver Health

The liver is responsible for many critical functions within the body and should it become diseased or injured, the loss of those functions can cause significant damage to the body.  Randox are focusing on liver health, we will look at liver disease, its main causes and how to reduce your risk of many types of liver disease with some simple lifestyle changes.

Did you know?

One in five of us is at risk of developing liver damage!

Liver disease is now the fifth largest cause of death, with as many as 1 in 10 people experiencing problems with their liver at sometime in their life. Liver diseases are extremely costly in terms of human suffering, general practitioner and hospital visits, and premature loss of productivity. Most people with liver disease die in working age (16-85 years) making liver disease the third biggest cause of premature mortality, mortality rates for liver disease have increased 400% since 1970.

The three main causes of liver disease are;

1. Alcohol-related liver disease (ALD)

Regularly drinking more than the recommended amount of alcohol over a long period of time can damage your liver, leading to alcohol-related liver disease  (ALD) and liver cancer. Overall, alcohol-related liver disease accounts for well over a third (37%) of liver disease deaths. More than 1 in 10 deaths of people in their 40’s are due to liver disease, with the vast majority from alcohol-related liver disease.

2. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by a build up of fatty deposits in the liver, causing inflammation and scarring. After years of inflammation NAFLD leads to cirrhosis causing the liver to become scarred and lumpy; this damage is permanent and ultimately can lead to liver failure and/or cancer.

NAFLD is more common in those who are overweight or obese. A healthy liver should contain little or no fat, it is estimated that 1 in every 3 people in the UK have early stages of NAFLD due to small amounts of fats in the liver.

As well as being overweight, you are also at an increased risk of developing NAFLD if you have: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol.

3. Hepatitis

Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. It’s commonly caused by a viral infection, viral hepatitis affects over 700,00 people in the UK. Most people can recover from hepatitis A with no lasting liver damage, but hepatitis B and C can cause long term liver damage and liver cancer.

Hepatitis can lead to severe liver damage including cirrhosis, increasing the risk of liver cancer.

Related Products 

Randox has developed the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers for superior semi-automated and fully automated testing. The RX series extensive dedicated test menu goes beyond routine testing and has many unique and high-performance tests available. Our range of tests covers many illnesses which stem from an unhealthy liver. Below is the hepatic testing panel which will test the health of a patient’s liver.

Hepatic Function

Albumin Complement Component 3 IgG Transthyretin (Prealbumin)
Aldolase Complement Component 4 IgM Bile Acids
Alkaline Phosphatase Direct Bilirubin Iron (UIBC)
Alpha-I Antitrypsin Gamma GT LAP
Ammonia Glycerol Total Bilirubin
AST (GOT) Haptoglobin Total Protein
Cholinesterase IgA Transferrin

Our world leading test menu of high quality reagents guarantees excellence in patient care ensuring unrivalled precision and accuracy reducing costly test re-runs or misdiagnosis and offering complete confidence in results.

The RX series clinical chemistry analysers provide laboratories with a robust and smart solution ensuring you maintain a consistent workflow and can provide accurate results first time, every time. Offering excellent customer support services, our trained engineers are on hand to work with you in preserving the continuity of your operations while maximising the potential of your RX series instrument.

For more information visit:

Randox supply a range of third party clinical diagnostic reagents to aid in the diagnosis of various liver diseases, and for managing the complications of such diseases. All reagents are available for use on a range of third party biochemistry analysers. Contact us to request an application for your specific analyser.

Unique tests from Randox

5th Generation Bile Acids

  • Bile acids is a highly sensitive marker of liver function, enabling early and accurate diagnosis of liver disease. Bile acids is also the most accurate method for diagnosing obstetric cholestasis in pregnant women, a common liver condition affecting women during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.
  • The fifth Generation Randox Total Bile Acids assay uses liquid stable two shot reagents in an enzymatic colorimetric assay for the quantitative in vitro determination of Bile Acids in serum or EDTA Heparinized plasma. The assay incorporates a more complex enzyme cycling mechanism than previous generations to amplify the signal, improving sensitivity and precision and reducing interference in haemolytic and lipaemic samples.
  • For more information visit

Vanadate Oxidation Bilirubin

  • Bilirubin levels are important during the process of diagnosing and monitoring liver diseases including hepatitis, cirrhosis and gallstones. Other conditions characterised by elevated bilirubin concentrations include haemolytic anaemia and sickle cell disease.
  • Randox Bilirubin adopts the superior vanadate oxidation methodology which unlike diazo-based methods, does not suffer from interference from unconjugated bilirubin, giving more accurate results.
  • For more information visit


Further testing panels from Randox

Hepatic Panel





Bile Acids


When diagnosing and monitoring liver disease, it is vital that laboratories have a robust Quality Control (QC) system in place to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results produced. As a world leading manufacturer of QC solutions including Third Party Controls and External Quality Assessment (EQA), our extensive product portfolio is designed to help reduce costs and time without compromising on quality.

Clinical Chemistry Controls

Our Acusera Clinical Chemistry Controls deliver effective consolidation and cost savings, covering the complete liver function panel;

  • Total Serum Proteins
  • Albumin
  • Direct Bilirubin
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • AST
  • ALT

Available in a choice of assayed/unassayed, liquid/lyophilised, premium/premium plus and human/bovine formats, options are available to suit all laboratory sizes and budgets. Find out more visit

RIQAS Clinical Chemistry Programme

Our RIQAS Clinical Chemistry Programme also covers the complete liver function panel at robust reference levels, challenging the full test system.

  • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043
  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • Human based serum
  • Bi-weekly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Register up to five instruments at no extra cost
  • Reference method values are provided for selected parameters / lots

HIV-Hepatitis EQA Programme * 

The RIQAS HIV/Hepatitis EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of tests used to detect HIV/Hepatitis virus antibodies. All samples are conveniently supplied liquid ready-to-use and are suitable for qualitative methods of analysis.

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human plasma
  • Quarterly reporting (5 samples per quarterly distribution)
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Suitable for both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis
*Not accredited to ISO/IEC 17043


Our Randox Health clinics offer comprehensive health testing as part of our Signature package to identify and assess risk of developing liver disease. Our clinics utilise the same cutting-edge tests and quality control that we have available to clinical laboratories globally, as well as our patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT).

For more information visit:

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Protecting Pets from the Threat of Mycotoxins

Pet Food companies worldwide are working towards constantly improving and maximising the quality of their product. The problematic topic of mycotoxin contamination in pet feed is quickly becoming a major cause for concern. This is due to the risk they pose for animal health and with the  increasing prevalence of mycotoxins globally the focus is on pet food companies to meet EU and FDA regulations and maximise the quality of their product.

What are Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are naturally occurring metabolites that are produced by certain moulds and with the ability to develop and grow on a variety of crops they can affect large amounts of feed and increasingly, pet food. If a sample tests positive even for low levels of contamination the toxins are still strong enough to cause illness in animals, and if low levels are consumed over a long period of time this can result in chronic illnesses including; cancer, organ damage and neurological disorders.

The main mycotoxins of concern in pet food are;

  • Deoxynivalenol (DON)
  • Fumonisins (FUM)
  • Zearalenone (ZEN)
  • Aflatoxins
  • Ochratoxin
  • T-2 Toxin

Contamination can occur in any country around the world and at any stage of production. Herein lies the issue of how to prevent mycotoxin pollution, to tackle the issue head on and work towards a mycotoxin free product is the joint responsibility of feed producers, supply chain partners and quality control laboratories ensuring the complete safety of the product.

How can you tell if an animal has ingested pet food contaminated with mycotoxins?

In terms of animal health, mycotoxins can cause a variety of problems. Severity and symptoms can vary from animal to animal but general symptoms include; hyperactivity, vomiting, high temperature and loss of coordination. If you suspect your pet has been affected by mycotoxins you must bring them to the vet for immediate treatment.

The European Union currently regulate all the mycotoxins listed above and are subject to maximum or recommended residue limits. In the US, FDA regulations are limited to aflatoxins, DON and fumonisins, see table below for FDA regulations. If mycotoxin levels in feed fail to meet FDA standards, mass amounts of feed may need to be destroyed as grain producers are prohibited from mixing contaminated feed with clean feed to reduce the mycotoxin levels.

Pets Mycotoxin Commodity Level
Immature Animals Aflatoxins Corn/ peanut/ other ingredients 20 ppb
Adult Pets Aflatoxins Corn/ peanut/ cottonseed meal/ other ingredients 20 ppb
DON Grain/ grain byproducts, not to exceed 40% of diet 5 ppm
Fumonisins Corn/ corn byproducts, not to exceed 50% of the diet 10 ppm

How do we tackle the problem?

Safe, reliable screening solutions for different variations of mycotoxins are available that can ensure only mycotoxin free feed is produced. Randox Food Diagnostics have created mycotoxin screening platforms as a response to increased levels of mycotoxins being found in feed globally.

The platforms use patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT) so pet food producers can test for multiple toxins from a single sample. Randox Food Diagnostics have a range of mycotoxin Biochip Arrays available with customised arrays available to suit the specific screening needs of certain producers. Each Biochip format uses a straightforward extraction process with a 50µl sample of feed, available tests include; Fumonisins, Ochratoxin A, Aflatoxin G1/G2, Aflatoxin B1, Paxiline, Ergot Alkaloids, Diacetoxyscirpenol, Deoxynivalenol, T2 Toxin and Zearalenone.

For more information on mycotoxin screening with Randox Food Diagnostics contact




Randox Combating Obesity

Obesity is a condition where a person has abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a serious risk to health.  This December, Randox are highlighting the health implications of this potentially deadly condition.


Did you know?

Approximately 8.5% of adults worldwide currently have diabetes

Worldwide obesity has almost tripled between 1975 and 2016, with over 650 million adults and 340 million children being recorded as obese in 2016 alone, highlighting that the prevalence of the condition is rapidly rising. Randox are dedicated to improving health and increasing the awareness and prevention of obesity and its consequences.

The risks and complications of being obese are severe, Obesity will increase an individual’s chances of suffering from several illnesses including musculoskeletal disease, some forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Osteoarthritis all of which will lower an individual’s standard of living.

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most severe potential consequences of obesity this occurs when a resistance to insulin has been developed due to an elevated level of blood sugar. Some of the effects that diabetes can have on an individual include kidney failure, blindness and amputation.  To find out more about the issue check out our blog:

Related Products 

Randox has developed the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers or superior semi-automated and fully automated testing. The RX series extensive dedicated test menu goes beyond routine testing and has many unique and high-performance tests available. Our range of tests covers many illnesses that are associated with and stem from obesity.

Diabetes Panel 

Cholesterol Direct HDL Cholesterol Glycerol Ranbut (Hydroxybutyrate)
Creatinine Enzymatic Direct LDL Cholesterol HbA1c/Hb Total Protein
Creatinine (Jaffe) Fructosamine Microalbumin Triglycerides
Cystatin C Glucose NEFA (Non-Esterified Fatty Acids) Urinary Protein


Cardiac Panel

Cholesterol CRP Full Range(0.3-160mg/l) Direct LDL Cholesterol sLDL
CK-MB CRP High Sensitivity Heart-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (H-FABP) Triglycerides
CK-NAC Digoxin Lipoprotein(a) TxB Cardio
CRP Direct HDL Cholesterol Myoglobin


Our world leading test menu of high quality reagents guarantees excellence in patient care ensuring unrivalled precision and accuracy reducing costly test re-runs or misdiagnosis and offering complete confidence in results.

The RX series clinical chemistry analysers provide laboratories with a robust and smart solution ensuring you maintain a consistent workflow and can provide accurate results first time, every time. Offering excellent customer support services, our trained engineers are on hand to work with you in preserving the continuity of your operations while maximising the potential of your RX series instrument.

For more information visit:










Randox supply a range of third party clinical diagnostic reagents to aid in the risk assessment and diagnosis of obesity-related illnesses, and for managing the complications of such illnesses.  All reagents are available for use on a range of third party biochemistry analysers.  Contact us to request an application for your specific analyser.

Unique tests from Randox


  • The Randox sLDL is the only automated assay for clinical detection of small-dense LDL (sLDL) on the market.  Furthermore, sLDL is a vital cardiac risk marker.  Research has shown individuals with a predominance of sLDL have a 3-fold increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI), even for those whose HDL, LDL, Total Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels are considered ‘normal’. Elevated levels of sLDL are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, a diet high in saturated fat, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and genetic disposition.  Measurement of sLDL allows the clinician to get a more comprehensive picture of lipid risk factors and tailor treatment accordingly. Reducing LDL levels reduce the risk of both CVD and MI.   Furthermore, the Randox sLDL assay uses the “Denka Seiken” method which produces results in ten minutes.
  • For more information visit:


  • Lipoprotein(a) is a major independent genetic risk factor for premature CVD and elevated levels can occur in patients with otherwise normal lipid levels. Randox Lipoprotein(a) can therefore provide much needed additional information in relation to a patient’s risk of developing CVD.  With our Lipoprotein(a) assay, Randox are breaking the boundaries of cardiology testing and providing laboratories with an opportunity to take their testing beyond the routine and get a more complete picture of patient risk.
  • For more information visit:

Cystatin C

  • A superior measure of renal function, Cystatin C is extremely sensitive to very small changes in GFR and is therefore capable of detecting early stage kidney dysfunction. Up to 50% of renal function can be lost before significant creatinine elevation occurs. The Randox Cystatin C test provides an accurate method for the determination of Cystatin C in human serum and plasma.
  • For more information visit:

    Further testing panels from Randox

    Cardiac risk panel

    • Apolipoprotein A-I
    • Apolipoprotein A-II
    • Apolipoprotein B
    • Apolipoprotein C-II
    • Apolipoprotein C-III
    • Apolipoprotein E
    • Cholesterol (sLDL)
    • Cholesterol (HDL)
    • Cholesterol (LDL)
    • Cholesterol (Total)
    • Cholesterol (HDL3)
    • Lipoprotein (a)
    • High sensitivity CRP
    • Homocysteine
    • Triglycerides

      Diabetes diagnosis and monitoring panel

      • Fructosamine
      • Glucose
      • HbA1c

      Diabetes complications monitoring

      • Albumin
      • β₂Microglobulin
      • Cystatin C
      • Creatinine (Enzymatic)
      • Creatinine (JAFFE)
      • D-3-Hydroxybutyrate (Ranbut)
      • Microalbumin
      • Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA)

      Learn more about our range of analyser applications, available or alternatively contact us to request an application for your specific analyser at





      When diagnosing and monitoring obesity-related complications such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and T2DM, it is vital that laboratories have a robust Quality Control (QC) system in place to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results produced. As a world leading manufacturer of QC solutions including Third Party Controls and External Quality Assessment (EQA), our extensive product portfolio is designed to help reduce costs and time without compromising on quality.


      Liquid HbA1c Control

      • Liquid ready-to-use format ideal for use in the lab or at the POCWhole blood sample matrix commutable with that of the patient sample
      • Assayed control with values available for HPLC
      • Convenient bi-level pack accurately covering the patient reportable range
      • Open vial stability of 30 days ultimately helping to reduce waste and costs
      • For more information visit:

      Glycated Hemoglobin EQA Programme

      • Monthly analysis ensuring early identification of test system errors
      • Maximised peer groups for comparative performance assessment
      • Reports available within 72 hours allowing corrective action to be taken immediately
      • User-friendly reports delivering at-a-glance performance assessment
      • For more information visit:

      CVD risk

      • Lipid Control
      • Covers the complete lipid profile
      • True third party control ensuring unbiased performance assessment with any instrument or method
      • Manufactured from 100% human serum ensuring a matrix commutable with the patient sample
      • Free from Sodium Azide which can interfere with direct clearance methods of HDL and LDL Cholesterol
      • Three clinically significant levels available covering low, borderline and high risk levels of HDL and LDL Cholesterol
      • For more information visit:

      Lipid EQA Programme

      • Covers the complete lipid profile with a choice of reporting just three parameters at a reduced cost
      • Monthly analysis ensuring early identification of test system errors
      • Maximised peer groups for comparative performance assessment
      • Reports available within 72 hours allowing corrective action to be taken immediately
      • User-friendly reports delivering at-a-glance performance assessment
      • For more information visit:

      Our Randox Health clinics offer heart health, metabolic health and diabetes health testing as part of our Everyman, Everywoman and Signature packages to identify and assess risk of developing obesity-related diseases. Our clinics utilise the same cutting-edge tests and quality control that we have available to clinical laboratories globally, as well as our patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT).

      For more information visit:

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      Randox celebrates British Science Week 2017

      Randox celebrates British Science Week 2017


      Last week was British Science Week 2017, an annual campaign that aims to inspire innovation and celebrate science. To mark the occasion, Randox Laboratories got involved by celebrating the innovation of each Randox product group. The product groups within Randox shared a series of posts, videos and blogs showcasing the #ScienceBehindRandox throughout British Science Week.


      To initiate the Randox British Science Week campaign, Randox shared this video, which highlights the company’s dedication to improving health worldwide. The video provides an introduction about each product group, however throughout British Science Week, each product group has gone into further detail about the #ScienceBehindRandox.

      Randox Careers, the RX series, Randox Reagents, Randox Quality Control, Randox Toxicology, Randox Biosciences, Randox Testing Services, & Randox Food Diagnostics all got involved in the British Science Week Campaign. You can read a snippet of each product groups post below, with videos and links to the full content also provided. We hope you enjoy learning about the #ScienceBehindRandox.

      Randox – Dedicated to improving health wordwide.

      Randox Careers

      Joanne Darragh spent some time with Randox Careers to discuss her role as R&D Toxicology Manager.

      “Working in this area has been both challenging and exciting as we are at the cutting edge of assay development.  We work in a great team and we work along very closely alongside other departments such as Marketing & Sales so that we are in close contact with what the customer needs, which means we are producing relevant tests very quickly and effectively.  Every day brings a new challenge.”

      – Joanne Darragh, R&D Toxicology Manager

      Listen to what Joanne had to say on the video above

      Randox RX series

      As part of British Science Week, the RX series caught up with Daniel Melly, one of our very talented Mechanical Design Engineers based in Randox Teoranta in Dungloe, Ireland.

      Daniel was an integral part of the team involved in the design of our new semi-automated analyser, the RX misano. The RX series asked Daniel a few questions about why Randox created this analyser, the design process involved in creating such a unique system, and what his favourite features are.

      Randox set out in creating the RX misano with the philosophy of supplying the customer with a more modern, reliable, and aesthetically pleasing analyser than those that are currently available on the market. Robust part selection was always at the fore of any design decisions, and we feel that we have delivered on all of these requirements.” 

      – Daniel Melly, Randox Mechanical Design Engineer

      Read the full interview the RX series had with Daniel here

      The RX misano is currently unavailable to purchase in Germany

      Randox Reagents

      One unique test by Randox, adiponectin, is becoming an increasingly significant biomarker for health professionals. Low levels have been linked with several illnesses including metabolic syndrome, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

      What is adiponectin?

      Adiponectin is a protein hormone produced and secreted by fat cells called adipose tissue. Adiponectin is normally found in relatively high concentrations in healthy individuals. Its role in the body is to regulate the metabolism of lipids and glucose, which influences the body’s response to insulin and inflammation.

      At Randox, our R&D Scientists are helping to change healthcare. By investing heavily into research and development to develop unique diagnostics tests, such as the adiponectin test, Randox provide doctors with the ability to identify disease risk sooner- offering the opportunity to prevent illness, rather than the need to find a cure.


      Read the full Randox Reagents blog entry here

      Randox Quality Control

      One Simple Change to Randox Quality Control can save your laboratory time and money.

      Randox Quality Control are a world leading manufacturer of true third party controls with over 390 analytes covering Antioxidants,  Blood Gas, Cardiac Markers, Routine Chemistry, Coagulation, Haematology, Diabetes, Immunoassay, Immunology, Lipids, POCT, Therapeutic Drugs, Toxicology and Urine Chemistry, providing complete test menu consolidation. Randox Quality Control produces the most consistent material available with the most accurate target values.

      Randox Quality Control guarantee to simplify QC practice in any laboratory, just ask one of their 60,000 users worldwide.

      Find out more information about Randox Quality Control in the video above

      Randox Toxicology

      Randox Toxicology provides trusted solutions for the screening for drugs of abuse. With significant reinvestment in Research and Development, we persistently stay ahead of this ever challenging market.  Being the first to develop New Psychoactive Substances tests such as fentanyl, bath salts and flakka allows us to maintain our position as a global leader.

      Our pioneering technology has created a number of advancements in the field of toxicology. In particular, our patented Biochip Array Technology which can simultaneously screen from a multi-analyte testing platform, achieving a complete immunoassay profile from the initial screening phase.

      Read the full Randox Toxicology blog post here

      Randox Biosciences

      During British Science Week, we are delighted to introduce you to our latest development utilising this technology; our Gastropanel Array,* a multiplex test engineered to diagnose those at risk of developing peptic ulcers and gastric cancer using non-invasive methods.

      Our Gastropanel Array encompasses two quantitative assays, a H. pylori assay  for the detection of antibodies produced in response to a H. pylori infection, a common cause of gastric cancer1 as well as a 3plex Gastropanel assay, for the detection of pepsinogen I (PGI), pepsinogen II (PGII) and gastrin 17 (G17).

      Currently recorded as the world’s 5th most common cancer, the majority of gastric cancer cases are diagnosed after presenting as an emergency, when treatment may be less effective due to the cancer being at an advanced stage, highlighting the need for the availability of diagnostics tests like our Gastropanel Array to enable practitioners to administer prompt treatment and ultimately increase survival rates on a global scale.

      Read the full Randox Biosciences blog here

      Randox Testing Services

      Randox Testing Services have shown how they are at the forefront of continually reacting and developing tests for NPS. NPS (formerley known as Legal Highs) have had devastating effects on users since emerging in the UK in 2008. These substances are highly dangerous and have caused unnecessary deaths. This is due to the effects from different elements used in production. Legislation concerning the substances changed in 2016 with the implementation of the Psychoactive Substance Act.

      How have Randox Testing Services implemented change? Find out in the video above

      Randox Food Diagnostics

      Of the 41 antibiotics that are approved for use in food-producing animals by the FDA, 31 are medically important for human health. Randox Food Diagnostics provides advanced screening solutions for 94% of these antibiotics including beta-lactams, quinolones and tetracyclines, allowing you to ensure the integrity of your end product without compromising quality. Randox Food provides multiplex screening solutions validated across a range of matrices including urine, serum, tissue, milk, honey and feed.

      The Evidence Investigator matched with Biochip Array Technology (BAT) provide the end user with fast, reliable results to aid in ensuring your produce is antibiotic free. BAT provides a platform for the simultaneous determination of multiple drug residues from a single sample using miniaturised immunoassays with implications in the reduction of sample/reagent consumption and an increase in the output of test results. 

      To read Randox Food Diagnostics full blog click here

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      World Antibiotic Awareness Week at Randox

      The global crisis of antimicrobial resistance is never far from the headlines. As part of World Amicrobial Awareness Week, we’ve been discussing the dangers and importantly the work being done to combat this growing threat.

      There’s a very simple reason why we must all do what we can to tackle AMR. This year it’s thought 700,000 people died from drug resistant illnesses such as bacterial infections, malaria, HIV/Aids or tuberculosis. Experts warn that by 2050, this figure will rise to 10million.

      Randox’s aim is to revolutionise global healthcare and we are committed to combating the threat of antibiotic resistance. We have a number of tests on the market that can help the fight against AMR, strengthen consumer confidence and ensure quality and safety for a number of different industries. So to round off this week, we spoke to two of our experts at Randox: Business Development Manager, Dr Mary Jo Kurth, and Molecular Diagnostics Manager, Dr Martin Crockard.

      70% GP’s have been reported to prescribe antibiotics when they don’t know whether the infection is caused by the virus or bacteria.

      At the frontline of the battle to curb AMR are the GPs but they’re not able to access the latest technology which can help them. Dr Mary Jo Kurth said, “In the current GP setting, diagnostic testing to determine whether a respiratory infection is bacterial or viral is unavailable, and therefore doctors often have to guess – or feel pressurised into prescribing antibiotics because patients demand it. However antibiotics only work to treat bacterial infections and are useless in treating infections that are caused by viruses.

       “The consequences are severe. Medical procedures like organ transplantation and cancer chemotherapy need antibiotics to prevent and treat the bacterial infections that can be caused by the treatment. Without effective antibiotics, even routine operations could become high risk procedures if serious infections can’t be treated. The hard won victories against infectious diseases of the last fifty years will be jeopardized.”

      Our Biosciences division have developed a test that can rapidly detect and identify the cause of 22 respiratory infections, in both the upper and lower respiratory tract, and therefore subsequently determine if an antibiotic is required as well as then identify the most effective antibiotic to take. Additionally our Confidante kit – the world’s first over-the-counter home sexual health test – can detect ten of the most common STIs with one patient sample and deliver accurate and reliable results securely and discreetly within one week. This takes the guesswork out of antibiotic prescription and could go a long way in fighting the antibiotic resistance crisis.

      Dr Martin Crockard said, “Identifying the specific cause of illnesses provides opportunities to tailor treatment, reducing antibiotic misuse. Not all infections respond to antibiotics, however a multiplex approach which identifies bacterial, viral or fungal pathogens encourages improved clinical decision-making, refining treatment, leading to enhanced patient care.

      The molecular group here at Randox are developing a range of multiplex infection detection arrays to identify specific infection agents, allowing more appropriate use of antibiotics to improve patient care and reduce the onset of antibiotic resistance.”

      In addition to tackling AMR via medical settings, there is work that can be done to deal with it in our food. Randox Food Diagnostics offer a comprehensive range of diagnostic solutions to allow for the detection and quantification of antibiotic residues within animal and food products. With validation across a range of matrices Randox Food allows producers to ensure their products are free from antibiotic residues.

      As consumer awareness develops so does the need for antibiotic screening within agriculture and food production. Guaranteeing an antibiotic-free product strengthens consumer confidence and ensures food integrity on a global scale. Randox Food offers the Evidence Investigator matched with biochip array technology to provide the end user with fast, reliable results to ensure antibiotic free produce.

      The UK Government recently commissioned a two year review into the crisis. Led by Lord Jim O’Neill, the final report outlined a new system of ‘market entry rewards’ worth $1.6 billion to the successful developer of a new antibiotic, which meets a prospectively-defined criteria of ‘unmet need’. Developers of alternative therapies aimed at tackling areas where there is unmet need due to rising AMR would also be eligible for these rewards. Such rewards would be paid after a successful product comes to market.

      Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies said, “Antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat. If we don’t act now, any one of us could go into hospital in 20 years for minor surgery and die because of an ordinary infection that can’t be treated by antibiotics. That’s why governments and organisations across the world, including the World Health Organization and G8, need to take this seriously.

      “This is not just about government action. We need to encourage more innovation in the development of antibiotics – over the past two decades there has been a discovery void around antibiotics, meaning diseases have evolved faster than the drugs to treat them.”

      AMR will not go away on its own. It requires complex and comprehensive action across many sectors.

      If you are interested in finding out more information, please visit

      The UK Government is being urged to ban excessive use of antibiotics in farming

      To coincide with the start of World Antibiotic Awareness Week the UK Government is being urged to ban excessive use of antibiotics in farming by a group of leading doctors, according to The Daily Telegraph.

      Made up of 12 royal medical colleges, the British Medical Association and the Faculty of Public Health, the group say that the UK should “use the opportunity afforded by Brexit to lead the world in banning” preventative prescription of medicines on animals.

      A decision made by the European Parliament earlier this year to ban mass agricultural medication has not yet been ratified by member states or the European Commission.

      A Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ spokesman told the newspaper that dealing with AMR is a “top priority” though the paper notes it ‘stopped short of promising a ban.’

      In 2015 McDonalds set itself a two year deadline to stop its US restaurants buying chicken raised with human antibiotics. It led to one of the US’s leading meat producers – Tyson Foods – promising to end the practice by September 2017 – which is, as The Guardian stated, “one of the most aggressive timelines yet set by an American poultry company.” The company’s CEO Donnie Smith told the newspaper: “We have found as we have reduced the level of antibiotics we use, whether it’s human use or vet-only, our cost has actually gone down. A lot of the ways we’ve been able to accomplish this is by working with our farmers on better husbandry practices. If this millennial mum wants a no-antibiotic ever..nugget we better supply that.”

      Farmers Weekly reported this month on a Danish Crown initiative launched in 2015 whereby pig farmers attach an antibiotics-free tag to piglets at the neonatal stage. It’s removed at any point if antibiotic treatment is deemed necessary. It claims that although early farm trials suggest a production fall of up to 2.5 piglet per sow per year, the “premium covers additional costs if 35% or more piglets carry the tag to the slaughterhouse.”

      Pig farmer Stine Mikkelsen carried out a major review of hygiene and health on her farm to reduce antimicrobial use to boost revenue by £11.25 per pig. She says that although production is down and labour costs did increase, it “feels good” to farm in this way. She told the newspaper, “I am very motivated to do something about it – it’s a hard route to take but I have a good feeling about this system.”

      Randox Food Diagnostics is working with global leaders in the food industry to tackle antibiotic resistance and safeguard their use for both human and veterinary treatment.

      Using a dedicated research and development team, Randox have the ability to respond rapidly to emerging new drugs of abuse and regulations in relation to food and animal safety, with sixty-five new residue drug targets are currently in development to keep up with the ever changing market of food safety. Randox Food Diagnostics are ensuring that all residue screening laboratories requirements are met by providing reliable food safety screening on a global scale.

      On top of the food safety product range Randox Food also offer a range of analysers, reagents and test kits for use throughout the winemaking process to ensure quality is maintained in every bottle.

      This product range includes the RX misano semi-automated wine analyser and the RX Monaco fully automated wine analyser.

      For more information on what we do, please visit:



      The RX misano is currently unavailable to purchase in Germany

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