Liquid Controls vs Lyophilised Controls

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Liquid Controls vs Lyophilised Controls

Results of our Liquid vs Lyophilised Poll

Having conducted a recent poll on our Social Media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter) asking our customers what format they preferred their quality control material in – liquid or lyophilised – we saw a large preference for liquid controls.

What does this poll result really tell us?

That most people prefer Liquid controls? Yes.

Lyophilised controls are not as popular amongst our social following? Yes.

However, it also tells us that even though most people chose a liquid format there was still almost a quarter of people who prefer to use lyophilised controls. Liquid and lyophilised controls both have their advantages and disadvantages, this blog is designed to help you decide which is the best fit for your lab.

Liquid Controls

Firstly, it is important to note that there are two distinct types of liquid control available on the market;Liquid ready-to-use and Liquid for ease-of-use, better known as Liquid Frozen. Both types of liquid controls reduce the potential for reconstitution errors and prevent contamination from poor quality water.

Liquid frozen controls must be thawed in a refrigerator before use, making them a little less convenient than the liquid ready-to-use alternative. They require no reconstitution so associated errors are removed. Due to the frozen nature of these controls, they are often shipped on dry ice to prevent thawing in transit, as such transportation costs can be significant.

Liquid ready-to-use controls are arguably the most favoured of the three formats and it is easy to understand why. The controls are simple to use, they require no preparation and there is no need to thaw before use.– With zero preparation required, these controls can be removed from the packaging and used right away! What’s more, they can be conveniently stored at 2-8oC minimising expensive shipping costs.

Another major benefit of using a liquid ready-to-use control is the fact that they are ideal for POCT (Point of Care Testing). The ability to use these controls on the spot is extremely beneficial to POC providers.

Lyophilised Controls

Lastly, the choice of 22% of respondents – lyophilised. This is freeze dried material which requires the laboratory professional to reconstitute the sample using sterilised water and mixing before use. Although this format is not as easy to use as either liquid control it does come with benefits. The enhanced stability of this control sees a shelf life of almost double the two years that is normal with a liquid control, however, the potential for reconstitution errors and the fact it is not as simple to use lead to the majority of people opting for a more convenient liquid control.

Randox Quality Control Range

With Randox QC there are a vast array of controls available in liquid ready-to-use and liquid frozen formats. Areas we have liquid frozen formats available in, include; Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay.

Liquid ready-to-use controls can be found in the following; Liquid Cardiac, Blood Gas, Liquid Urine, Urinalysis, Specific Protein, Ammonia Ethanol, Haematology, Liquid HbA1c and Liquid Tumour Markers.

Lyophilised controls available with Randox QC can be found within; Chemistry, Immunoassay, Cardiac, Coagulation, HbA1c, Lipids and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.

To register an interest in any of our controls simply contact us at and let us know how we can help and support you or alternatively click here – where you will be redirected to our contact page.

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Enquire to find out more about the RX series range of advanced clinical chemistry analysers 
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Serving Up Accurate Test Results

Today, June 27th, sees the beginning of one of the four tennis majors – Wimbledon. Basking in the summer sun while lying on ‘Henman Hill’, this yearly tournament attracts spectators from all over the globe who want to watch the world’s best tennis players ply their skills on the revered centre court over the course of a two week period. But what exactly is the most important skill a tennis player can utilise? Well, many players have different strengths but the one skill that all of them must possess is the ability to serve – and accurately.

The ability to serve is vitally important as it allows the point to begin, serving accurately however allows the player to set the pace and ensure they are on the front foot. By making sure they serve more accurately, the player can be confident in their ability to win the point and the match.

Just like tennis, laboratories will aim to be accurate when ‘serving’ up their test results. Achieving accurate test results is what every lab strives for. With patient results on the line it is important for labs to use QC material that will assist them in obtaining the correct results, therefore keeping them clear of causing a ‘racquet’.

Randox Acusera is world renowned for delivering unbiased performance assessment. Our range of true third party controls are manufactured to the highest standard ensuring commutable samples that react to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample, ultimately allowing labs to be confident in the results they produce. Much like the serve in tennis that needs to fall within a target area, QC results should be as close as possible to the target and ideally should fall within +/- 2 SD from the mean. By falling within these limits a lab can be sure of accurate results and an acceptable performance.

Employ Acusera quality controls in your laboratory today and experience unrivaled confidence in your test results.

Get your slice of our control range here by contacting us at We guarantee you will love us!

We Are Randox | Omagh Speed Networking promotes careers in STEM

We’re sure you’ve heard of “Speed Dating”, but what about “Speed Networking”? Randox’s R&D Scientist, Dr. Dwaine Vance tried it out to spread the word about Randox Careers in STEM!

Dr Dwaine Vance visited Omagh High School to represent Randox Careers. He sat down with us, and we discussed the importance of the event. Dr. Vance told us:

On Wednesday the 15th June I represented Randox Careers at a ‘speed networking’ event at Omagh High School. This involved groups of students moving from one employer stand to the next for a 5 minute ‘mini network’. There was two sessions during the morning involving GCSE level pupils. The aim of the ‘speed networking’ event was to provide pupils with opportunities to meet local Northern Irish companies within the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) sectors, of which Randox Laboratories play a pivotal role.

We, at Randox, want to inspire students to think about their own career plans and to allow them to gather information about the local job market. By doing this, we’re also giving them the opportunity to be aware of the jobs that are available and the importance of STEM related subjects,  as well as letting them see how employers value their other curriculum subjects and their personal skills and attributes.   My objective as a employee of Randox was to showcase a range of careers for all abilities within the company with a focus on STEM careers e.g. science and engineering.

The importance of spreading awareness of the opportunities in science and engineering from a young age is imperative, as many students are unaware of the vast range of differentiation in different careerpaths, stemming from one subject or degree class. Dr. Dwaine Vance went on to discuss the events of the networking conference:

As part of each ‘mini network’ I provided students with a brief overview of Randox. Students were given the opportunity to watch videos depicting our expertise and to ask questions about how their interests could be incorporated within Randox. The training department at Randox provided me with pop-up stands, recruitment pathway brochures, merchandise e.g. pens, stopwatches, mug coasters and even Biochip Array Technology key rings!

Overall the students gained a good knowledge of Randox, they were particularly keen to learn about the local and global opportunities available at Randox. In addition, students were keen to know more about the veterinary aspect of Randox. It was comforting to discover that the majority of pupils had previous knowledge of the Randox brand from the press (as we have recently experienced a great boost in brand visibility through Grand national sponsorship), Randox health (television adverts) and Confidante (local radio stations).

The pupils at Omagh High School were keen to ask me about my role within the company and what my day to day roles and responsibilities are. I was happy to provide students with my research and development activities and they were interested to hear that I was involved in the development of a genetic test that aims to predict your future risk of heart disease by investigating your own DNA.

At Randox I am part of a small team of experienced research scientists that are developing a genetic risk prediction test for heart disease and myocardial infarction. This test aims to simultaneously genotype 20 genetics variants that have been previously associated with increased risk of heart disease. This Randox molecular test is in collaboration with leading University academics and will help reduce the burden of heart disease throughout the world by providing an accurate risk assessment of disease so personalised treatment can be provided to those who require it most. To quote Randox Health, “Prevention is better than cure”.

From everyone at the Randox Careers team and from Dr. Dwaine Vance, we’d like to thank Omagh High School for inviting us to attend this incredibly beneficial Speed Networking event, where we feel we have truly impacted the young minds of tomorrow. We look forward to the future of diagnostics, with you!

Dr Dwaine Vance at Omagh High School to promote Careers in STEM
Dr Dwaine Vance, pictured with Mrs. Paula Burns, teacher and Head of Careers at Omagh High School at STEM event

Careers Tips | Have More Happy Mondays

Do you feel like you lack a little motivation? Fall back in love with your work this Monday with Randox Careers!

Even if you’re in love with your day job, we all get a little deflated sometimes! Staying positive is one of the most imperative keys to success. As Will Henry once said, “The wishbone will never replace the backbone.” Success means staying strong and working hard, and here’s Randox Careers’ top tips to staying motivated on the path to achieving your goals, even on Mondays!

1. Make Lists

Start the day by making a list of everything you want to achieve in your day ahead. Add to the list as the day goes on, and carry over anything you don’t finish. This will help you organise your thoughts, which can often make multitasking look less daunting. With lists, you can visualise your workload and feel satisfied as you tick tasks off as they’re completed!

2. Bounce Ideas

Don’t be afraid to share your ideas! Bouncing ideas off of other colleagues, have meetings, get lunch together to discuss the topic, don’t be afraid of constructive criticism. Other colleagues may be able to use their expertise to help guide you in the right direction, and add fresh perspectives to your creative thinking process

3. Breaking Your Tasks Up

Breaking your tasks up into smaller, bite-sized fragments can make your goals seem more achievable, and make you feel that little bit closer to success. Switching between these smaller tasks can also help lift a feeling of monotony and give you more variety in your work. Keeping it fresh means you might have new, creative ideas on how to approach things after you’ve stepped back. Often we see things a little bit differently from a new perspective!

4. Exercise Before Work

Wake up an hour early, and go for a jog or practice some yoga before work. Getting your blood pumping can give you a morning release of happy endorphins and get you mentally ready for the day ahead! Yoga is also notorious for mind-cleansing, helping you to clear your thoughts of all negative worries. Don’t fancy exercising before dawn? Try giving yourself more time to get ready in the morning. By doing this, you can ensure you eat a full, wholesome breakfast. Giving yourself some me-time can help prepare you for the day ahead just as well!

5. Set Your 3, 5, and 10 Year Goals

Set your goals and work towards them! Write these goals in e-mails and schedule them to be sent to yourself in 3, 5 and 10 year’s time! These can be little things, like learning another language, or bigger things like buying your first car. Make sure these goals are achievable though, as unobtainable goals can demotivate anyone.

6. Happy Positive Reinforcements!

Have you got a favourite motivational quote? Maybe it’s Theodore Roosevelt’s “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” or George Addair’s “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” Whatever your favourite motivational quote is, embrace it! Set is as your wallpaper on your phone or laptop, write it on a sticky note and place it on the wall, you could even buy a professional print online and frame it! Don’t forget to congratulate yourself, and take pride in your work. Use your mantra to keep you going and don’t forget to look back and admire your own tenacity!

7. Take a Break!

Lastly, don’t forget to rest! Let yourself relax for 5 minutes, take a walk and stretch your legs, or sit in the sun for a little while to clear your mind. You could, alternatively, clear your mind by de-cluttering your desk. Take 10 minutes to reorganise your feng-shui. Often, resetting your mind and clearing your work area can help you see answers and solutions more easily.
Follow these 7 simple steps, and you’ll be sure to have a skip in your step every Monday morning. Best of luck with the week ahead, and happy Monday!
For more, follow Randox Careers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Randox Careers Happy Monday Work Motivation

Liquid CSF Quality Control

Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

Providing a true third party solution for the measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), the Acusera Liquid CSF Control is designed to deliver an unbiased, independent assessment of analytical performance for 14 analytes, helping to ensure the results clinical laboratories release are accurate and reliable.

With an extended open vial stability of 30 days at 2oC – 8oC, the Acusera Liquid CSF Control will reduce waste, while remaining easy and convenient to use.

Features & Benefits

  • Liquid ready-to-use samples requiring no preparation
  • Human based material
  • True third party control providing unbiased performance assessment
  • Assayed target values available
  • Shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture
  • Open vial stability of 30 days for all analytes when stored at 2oC to 8oC
DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
Liquid CSF Control Level 110 x 3ml14CF10138
Liquid CSF Control Level 210 x 3ml14CF10139


  • Albumin
  • Albumin (electrophoresis)*
  • Alpha – 1- globulin (electrophoresis)*
  • Alpha – 2- globulin (electrophoresis)*
  • Beta- globulin (electrophoresis)*
  • Chloride
  • Gamma – globulin (electrophoresis)*
  • Glucose
  • hsIgA*
  • hsIgG
  • hsIgM*
  • Lactate
  • Protein (Total)
  • Sodium

*No claims are made regarding values and stability.

RX modena – Enquiry

The All-new Clinical Chemistry Analyser from Randox’s The RX series
RX modena Randox RX series clinical chemistry analyser diagnostics

PTH Quality Control

Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

Providing a true third party solution for the measurement of Intact PTH, the new Acusera PTH Control will deliver an unbiased,
independent assessment of analytical performance with any instrument or method.

This notoriously unstable marker, present in a number of immunoassay controls, is now available in a liquid frozen format with an impressive 30 day open vial stability, reducing waste while remaining easy-to-use.

Features & Benefits

  • Liquid Frozen
  • 100% human serum
  • Assayed target values available for many immunoassay platforms
  • Stable to expiry date at -20°C to 70°C
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2°C to 8°C
DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
PTH Control Level 13 x 3 ml1PTH10110
PTH Control Level 23 x 3 ml1PTH10111
PTH Control Level 33 x 3 ml1PTH10112


  • Intact PTH (Parathyroid Hormone)

Related Products

Evidence Immunoassay Control

Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

Multi-analyte immunoassay control designed for use in the routine monitoring of the Randox Fertility, Thyroid and Tumour Marker Arrays.

Features & Benefits

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • Assayed values available for Randox Biochip systems
  • 100% human serum
  • Stable to expiry date at 2oC – 8oC
  • Reconstituted stability of 7 days at 2oC – 8oC or 4 weeks at -20oC
DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
Evidence Immunoassay Control 4 x 3 x 5ml14EV3570


  • CEA
  • Estradiol
  • FSH
  • Free T4
  • Free T3
  • Leutinising Hormone
  • Prolactin
  • Progesterone
  • PSA (Total)
  • PSA (Free)
  • Testosterone
  • Total T4
  • Total T3
  • TSH

Cardiac Array Quality Control

Therapeutic Drug Quality Control

Multi-analyte cardiac control designed for use in the routine monitoring of accuracy and precision on clinical chemistry and immunoassay systems. This is the only control of its type to include the novel marker heart type fatty acid binding protein (H-FAP). Three levels of control are supplied spanning the complete clinical range.

Features & Benefits

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • Assayed values available for Randox Biochip systems
  • 100% human serum
  • Stable to expiry at 2oC – 8oC
  • Reconstituted stability of 16 hours at 2oC – 8oC or 7 weeks at -80oC
DescriptionSizeAnalytesCat No
Cardiac Array Control3 x 3 x 1ml4 EV3691


  • Heart-type acid binding protein (H-FABP)
  • Myoglobin (MYO)
  • Troponin I (cTnI)
  • Creatine-Kinase Muscle Brain (CK-MB)

Not for sale in the USA

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    Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności .
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