Albumin Assay
Albumin Assay
Reagent | Albumin
A Marker of Hepatic Dysfunction
Benefits of the Randox Albumin Assay
Excellent precision
The Randox albumin assay displayed a within run precision of < 1.97%.
Calibrator and controls available
Calibrator and controls available for a complete testing package.
Working Stability
Working reagent stable up to 3 months when stored at +15oC to +25oC.
Liquid and Lyophilised Reagents available for greater customer choice.
Applications available
Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox albumin assay on a variety of clinical chemistry analysers.
Ordering information
Instrument Specific Applications (ISA’s) are available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers. Contact us to enquire about your specific analyser.
Cat No | Size | ||||
AB3800 | 9 x 51ml (L) | Enquire | Kit Insert Request | MSDS | Buy Online |
AB8301 | 4 x 20ml (L) | Enquire | Kit Insert Request | MSDS | Buy Online |
(L) Indicates liquid reagent |
Clinical Significance
Albumin is the most abundant circulating protein found in plasma, representing approximately half of the total protein content in health human plasma. Synthesised by liver hepatocytes, it is rapidly excreted into the bloodstream, approximately 10gm – 15gm per day, with little remaining in the liver 1. It is responsible for the maintenance of colloidal osmotic pressure, provision of the majority of plasma antioxidant activity, and the binding of a variety of compounds 2.
A correlation between serum albumin concentrations and ill-health has been identified, with an astonishingly strong inverse correlation between serum albumin and mortality risk 2. The association of it with other confounding variables increase mortality (fig 1). The concentration is related to the rates of synthesis and catabolism, but also influenced by state of hydration, lymphatic return, external losses (burns), and rates of transcapillary escape. In starvation, both the synthesis and catabolism fall, whereas in nephrotic syndrome, synthesis rises and catabolism falls 3.
Fig. 1. Potential associations between serum albumin and mortality 3

A direct, casual relationship between serum albumin and mortality is represented by arrow a or the sequence b, a. A non-casual, confounding relationship is represented by arrows b and c. A co-causal relationship is represented by arrows a and c.
Low circulating albumin is associated with an adverse metabolic profile characterised by increased adipose tissue inflammation, glucose concentrations, and adiposity. It inversely correlates with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) risk 4. Moreover, serum albumin concentrations are inversely correlated with the risk of ketosis in hospitalised patients with T2DM and may require the early initiation of insulin therapy to prevent complications. It is a promising prognostic marker in hospitalised diabetic patients with acute hyperglycaemia 5.
Low levels of serum albumin is common in cirrhosis and is associated with a reduced survival rate. In this setting, the native isoform can be severely reduced as a result of several post-transcriptional changes that impair the non-oncotic properties of the molecule 6.
Hypoalbuminemia status has been associated with the critically ill and mortality across several clinical settings. Hypoalbuminemia can potentially lead to the early recognition of severe disease associated with COVID-19 and can assist clinicians in making informed decisions for their patients 7.
Related products
Clinical Chemistry Calibrator
Clinical Chemistry Control
Clinical Chemistry EQA
Third Party Diagnostic Assays
Diagnostic Reagents
Randox offer over 100 diagnostic reagents covering more than 100 disease markers. Our test panels include cardiology, lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring, antioxidants, diabetes and veterinary diagnostics. These reagents are internationally recognised as being of the ‘highest quality’, delivering accurate traceability and precise patient results.
Key Benefits

Superior Methodology
Our methodologies ensure accurate and reliable results compared to traditional methods.

Comprehensive Test Menu
A broad testing panel of over 100 diagnostic assays including routine as well as niche reagents unique to Randox

Excellent Correlations
Excellent correlations to gold standard & commercial methods providing confidence in patient results

Applications Available
Applications are available for a range of clinical chemistry analysers offering convenience of use

Dedicated Reagent Bottles
Availability of reagents in instrument dedicated bottles, reducing operator time

Reduce Costs
Versatile test menu enabling laboratories to reduce costs with in-house testing
Testing Panels
Randox provide reagents that are applicable for a wide range of testing panels including the below.
Rapid Tests & Serology
Specific Proteins
Superior Tests
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Antioxidant Testing
Cardiology & Lipid Testing
Clinical Chemistry Testing
Diabetes Testing
Need more information?
Download the Randox Reagents Brochure for more information or if you would like to get in touch please fill out our quick online enquiry form.
Reagent Instructions
Product Inserts are available to download on our online portal.
If you are using the online portal for the first time, you must first register your details using the link provided. Click ‘Request Access’, and submit your details to receive a login.
Reagents by instrument
Randox develop and manufacture reagents that can be used on a variety of clinical chemistry analysers. Additionally, we also supply the applications detailing settings for these instruments. All kits are produced to international standard and have ISO 13485 accreditation. See reagents available for the instruments below.
Abbott Alinity
Beckman Coulter AU Systems including DxC700AU
Hitachi 917/Modular P
Mindray BS Series
Roche Cobas 4000 / 6000 / 8000
Siemens Atellica
Thermo Konelab 20i / 30i / 60i
The A-Z Range of Randox Reagents
Select an assay below for more information. Our reagents are suitable for open channels on third party instruments.
Email Us
Get in touch with Randox via email at
Need Instructions?
Kit Inserts are available to download for free on our online portal.
Buy Online
Order your reagents kits online by visiting our online store
Lipase Reagent
Reagent | Lipase
Key Benefits of the Randox Lipase Assay
Excellent precision
The Randox lipase assay displayed a precision of <5% CV.
Exceptional correlation
The Randox lipase assay displayed an exceptional correlation coefficient of r=1.00 when compared against other commercially available methods.
Fully automated protocols
Fully automated protocols are available for a variety of clinical chemistry analysers.
Further Benefits of the Randox Lipase Assay
Colorimetric method.
Liquid ready-to-use format for convenience and ease-of-use.
Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox lipase assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers.
Cat No | Size | ||||
LI3837 | R1 3 x 9ml (L) R2 3 x 6ml | Enquire | Kit Insert Request | MSDS | Buy Online |
LI7979 | R1 6 x 20ml (L) R2 3 x 20ml | Enquire | Kit Insert Request | MSDS | Buy Online |
LI8050 | R1 4 x 16.2ml (L) R2 4 x 10ml | Enquire | Kit Insert Request | MSDS | Buy Online |
(L) Indicates liquid option |
Instrument Specific Applications (ISA’s) are available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers. Contact us to enquire about your specific analyser.
About Lipase Testing
Elevated lipase concentrations 3-to-4-fold greater than the upper normal limit is indicative of pancreatitis, however, the degree of elevations does not correlate with the severity of the disease 2, 3.
In pancreatic dysfunction, lipase concentrations rise between 4 and 6 hours, peaking at 48 hours and returning to baseline within 8 to 14 days. It has a half-life of 6.7 to 13.7 hours in plasma. The half-life of amylase (another assay utilised in the diagnosis of pancreatic dysfunction) is less, however, lipase is filtered by the glomerulus and reabsorbed by the tubules which may contribute towards the longer half-life of lipase.
Lipase offers a few advantages over amylase including: a slightly better specificity, greater sensitivity for patients presenting late, due to the longer half-life, and greater sensitivity in alcoholic pancreatitis 4.
Furthermore, for prolonged longitudinal injuries, lipase activity tends to be more sensitive compared to amylase as lipase concentrations within the zymogen granules are approximately 4.5 times than those of amylase. Consequently, recurring injuries are more likely to be recognised due to the leakage of lipase into the bloodstream. Moreover, lipase concentrations are less affected by intestinal injury or renal dysfunction compared to amylase 2.
Derived from zymogen granules of pancreatic acinar cells, lipase is involved in the digestion of lipids for the subsequent absorption in the small intestine 1, 2. The pancreas is located in the anterior abdominal cavity adjacent to the liver, duodenum and stomach to allow the secretion of digestive enzymes into the small intestine, and to convert ingesta into absorbable lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. The exocrine pancreas provides a microenvironment for pancreatic islet cells. The pancreatic islet cells provide the embedded endocrine function of the pancreas which in turn enables the hepatic and peripheral tissues to modulate blood glucose levels and other functions 2.
Related Products
Clinical Chemistry Calibrators
Standard included in both kits for manual and semi-automated use.
Clinical Chemistry Panel
For more information or to view more reagents within the clinical chemistry panel, please click here
Veterinary Panel
For more information or to view more reagents within the veterinary panel, please click here
Diabetes diagnosis with Randox Reagents
The prevalence of diabetes is steadily increasing across the world, with approximately 422million people worldwide with diabetes and is currently one of the leading causes of death in the world. A diabetes diagnosis comes in three forms; Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Gestational Diabetes. Each type of diabetes can have long-term, detrimental effects to your health if it is not controlled, with some of the key complications being heart disease, kidney damage, retinopathy and even limb amputations.
Diabetes can be controlled through maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise, however in situations where complications occur, innovative testing can aid in the prevention and management of detrimental consequences to patients. Randox Reagents offer a range of high performance and unique tests which can be used to manage complications of diabetes such as:
Diabetic Nephropathy
Kidney disease is a life threatening complication of diabetes, commonly called diabetic nephropathy in patients with diabetes. Around 40% of people with diabetes develop diabetic nephropathy, characterised through prolonged periods of high glucose levels in the blood. To effectively monitor diabetic nephropathy, it is essential to test cystatin C levels in patients, which is a useful indicator of renal function in patients where creatinine measurements are unreliable. Unlike creatinine, cystatin C does not have a ‘blind area’ – up to 50% of renal function can be lost before significant creatinine elevation occurs. This makes cystatin C capable of detecting early stage kidney dysfunction in patients with diabetic nephropathy.
Microalbumin testing is also important to identify patients with diabetic nephropathy approximately 5-10 years earlier than proteinuria tests, helping to reduce the incidence of end stage renal disease. This is because low albumin concentrations in the urine are the earliest market of renal damage and therefore enable preventative measures to be taken.
Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a severe complications of uncontrolled diabetes which contains a number of conditions which occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Metabolic syndrome can be monitored through measuring Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA), which are molecules released from triglycerides by the action of the enzyme lipase and are transported in the blood bound to albumin. NEFA contributes a small proportion of the body’s fat, however they provide a large part of its energy, with elevated concentrations having adverse effects on both carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
With the global burden of diabetes rising year on year, diabetes complications monitoring has never been more important. Randox Reagents offer a wide range of innovative testing to laboratories, to help clinicians accurately diagnose and monitor diabetes complications.
Download our diabetes brochures to find out about our full range of diabetes reagents
Randox reagents are available for a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers. For more information, please contact
Medica 2019

Join us for MEDICA 2019!
Randox Laboratories will be attending MEDICA 2019 from the 18th – 22nd November 2019. Our innovative diagnostic solutions have been developed with consolidation and economy in mind, providing cost savings whilst using pioneering technology.
Diagnostics is our passion. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective. We look forward to meeting you in the Messe Düsseldorf, Germany.
New Products

Acusera Infectious Disease Serology Controls
Randox Quality Control are pleased to announce the launch of our new Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls. Our portfolio includes Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more.
All samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format. This significantly reduces preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.
There is approximately 1 million people in the USA living with HIV and around 15% of them are unaware they are infected (CDC, March 2019). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 39,000 new HIV infections are reported per year.
The impact of not only HIV but all infectious diseases is getting much greater. Therefore, laboratories now play a much more important role in providing accurate test results. This is a key component in controlling the spread of infections.
Reporting a false positive result has its own obvious implications, however, what about the consequences of reporting a false negative. This can be just as devastating to a person in terms of the treatment they will receive and even personal lifestyle changes for the patient in question.

Adiponectin (adipocyte complement-related protein of 30kDa (Acrp30)) is an adipokine (protein hormone) produced and secreted by the adipose tissue, an endocrine organ. Adiponectin acts as a messenger in the communication of adipose tissue and metabolic organs. In doing so, Adiponectin suppresses the production of glucose in the liver through inhibiting the genes involved in glucose production and enhances fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle 2. Consequently, Adiponectin is a strong protector against several pathological events in various cells through inhibiting inflammation, suppressing cell death and enhancing cell survival. Adiponectin has been identified as having pleiotropic functions widely associated with anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Randox Stroke Biochip
The Randox Stroke Biochip is a rapid and highly sensitive blood test that will complement and enhance existing CT scanning technology to facilitate accurate classification of stroke patients and improve patient care pathways.
Using Randox revolutionary patented Biochips, the Randox Stroke Biochip provides a unique solution for simultaneous detection of multiple stroke biomarkers from a single sample, facilitating fast and accurate classification of stroke patients in an emergency setting.
Benefits of the Randox Stroke Biochip
> Multiplex biochip for rapid stroke classification in under 30 minutes from a single plasma sample
> Complements and enhances existing CT scanning ensuring fast and accurate diagnosis
> Fast and accurate diagnostic classification between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke
> Simple 2 step process from sample entry to results
> Ensures better outcomes guaranteeing timely therapeutic intervention

The new Evidence+
The fully automated Evidence+ analyzer is set to truly revolutionize laboratories worldwide. Continuing to provide high standards of quality, efficiency and reliability, the fully automated batch immunoanalyzer simultaneously detects multiple drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.
The Evidence+ analyzer enables both efficient and cost-effective testing whilst providing accurate and reliable results to larger high throughput laboratories.

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing
Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is a well-recognised postoperative complication of cardiac surgery and is the second most common cause of AKI in the ICU, occurring in up to 30% of patients. Higher pre-operative values of H-FABP were associated with a higher risk of developing AKI. Following adjustments of certain patient characteristics, the association of pre-operative H-FABP with the development of AKI remained significant. In fact, the researchers observed that a 1 unit increase in log H-FABP was associated with a 3-fold increase in the odds of developing AKI.
What can we offer?

Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. We provide a variety of services and products to numerous industries including clinical laboratories, biopharma and academic research institutes.
Our revolutionary multiplex Biochip Array Technology includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays, and is delivered via the award winning Evidence range of analysers. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format.
Vivalytic the newest offering from Randox Biosciences brings innovation to the Molecular Diagnostic industry providing tests for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required making Vivalytic a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.

Leading provider of true third-party controls
With over 390 parameters available in our Acusera range, choice and flexibility is guaranteed. Moreover, the availability of truly independent third-party controls coupled with the added advantages of highly accurate target values, excellent stability and unparalleled quality will enhance performance, save valuable time and minimize waste in any laboratory. Our comprehensive range of multi-analyte controls have been uniquely developed with user convenience in mind. By combining more than 100 parameters in a single vial, laboratories can significantly reduce the need for multiple, costly single analyte controls.
Online QC software with real-time peer group statistics
Designed to help you efficiently review QC data from multiple laboratory instruments on one centralized platform, Acusera 24.7 allows quick and easy identification of QC failures and emerging trends.
Unique access to live peer group updates will reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, helping you to instantly discover if an issue is isolated to your lab or a widespread problem. The added benefit of automatically generated statistics including Sigma Scores, Measurement Uncertainty & Total Error as well as fully interactive charts & reports will enable quick and easy performance monitoring.
Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

RIQAS – The World’s Largest International PT scheme
With over 45,000 laboratory participants in more than 133 countries, the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is truly the largest international PT provider in the world. Our comprehensive product offering currently covers over 360 parameters across 33 flexible programmes. Each RIQAS programme contains a unique combination of parameters meaning laboratories can significantly reduce the number of individual programmes required whilst increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Further benefits to a laboratory include accreditation to ISO 17043:2010, frequent reporting, reduced parameter options and access to comprehensive yet user-friendly reports.

Molecular Infectious Disease Controls
Qnostics is a leading manufacturer of Third Party Quality Control solutions for Molecular Infectious Disease testing. Supplying microbiology/virology laboratories, molecular diagnostic assay manufacturers, EQA providers, pharmaceutical and CRO organisations for over a decade.
Designed to meet the demand of today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory and laboratories carrying out Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), the Qnostics Molecular Infectious Disease range comprises hundreds of characterised viral, bacterial and fungal targets covering a wide range of Transplant Associated Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Central Nervous System Diseases.

Randox Reagents are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality, offering reliable and rapid results. Our product portfolio consists of 111 clinical chemistry assays, covering a range of testing panels, including: antioxidants, diabetes, drugs of abuse testing, cardiology and lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and veterinary testing.
Randox are continuously striving to improve diagnostic solutions worldwide. As a result, Randox have produced 29 niche and superior performance assays, including: 5th Generation Bile Acids, Adiponectin, Aldolase, Copper, Cystatin C, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate, G6PDH, H-FABP, Lipoprotein (a), NEFA, HDL Cholesterol, sdLDL Cholesterol, Total Antioxidant Status and Zinc.

Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialised tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analysers delivers excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.
RX misano
The RX misano semi-automated analyser has been developed with the user in mind by incorporating a responsive touch-screen display. The sleek ergonomic design boasts intuitive user-friendly software allowing for test menu personalisation and ease of use. The RX misano is capable of high standard, precise results at a competitive price per test.
RX monaco
The RX monaco is a fully automated solution for low to mid volume clinical chemistry testing offering the ultimate in convenience, performance and confidence. At optimal configuration, the RX monaco performs 170 tests per hour providing cost effective, high quality testing.
RX daytona +
The RX daytona+ is a fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyser capable of performing high quality testing, with a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour, for accurate results you can trust. The most versatile analyser in its class, the RX daytona+ combines robust hardware and intuitive software with the world leading RX series test menu for unrivalled performance with direct HbA1c testing capabilities.
RX imola
The RX imola is a cost-effective system that delivers consistent high-quality results. Capable of handling the workload of a medium to high throughout laboratory and a combined throughput of 560 tests per hour, the RX imola provides rapid, comprehensive testing on a small footprint analyser with direct HbA1c testing capabilities. The RX imola is a fully automated system with random access and STAT sampling functionality, boosting productivity and saving time when it matters most
RX modena
Capable of performing up to 1,200 tests per hour, with direct HbA1c testing capabilities, the RX modena consolidates all your assay requirements onto one intuitive platform. The RX modena boasts icon based, interactive touch-screen technology adding a modern flair to your laboratory.

Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive Drugs of Abuse (DoA) test menu across multiple forensic matrices. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to ever changing market influences and develop assays for current and novel drug trends. Excellent assay precision and performance eliminates false reporting, therefore reducing unnecessary confirmatory tests and time lost in the laboratory as a result. Our Biochip Arrays offer CVs typically less than 10%, producing an accurate drug profile to ensure confidence in results.

Evidence series immunoassay analysers guarantee cost-effective, highly accurate and flexible testing solutions. Having been developed to work with patented Biochip Array Technology, this precision multiplex testing platform allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.
This multiplex system delivers an unrivalled increase in patient information, offering a more in-depth diagnostic profile with each patient sample. This further analysis places the focus on the diagnosis, and on improving patient outcomes.
Want to know more?
Contact us or book a meeting with us

Join us for the 15th APFCB Congress 2019!
Randox Laboratories will be attending the 15th APFCB from the 17th – 20th November 2019. Our innovative diagnostic solutions have been developed with consolidation and economy in mind, providing cost savings whilst using pioneering technology.
Diagnostics is our passion. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective. We look forward to meeting you in the new Jaipur Exhibition & Convention Centre stand P1.
New Products

Acusera Infectious Disease Serology Controls
Randox Quality Control are pleased to announce the launch of our new Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls. Our portfolio includes Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more.
All samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format. This significantly reduces preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.
There is approximately 1 million people in the USA living with HIV and around 15% of them are unaware they are infected (CDC, March 2019). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 39,000 new HIV infections are reported per year.
The impact of not only HIV but all infectious diseases is getting much greater. Therefore, laboratories now play a much more important role in providing accurate test results. This is a key component in controlling the spread of infections.
Reporting a false positive result has its own obvious implications, however, what about the consequences of reporting a false negative. This can be just as devastating to a person in terms of the treatment they will receive and even personal lifestyle changes for the patient in question.

Adiponectin (adipocyte complement-related protein of 30kDa (Acrp30)) is an adipokine (protein hormone) produced and secreted by the adipose tissue, an endocrine organ. Adiponectin acts as a messenger in the communication of adipose tissue and metabolic organs. In doing so, Adiponectin suppresses the production of glucose in the liver through inhibiting the genes involved in glucose production and enhances fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle 2. Consequently, Adiponectin is a strong protector against several pathological events in various cells through inhibiting inflammation, suppressing cell death and enhancing cell survival. Adiponectin has been identified as having pleiotropic functions widely associated with anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Randox Stroke Biochip
The Randox Stroke Biochip is a rapid and highly sensitive blood test that will complement and enhance existing CT scanning technology to facilitate accurate classification of stroke patients and improve patient care pathways.
Using Randox revolutionary patented Biochips, the Randox Stroke Biochip provides a unique solution for simultaneous detection of multiple stroke biomarkers from a single sample, facilitating fast and accurate classification of stroke patients in an emergency setting.
Benefits of the Randox Stroke Biochip
> Multiplex biochip for rapid stroke classification in under 30 minutes from a single plasma sample
> Complements and enhances existing CT scanning ensuring fast and accurate diagnosis
> Fast and accurate diagnostic classification between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke
> Simple 2 step process from sample entry to results
> Ensures better outcomes guaranteeing timely therapeutic intervention

The new Evidence+
The fully automated Evidence+ analyzer is set to truly revolutionize laboratories worldwide. Continuing to provide high standards of quality, efficiency and reliability, the fully automated batch immunoanalyzer simultaneously detects multiple drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.
The Evidence+ analyzer enables both efficient and cost-effective testing whilst providing accurate and reliable results to larger high throughput laboratories.

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing
Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is a well-recognised postoperative complication of cardiac surgery and is the second most common cause of AKI in the ICU, occurring in up to 30% of patients. Higher pre-operative values of H-FABP were associated with a higher risk of developing AKI. Following adjustments of certain patient characteristics, the association of pre-operative H-FABP with the development of AKI remained significant. In fact, the researchers observed that a 1 unit increase in log H-FABP was associated with a 3-fold increase in the odds of developing AKI.
What can we offer?

Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. We provide a variety of services and products to numerous industries including clinical laboratories, biopharma and academic research institutes.
Our revolutionary multiplex Biochip Array Technology includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays, and is delivered via the award winning Evidence range of analysers. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format.
Vivalytic the newest offering from Randox Biosciences brings innovation to the Molecular Diagnostic industry providing tests for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required making Vivalytic a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.

Leading provider of true third-party controls
With over 390 parameters available in our Acusera range, choice and flexibility is guaranteed. Moreover, the availability of truly independent third-party controls coupled with the added advantages of highly accurate target values, excellent stability and unparalleled quality will enhance performance, save valuable time and minimize waste in any laboratory. Our comprehensive range of multi-analyte controls have been uniquely developed with user convenience in mind. By combining more than 100 parameters in a single vial, laboratories can significantly reduce the need for multiple, costly single analyte controls.
Online QC software with real-time peer group statistics
Designed to help you efficiently review QC data from multiple laboratory instruments on one centralized platform, Acusera 24.7 allows quick and easy identification of QC failures and emerging trends.
Unique access to live peer group updates will reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, helping you to instantly discover if an issue is isolated to your lab or a widespread problem. The added benefit of automatically generated statistics including Sigma Scores, Measurement Uncertainty & Total Error as well as fully interactive charts & reports will enable quick and easy performance monitoring.
Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

RIQAS – The World’s Largest International PT scheme
With over 45,000 laboratory participants in more than 133 countries, the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is truly the largest international PT provider in the world. Our comprehensive product offering currently covers over 360 parameters across 33 flexible programmes. Each RIQAS programme contains a unique combination of parameters meaning laboratories can significantly reduce the number of individual programmes required whilst increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Further benefits to a laboratory include accreditation to ISO 17043:2010, frequent reporting, reduced parameter options and access to comprehensive yet user-friendly reports.

Molecular Infectious Disease Controls
Qnostics is a leading manufacturer of Third Party Quality Control solutions for Molecular Infectious Disease testing. Supplying microbiology/virology laboratories, molecular diagnostic assay manufacturers, EQA providers, pharmaceutical and CRO organisations for over a decade.
Designed to meet the demand of today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory and laboratories carrying out Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), the Qnostics Molecular Infectious Disease range comprises hundreds of characterised viral, bacterial and fungal targets covering a wide range of Transplant Associated Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Central Nervous System Diseases.

Randox Reagents are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality, offering reliable and rapid results. Our product portfolio consists of 111 clinical chemistry assays, covering a range of testing panels, including: antioxidants, diabetes, drugs of abuse testing, cardiology and lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and veterinary testing.
Randox are continuously striving to improve diagnostic solutions worldwide. As a result, Randox have produced 29 niche and superior performance assays, including: 5th Generation Bile Acids, Adiponectin, Aldolase, Copper, Cystatin C, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate, G6PDH, H-FABP, Lipoprotein (a), NEFA, HDL Cholesterol, sdLDL Cholesterol, Total Antioxidant Status and Zinc.

Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialised tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analysers delivers excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.
RX misano
The RX misano semi-automated analyser has been developed with the user in mind by incorporating a responsive touch-screen display. The sleek ergonomic design boasts intuitive user-friendly software allowing for test menu personalisation and ease of use. The RX misano is capable of high standard, precise results at a competitive price per test.
RX monaco
The RX monaco is a fully automated solution for low to mid volume clinical chemistry testing offering the ultimate in convenience, performance and confidence. At optimal configuration, the RX monaco performs 170 tests per hour providing cost effective, high quality testing.
RX daytona +
The RX daytona+ is a fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyser capable of performing high quality testing, with a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour, for accurate results you can trust. The most versatile analyser in its class, the RX daytona+ combines robust hardware and intuitive software with the world leading RX series test menu for unrivalled performance with direct HbA1c testing capabilities.
RX imola
The RX imola is a cost-effective system that delivers consistent high-quality results. Capable of handling the workload of a medium to high throughout laboratory and a combined throughput of 560 tests per hour, the RX imola provides rapid, comprehensive testing on a small footprint analyser with direct HbA1c testing capabilities. The RX imola is a fully automated system with random access and STAT sampling functionality, boosting productivity and saving time when it matters most
RX modena
Capable of performing up to 1,200 tests per hour, with direct HbA1c testing capabilities, the RX modena consolidates all your assay requirements onto one intuitive platform. The RX modena boasts icon based, interactive touch-screen technology adding a modern flair to your laboratory.

Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive Drugs of Abuse (DoA) test menu across multiple forensic matrices. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to ever changing market influences and develop assays for current and novel drug trends. Excellent assay precision and performance eliminates false reporting, therefore reducing unnecessary confirmatory tests and time lost in the laboratory as a result. Our Biochip Arrays offer CVs typically less than 10%, producing an accurate drug profile to ensure confidence in results.

Evidence series immunoassay analysers guarantee cost-effective, highly accurate and flexible testing solutions. Having been developed to work with patented Biochip Array Technology, this precision multiplex testing platform allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.
This multiplex system delivers an unrivalled increase in patient information, offering a more in-depth diagnostic profile with each patient sample. This further analysis places the focus on the diagnosis, and on improving patient outcomes.
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Cardiac Testing Panel
Regular cardiovascular disease (CVD) screening is vital to ensure that cardiac risk factors are detected in the earliest stages 1. Early CVD diagnosis aids in reducing the risk of a secondary cardiovascular event through ensuring early intervention and effective treatment plan implementation, thus aiding in the prevention of premature deaths. Early risk assessment is imperative in those with the greatest risk of CVD. This is evaluated through the identification of one or more risk factors including: hypertension, diabetes or hyperlipidaemia 2, 3. It is believed by 2030, almost 23.6 million people will die from CVD, mainly coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease (CVA), and this is projected to remain the leading causes of death. This provides further confirmation that early diagnosis is vital to prevent and reduce the number of deaths attributed to CVD 3.
Randox offers an extensive range of 21 third party cardiac & lipid testing assays which includes superior performance and unique tests, which are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality; producing accurate and precise results.

Niche Tests
Randox offers a range of niche tests including: Adiponectin, H-FABP and sdLDL-C. This means that Randox are one of the only manufacturers to offer these tests in an automated biochemistry format.

Superior Performance Tests
Randox offers numerous cardiac & lipid testing assays that utilise a superior methodology, providing more accurate results. For example, the Randox Lp(a) test is one of the only methodologies on the market that detects the non-variable part of the Lp(a) molecule and therefore suffers from minimal size related bias.

Strong Correlation with Standard Methods
The Randox cardiac & lipid testing assays display strong correlations when compared against standard methods, offering trust and confidence in results.

Wide Measuring Ranges
The Randox cardiac & lipid testing assays can comfortably detect levels outside of the healthy range for the accurate detection of abnormal levels, offering peace of mind in patient samples.

Applications Available
Applications are available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox cardiac & lipid testing assays on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers.
The in vitro diagnostics market is continuously adapting to the changes in laboratory testing. Consequently, Randox have continued to reinvest in R&D to produce a variety of cardiac & lipid testing assays, including superior performance & unique tests, offering laboratories choice, quality and innovation.
The Randox Reagents range of cardiac & lipid testing assays encompasses superior performance & unique tests enabling laboratories to expand their routine test menus without expanding their labs. Not only does Randox Reagents provide confidence in patient results, the outstanding assay development in combination with superior performance methodologies contribute to the uncompromised quality offered by Randox Reagents. Moreover, laboratories can benefit from advanced assay testing with Randox Reagents.

Adiponectin has been identified as having pleiotropic functions widely associated with anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. Adiponectin levels inversely correlate with insulin levels, BMI, triglyceride levels, insulin resistance (IR), glucose, and most importantly, visceral fat accumulation 4.

A niche product from Randox, H-FABP is a highly sensitive and early risk marker of acute coronary syndrome, detectable as early as 30 minutes following the onset of an ischaemic episode. The implementation of a combined H-FABP high sensitivity troponin algorithm at an emergency department could aid in the identification of non-AMI patients on arrival, with the potential to reduce hospital admission by 36.8% 5.

Hyperhomocysteinemia can cause inflammation of the endothelium. Failure to lower homocysteine levels can cause further inflammation of the arteries, veins, and capillaries causing atherosclerosis. Women with elevated levels of homocysteine have a 3-fold increased risk of CVD, whereas men have a 2-fold increased risk 6.

A unique product from Randox, Lp(a) has proven to have a causal role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic and thrombotic vascular diseases 7. The Randox Lp(a) assay is one of the only methodologies on the market that detects the non-variable part of the Lp(a) molecule and therefore suffers minimal size related bias.

A niche product from Randox, sdLDL-C, a subtype of LDL cholesterol, can more readily permeate the inner arterial wall. Research indicates that individuals with a predominance of sdLDL-C have a 3-fold increased risk of myocardial infarction 8.
Current Challenges
A combination of lifestyle factors can lead to a gradual build-up of fatty material (atheroma) in the arterial wall. The widespread accumulation of atheroma’s, otherwise known as atherosclerosis, can lead CHD. The disease develops gradually over many years, however as the symptoms are scarce, patients are unaware of the disease until chest pain onset. Pain and discomfort may arise if the arteries become so narrow that a limited amount of oxygenated blood can reach the heart (angina). If the problem persists and a piece of the atheroma breaks away a clot can form. If the clot blocks the coronary artery, the oxygen supply to the heart will be stopped resulting in myocardial infarction (heart attack). Continuous development of CHD causes the heart to weaken which can lead to heart failure 9.

Cerebrovascular disease includes a range of conditions that affect the flow of blood through the brain. This change in blood flow can lead to a temporary or permanent impairment of a patient’s brain function. The most common type of cerebrovascular disease is stroke. There are three main types of stroke; transient ischaemic attack, ischaemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke, however an estimated 87% of strokes are ischaemic. An ischaemic stroke occurs when a blood clot prevents blood flow to the brain. An ischaemic stroke can be embolic, where the blood clot travels from another part of the body to the brain, or thrombotic, where the clot forms in the blood vessel in your brain 10.

PAD is a circulatory problem where narrowing of the arteries reduces the blood flow to the limbs. It can also be a sign of widespread accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, otherwise known as atherosclerosis. This could mean that there is reduced blood flow to the heart, brain and legs. The symptoms associated with PAD are mild or non-existent however in some cases patients can experience claudication symptoms. Claudication symptoms involve painful cramping in the hips, thighs or calf muscles triggered after completing certain activities such as walking. The location of pain depends on the position of the narrowed artery; however, the calf is most common. Other signs include leg numbness, a change in leg colour, shiny skin and weak pulse in the legs or feet. The pain of claudication can disappear after a few minutes rest, however, if the disease is left to progress the pain may occur when at rest and can become intense enough to disrupt sleep 11.

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[1] National Health Service (NHS). Cardiovascular disease. [Online] September 17, 2018. [Cited: November 30, 2018.]
[2] National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Cardiovascular disease risk assessment and prevention. [Online] no date. [Cited: November 30, 2018.]
[3] World Health Organization (WHO). Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). [Online] May 17, 2017. [Cited: November 30, 2018.]
[4] New Insight into Adiponectin Role in Obesity and Obesity-Related Diseases. Nigro, Ersilia, et al. Napoli : BioMed Research International, 2014, Vol. 2014.
[5] Navarro CO, Kurth MJ, Lamont JV, Menown IB, Ruddock MW, Fitzgerald SP et al. Diagnostic Performance of a Combination Biomarker Algorithm for Rule-Out of Acute Myocardial Infarction at Time of Presentation to the Emergency Department, Using Heart-Type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein and High-Sensitivity Troponin T tests. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology 2018, Vol. 9
[6] Role of homocysteine in the development of cardiovascular disease. Ganguly, P and Alam, SF. 6, Riyadh, Kingdom : Nutrition Journal, 2015, Vol. 14.
[7] Lipoprotein(a). von Eckardstein, Arnold. 20, s.l. : European Heart Journal, 2017, Vol. 38.
[8] Austin. MA, et at, “Low-density lipoprotein subclass patterns and risk of MI”. JAMA 260, 1917, 1988
[9] Bupa. Coronary Heart Disease. Bupa. [Online] Bupa Health. [Cited: November 30, 2018.]
[10] Nall, Rachel. What are the different types of stroke? Healthline. [Online] Healthline, May 24, 2018. [Cited: November 2018, 2018.]
[11] Mayo Clinic. Mayo Peripheral artery disease (PAD). [Online] Mayo Clinic. [Cited: November 30, 2018.]
Randox Reagents Resource Hub
H-FABP for Acute Kidney Injury Testing Revealed by Randox
A new testing application for the biomarker Heart-Type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (H-FABP) has been announced by global diagnostics company Randox Laboratories.
Whilst H-FABP is most commonly recognized as an early biomarker of myocardial infarction, the assay’s clinical utility in cardiac surgery associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is notable. Studies have shown that patients who developed AKI following cardiac surgery had elevated levels of H-FABP both pre-and postoperatively compared to the patients who did not.
Susan Hammond, Randox Product Specialist, explained the new application for H-FABP;
“Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is a well-recognized postoperative complication of cardiac surgery and is the second most common cause of AKI in the intensive care unit (ICU) – occurring in up to 30% of patients.
“Several AKI studies exist focusing on the measurement of H-FABP levels before, during and after cardiac surgery, one of which found that the post-operative H-FABP levels in patients who experienced any AKI increased 8-fold. It was also noted that the levels of those with severe AKI increased 13-fold and that 10.8% of patients who died from subsequent AKI all had elevated pre-operative levels of H-FABP.
“The Randox H-FABP assay is therefore an independent marker of AKI following cardiac surgery, and can furthermore be used as a CSA-AKI risk assessment assay even in advance of the procedure.”
It has been identified that certain patient groups are more susceptible to CSA-AKI and vulnerability can depend on age, sex, pre-existing cardiac dysfunction, pre-existing chronic kidney disease (CKD), previous cardiac surgery or comorbidity.
Susan Hammond added;
“The ability to include biomarkers that aid in the risk assessment and treatment plan management of a patient is significant. Utilizing H-FABP alongside traditional biomarkers to assess CSI-AKI risk allows the clinician to gain stronger clinical insight in how to improve patient outcomes.”
Key Benefits of the Randox H-FABP assay
A niche product from Randox meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers to offer the H-FABP assay in an automated biochemistry format
CE marked for diagnostic use
Automated assay offering a more convenient and time efficient method for H-FABP measurements compared to traditional testing
Exceptional correlation of r=0.97 when compared against other commercially available methods
Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox H-FABP assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers
Liquid ready-to-use format for convenience and ease-of-use
Latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric method delivering high performance compared to traditional ELISA testing
Rapid results within fourteen minutes, depending on the analyser.
Wide measuring range of 0.747 – 120ng/ml for the early detection of clinically important results
Dedicated H-FABP controls and calibrator available offering a complete testing package
Total Bile Acids: The Value of Fifth Generation Tests
Bile acids are water-soluble, amphipathic end products of cholesterol metabolism and are involved in liver, biliary and intestinal diseases. They are formed in the liver and are absorbed in the small intestine before being excreted. The fundamental role of bile acids is to aid in the digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine.1
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a pregnancy-specific liver disorder. It can be indicated by pruritus, jaundice, elevated total bile acids and/or serum transaminases and usually affects women during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.2,3
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of pregnancy or Obstetric Cholestasis is a condition that restricts the flow of bile through the gallbladder resulting in a build-up of bile acids in the liver.3 Due to the build-up, bile acids leak into the bloodstream where they are detected at concerning levels. It is an extremely serious complication of pregnancy that can lead to the increased risk of premature birth or even stillbirth, as such it is vital that women with the disease are monitored carefully.
In healthy pregnancies, there is very little increase in total bile acid levels although a slight increase is likely to be seen in the third trimester. Measurement of total bile acids in serum is thought to be the most suitable method of diagnosing and monitoring ICP.6
According to several reports total bile acid levels in ICP can reach as high as 100 times the upper limit of a normal pregnancy. It has been reported that a doubling in maternal serum bile acids, results in a 200% increased risk of stillbirth with total bile acids thought to trigger the onset of preterm labour. Additionally, bile acids can affect the foetal cardiovascular system as it has been found that there are often cardiac rhythm disturbances in the foetus due to the elevated bile acids in circulation.5
Although it is a rare condition, with only 0.3-0.5% of women likely to develop ICP, it can have extreme risks and so it is important to properly diagnose and monitor the condition.6 ICP increases the risk of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid and is reported to be a sign of foetal distress. This complication is found in 16-58% of all ICP cases, worryingly 100% of cases have resulted in foetal death. The frequency of this condition is found to be greater in pregnancies with higher levels of serum total bile acids.
Risk factors
There are several risk factors associated with ICP such as a family history of ICP, use of oral contraceptives, assisted reproduction techniques and multiple gestation. Genetic influence accounts for approximately 15% of ICP cases. Dietary selenium is a contributing environmental factor as serum selenium levels often decrease throughout pregnancy. Further to this, incidences of ICP rise in the winter months, most likely due to the fact selenium levels are naturally less during these months.7,8
Total Bile Acids
In addition to ICP, bile acid levels are also measured in the diagnosis of other liver disorders. The bile acids test in an extremely sensitive indicator of liver function, capable of detecting changes in hepatic function before clinical symptoms arise, thus providing valuable information that standard liver function tests cannot. As a result of its high sensitivity, bile acids can be used to assess liver function in transplant patients, allowing monitoring of the transplant success and of antirejection therapy. The bile acids test is most beneficial when used in conjunction with standard liver function tests such as ALT and AST which are markers of liver damage rather than liver function.
Measurement of Total Bile Acids
The enzyme cycling method, also known as the Fifth Generation Bile Acids test, is a method that allows for signal amplification through cycled regeneration reactions as can be seen in Figure 1. In the presence of Thio-NAD, the enzyme 3-α hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3-α HSD) converts bile acids to 3-keto steroids and Thio-NADH. The reaction is reversible and 3-α HSD can convert 3-keto steroids and Thio-NADH to bile acids and Thio-NAD. In the presence of excess NADH, the enzyme cycling occurs efficiently and the rate of formation of Thio-NADH is determined by measuring specific change of absorbance at 405 nm and is proportional to the amount of total bile acids in the sample. The analysing capability of the fifth generation total bile acids assay is far beyond the performance of conventional bile acid tests.10,11

Figure 1: The assay principle⁹
Inadequacies of Traditional Bile Acids Assays
Determining the cause and extent of liver damage is important in guiding treatment decisions and preventing disease progression. Standard liver function tests include; ALT, AST, ALP, GGT and Bilirubin. The measurement of TBA is most beneficial in conjunction with these standard liver tests and offers unrivalled sensitivity allowing identification of early stage liver dysfunction. There are several commercial methods available for the detection and measurement of TBA in serum. Traditional TBA tests based on the enzymatic method use nitrotetrazolium blue (NBT) to form a formazan dye. The reaction is measured at 546nm and the intensity of the colour is proportional to the concentration of bile acids.
Newer methods such as the enzyme cycling method or fifth generation methods offer many advantages including greater sensitivity, liquid reagents, small sample volumes and reduced instrument contamination from formazan dye. Additionally, the fifth generation assay does not suffer from interference from lipaemic or haemolytic samples. Both lipemia and haemolysis are common in new-borns and pregnant women, so this further supports that the fifth generation test is more sensitive for these sample types.12
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[1] The continuing importance of bile acids in liver and intestinal disease. A.f., Hofmann. 1999, Arch Intern Med, pp. 2647-2658.
[2] Diagnostic and Therapeutic Profiles of Serum Bile Acids in Women with Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy – A Pseudo-Targeted Metabolomics Study. Cui, Yue. Xu, Biao. Zhang, Xiaoqing. He, Yifan. Shao, Yong. Ding, Min. s.l. : Clinica Chimica, 2018, Vol. 483.
[3] Randox Laboratories. Bile Acids Test for Obstetric Cholestasis – A serious complication of pregnancy. 2012.
[4] British Liver Trust (2019) Facts about Liver Disease, Available at: (Accessed: 18th June 2019).
[5] .Geenes, Victoria. Williamson, Catherine. 17, s.l. : World J Gastroenterol, 2009, Vol. 15.
[6] Howland, Genevieve. Cholestasis of Pregnancy: Why You Can’t Ditch the Itch. Mama Natural. [Online] December 22, 2018. [Cited: February 19, 2019.]
[7] Bile Acid Levels and Risk of Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy: A Meta-Analysis. Cui, Donghua, et al.
[8] Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy. Chivers, Sian. Williamson, Catherine. 7, 2018, Vol. 28.
[9] Masoud, N; Neill, S.H. Serum bile acids as a sensitive biological marker for evaluating hepatic effects of organic solvents. Available from URL: [Accessed 1 November 2018]
[10] Microassay of Serum Bile Acids by an Enzymatic Cycling Method. Komiyama, Y, et al. 10, s.l. : Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1982, Vol. 30.
[11] Evaluation of a Colorimetric Enzymatic Procedure for Determining the Total Bile Acids in the Blood. Agape, V, et al. 3, s.l. : Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica, 1989, Vol. 35.
[12] Total Bile Acids Test & Clinical Diagnosis. Diazyme. 2019.